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== Part in the Skaa Rebellion ==
Breeze was often used by Kelsier to obtain useful information, and to make lords more willing to inadvertently aid the crew. After the Rebellion when Elend was king, Breeze helped him write his speeches, as he was very skilled with persuasion, even without using his Soothing. He had a relationship with [[Allrianne Cett]] while he was in the service of Lord Cett, who was attempting to invade [[Luthadel]]. He tried to hide this because of the huge age difference between them, but everyone found out when she arrived begging for protection. It was later discovered that she was a [[bronze|Rioter]], and had been Rioting Breeze's emotions. {{book ref|mb3|part=ars}} Breeze often would Soothe members of the crew to make them more confident, although he did not want anybody to know about this because he would looselose his reputation for being uncaring.
== House Ladrian ==
