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The one of the slums of T'Telir, which can be found 15 minutes from [[Grable|Grable's]] restaurant, is decorated with faded and stained color. Bright strips of cloth can be found hanging from windows, stretched across overhangs, and sitting in puddles on the street. The D’Denir statues that decorate much of T'Telir are in some state of disrepair in the slums, one of which is a "broken statue of a horse man."{{book ref|wb|22}}
=== Politics ===
|This isn’t about money. It’s about fear. People in the court talk about what '''might''' happen if the Idrians cut off the passes or what '''may''' happen if the Idrians let enemies slip through and besiege T’Telir.
The King and the rest of the Returned are revered as gods, and those of people who are in trouble, are sick or lame, or need help of some sort, can go to them during their daily time to receive Petitions.{{book ref|wb|12}} The poorer people are also entered into a lottery where they can come to Court Assemblies and view the gods while they make their decisions.{{book ref|wb|13}} However, at the time of the Pahn Kahl rebellion, people are beginning to doubt their gods more and more, seeing them as less divine, weaker, and less wise.{{book ref|wb|16}} Though the general opinion in the city before Siri's arrival expected [[Idris]] to back out on the treaty with Susebron, there are still some in the court pushing very vocally for a war with Idris, which they consider little better than a rebel enclave within Hallandren's borders.{{book ref|wb|5}}{{book ref|wb|8}}
== History ==
{{image|City of the Returned by Bryan Mark Taylor.jpg|side=right|width=300px}}
=== Settling and Expansion ===
The [[Pahn Kahl]] were the original inhabitants of the Hallandren lowlands,{{book ref|wb|32}} and of the bay where T'Telir was later built.{{book ref|wb|32}} They lived in scattered fishing villages in the valley's jungles.{{book ref|wb|32}} At some point, the people of [[Chedesh]] discovered the lowlands{{book ref|wb|32}} and multiple ships were sent to investigate.{{book ref|wb|32}} On one of these ships, in the bay of T’Telir, a man named [[Vo]] died,{{book ref|wb|32}} and later [[Returned]].{{book ref|wb|32}} After Vo died again his crewmates decided to found a kingdom,{{book ref|wb|32}} crowning his wife as Queen of [[Hanald]].{{book ref|wb|32}} The place where they set foot on land would later become T’Telir.{{book ref|wb|32}}
The [[Court of Gods#God king’s palace|God King]]'s palace was the first building constructed in the city of T'Telir.{{book ref|wb|51}} It served as an outpost overlooking the bay and was built by the crew mates of [[Vo]], the first Returned, three hundred years before the events of the Manywar.{{book ref|wb|32}} It would later become the residence of the Royal family of [[Hanald]],{{book ref|wb|51}} making T’Telir the capital.
As [[Hanald]] expanded and its economy grew T’Telir grew as well, both in population and in wealth. The increase in wealth happened because of a number of reasons. T’Telir is located in a bay, protecting it from storms and making it a prime port. Another reason for T’Telir’s wealth was, and still is, the farming of many products native to the Hallandren lowlands, this includes the [[Tears of Edgli]] which only grow in Hallandren due to the present investiture from [[Endowment]]s [[perpendicularity]]. This monopoly on the dye trade was a major factor for the [[Manywar]], as other kingdoms wished to take control.
=== The Manywar ===
T’Telir was home to the Royal family of Hanald, the descendants of Vo. After a [[Returned]] had a vision of war Kalad raised up a large army, and together with the Royal family’s own [[lifeless]] and awakeners he seized control of [[Hanald]], ending three hundred years of reign. At least some of the Royal family were kept alive though, and they were stuck in T’Telir. Near the climax of the [[Manywar]] the remaining members of the Royal family fled T’Telir and headed north, establishing the kingdom of Idris.
After the end of the [[Manywar]] [[Kalad]], then known as [[Peacegiver]] commanded his [[Kalad's Phantoms|Phantoms]] to enter T’Telir, and stay put like statues, calling it a gift for the city.{{book ref|wb|58}} Eventually the people of T’Telir forgot that they were [[lifeless]]. Modern day Hallandren lore holds that Peacegiver "commissioned" a large number of these statues known as the D'Denir Celabrin,{{book ref|wb|9}} ostensibly as memorials{{book ref|wb|28}} and reminders not to go to war.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} The [[Returned]] continue to build more statues each year throughout the city to honor Peacegiver's tradition, although these are not Phantoms.{{book ref|wb|9}}
=== The Plague ===
|You mean to tell me that our God King—the most holy and divine personage in our pantheon—died to cure a few tummy aches?
|[[Lightsong]]{{book ref|wb|27}}
Two hundred and fifty years later, a plague of distrentia struck T'Telir. The disease was especially deadly among the elderly and the young, and the nature of it meant that it spread other diseases as well. This caused the city's commerce to slow drastically, meaning that outlying villages went months without necessary supplies. In the end, Susebron the Fourth gave his Breath to cure the plague and [[Susebron]] the Fifth began his rule.{{book ref|wb|27}}
=== The Pahn Kahl Rebellion ===
{{for|Pahn Kahl rebellion}}
Thirty years into Susebron the Fifth's reign, he signed a treaty with King [[Dedelin]] of [[Idris]] that promised peace in exchange for his marriage to Dedelin's daughter.{{book ref|wb|1}} At the time when the treaty was fulfilled twenty years later, T'Telir was the site of the Pahn Kahl rebellion. First, a Pahn Kahl named [[Vahr]], a worker in the dye fields, made an attempt at stirring up his people.{{book ref|wb|19}} He worked to that end for over a decade but was ultimately captured and imprisoned due to [[Bluefingers]]' information leaks and killed by [[Vasher]].{{wob ref|6020}} Bluefingers himself planned an extensive subversive campaign centered around starting a war between Hallandren and Idris: he brought mercenaries and Pahn Kahl [[Awakening|Awakeners]] into the tunnel system below the court,{{wob ref|7298}} manipulated [[Siri]] into distrusting the Hallandren priests,{{wob ref|6983}} and hired [[Denth's crew]] to increase tensions in the city.{{wob ref|6723}} When his plans were nearing completion, he tortured [[Blushweaver]] and [[Lightsong]] in order to get the Command phrases for Hallandren's Lifeless army, changed the Command phrase, and sent the army towards Idris.{{book ref|wb|55}} The attempted rebellion was defeated when Susebron, with his newly healed tongue, used [[Peacegiver's Treasure]] to storm his palace with an army of Awakened cloths. Vasher decided to give him the Command phrase to Kalad's Phantoms, which he then sent after the Lifeless army.{{book ref|wb|ep}}
== Notable Residents ==
