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T’Telir is also the location of the entire [[Hallandren]] [[lifeless]] army.{{book ref|wb|4}} This army numbers forty thousand lifeless, fully equipped{{book ref|wb|47}} and ready to respond to any potential invasion. While this army is completely separate of the city guard, it can be called upon to defend the walls. The lifeless soldiers are described as wearing gold and blue,{{book ref|wb|4}} this might be the same as the living human guards, who’s uniforms are described as bright yellow and blue.{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
== Socioeconomic Divide ==
While the culture of T'Telir is mostly uniform, there are some notable differences between rich districts and poverty stricken slums.
=== Wealthier Districts ===
The flora of the wealthier districts is described as being incredibly diverse. Dozens of different palms, various ferns, grasses, and potted flowers (including the [[Tears of Edgli]]) can be found on a single garden plot. The buildings appear more rich. Slate sidewalks are constructed for pedestrians to make way for carriages, which are common in wealthier districts. Shopping districts do not contain merchants raising tents to shade themselves as they sell wares. Instead, there are many high quality, colorful shops with more expensive goods. While performers are present in these commercial areas, there are fewer than in the average shopping district.{{book ref|wb|25}}
=== Slums ===
|Vivenna found the slums of T’Telir to be very interesting... like a carnival that had been hit by a mudslide.
|[[Vivenna|Vivenna's]] thoughts about the slums as she is escorted to a safehouse{{book ref|wb|22}}
The one of the slums of T'Telir, which can be found 15 minutes from [[Grable|Grable's]] restaurant, is decorated with faded and stained color. Bright strips of cloth can be found hanging from windows, stretched across overhangs, and sitting in puddles on the street. The D’Denir statues that decorate much of T'Telir are in some state of disrepair in the slums, one of which is a "broken statue of a horse man."{{book ref|wb|22}}
=== Politics ===
