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The [[Returned]] have duties and votes on specific matters in the city and the empire.{{book ref|wb|16}} The task of the priesthood is generally to inform the gods of the people’s opinions.{{book ref|wb|16}} The Returned can then make informed decisions, which the priests enforce. In reality the priests handle most of the minor decisions, so that the Returned only vote on the major decisions.{{book ref|wb|50}} This method of government, waiting on debates that must be brought to the gods (who cannot leave the court to be among the people of the city) by the priests, operates much more slowly than Idris' monarchy.{{book ref|wb|1}}
There are specific laws about where begging is allowed and where it isn’t,{{book ref|wb|39}} these rules aren’t taught to beggars though.{{book ref|wb|39}} HettingGetting into a brawl in the city will get you locked up for a night,{{book ref|wb|prologue}} although hitting a priest means the death sentence.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} Anyone who wants to fish in the waters of T’Telir has to pay a fee.{{book ref|wb|53}}
=== City Guard ===
