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|Wax{{book ref|mb4|15}}
[[File:{{image|Waxillium Ladrian by Korina Hunjak.jpg|thumb|side=left|width=200px|<center><small>by {{a|Korina Hunjak}}</small></center>]]
Wax is tall{{book ref|mb6|21}} with an intense face and eyes that are sometimes described to be as cold as icicles.{{book ref|mb6|21}} Though the twenty years he spent living in the Roughs have taken their toll on his appearance{{book ref|mb6|21}}, leaving his hands calloused{{book ref|mb6|31}} and his dark hair streaked with gray, he still maintains the lean, muscular body of his youth.{{book ref|mb4|13}} Accustomed to regularly sitting for a shave {{book ref|mb6|1}}, Wax still believes he could use a nice scar on his face, in good Roughs fashion.{{book ref|mb4|13}}
Wax also has a habitual routine of warily checking for possible attacks or any form of danger. This is seen through his constant tendency to take the safest seat in a room, or scan an area for the most defensible location.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Metallic Arts ===
Waxillium is a Crasher; a [[steel|Coinshot]] and [[iron|Skimmer]] Twinborn.{{book ref|mb4|1}} The combination of these abilities makes Waxillium a particularly dangerous individual since the strength of a Steelpush is largely dependent on the mass of the Allomancer.
==== Allomancy ====
Waxillium is an extremely skilled Coinshot.{{book ref|mba1|1}} Perhaps the biggest mark of his mastery is his ability to regulate the strength of his Steelpushes. Generally, Allomancers find it too hard to maintain a fine control over their Steelpushes, so instead most opt to regulate the length of the time of them. Levitating without bobbing up and down, for example, requires extreme discipline that few Allomancers can achieve; most use short bursts of Steelpushes, fall down, then Push again.{{book ref|mb2|17}} Waxillium is able to apply enough pressure on a small metal rod to make it stick to the side of a table without moving the table itself with ease.{{book ref|mba1|5}}
Wax also uses his ability to form a defensive bubble around himself that doesn't affect his own metal items but Pushes bullets coming at him off course slightly; to enhance the velocity of his bullets, Pushing them after being shot to force them through an opponents cover;{{book ref|mba1|prologue}} and to travel in the air, in combination with his Skimmer ability to regulate his mass.{{book ref|mba1|1}} Wax doesn't appear to use the most obvious ability of a Coinshot very often, as he had to be reminded that he could launch a bullet without a gun,{{book ref|mba1|19}} although he always uses steel for his third vest button as an extra metal reserve or to use as a weapon in emergencies.{{book ref|mba1|9}}
==== Feruchemy ====
As a Skimmer, using iron metalminds, Wax can store his weight at the cost of being lighter than normal, and tap the storage to become heavier. Wax constantly stores his weight to make him about three-quarters of his normal weight, making him lighter on his feet. He also uses this ability to navigate vertically in combination with [[Steel#Allomantic Use|steelpushing]] and a shotgun. Wax doesn't tap into his weight very often, preferring to store it to be lighter, as a result, the sheer amount of weight he can tap in to allows him to quite easily fall straight through a floor with no effort. He uses this power to his advantage many times.
==== Hemalurgy ====
Waxillium has an earring with a slight [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] charge. It is unknown what type of charge it is. The earring is a feature of [[Pathism]], adherents to the religion often wear metal earrings while praying. This enables [[Harmony]] to communicate directly with him.{{book ref|mba1|3}} It was given to him by the [[kandra]] [[MeLaan]].{{wob ref|10004}}
=== Law Enforcement ===
Wax spent twenty years as a lawman in the [[Roughs]]. His exploits are a matter of public record, kept at the university in Elendel where they are studied by students of law and criminology.{{book ref|mb4|4}}
; Notable Cases
|Reports trickle in. From the Roughs. Most of them get written up by someone. You can find them at the university or at the right bookshop.
|Marasi on Wax's notable cases{{book ref|mb4|4}}
* [[Pars the Deadman]], a butcher turned murderer. Wax needed Miles Hundredlives to bring him in.
* [[Bloody Tan]], an unhinged mortician who created grisly scenes with his victims bodies.
* [[Miles Dagouter]], a lawman gone criminal. Leader of the Vanishers.
* [[Paalm]], an insane kandra.
* [[Edwarn Ladrian]], Wax's long lost uncle and member of the Set.
=== Other Skills ===
Wax is a talented marksman, preferring to use two guns at once. Miles Hundredlives stated that Wax was the finest marksman he had ever seen, and had seen him make shots that he would have thought impossible. He has been shown to shoot a bullet that was put off course by the speed bubble of a [[bendalloy|Slider]], scoring a lethal shot as a result.{{book ref|mb4|19}} However, due to a traumatic misfire that resulted in the death of a loved one, [[Lessie]], Wax tends to act nervously when faced with hostage situations.
Wax also practices basic metallurgy as a hobby, and he is shown to be a talented investigator.
== History ==
=== The Village ===
At the age of 15, Wax spent a year living in the [[Village]], with the option to stay if he wished. During his last months in the Village, he encountered [[Forch]], a [[Twinborn]] Terris boy who committed arson. Wax investigated the crime and brought his evidence to the attention of the constables, but this was ultimately disregarded by his grandmother who insisted that the Terris people manage themselves and their criminals. Wax unintentionally spotted Forch later that night and believed he was going to commit arson again. Investigating further, Wax unknowingly stumbled upon Forch attempting to dissect a living boy he had kidnapped. Despite being heavily outmatched by another Twinborn, Wax ultimately killed Forch in self defense during a Steelpushing battle, rescuing the child from him.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} This is when Wax decidesdecided to leave the Village and strike out on his own.
[[File:{{image|Wax by Linnéa Sandberg.png|thumb|side=right|width=200px|<center><small>by {{a|Linnéa Sandberg}}</small></center>]]
=== The Roughs ===
Due to his invaluable contributions toward the resolution of the Vanishers case, Wax was granted a citywide deputized forbearance by the [[Elendel#Government|Elendel Senate]] as well as certain allowances to practice his Roughs-style justice in the city.{{book ref|mb4|20}}
[[File:{{image|TheChocolateArmor_WaxPicture.png|thumb|side=left|width=250px|<center><small>by {{a|Zenna Grover}}</small></center> Wax and the Mists]]}}
====Tormented by the Past====
Seeking more information on Bleeder, Wax entered the museum in the [[Field of Rebirth]]. Locating the secret path through the historical [[atium]] mines, Wax entered the cavern leading to the Homeland, and encountered [[TenSoon]], legendary wolfhound of the [[Ascendant Warrior]]. TenSoon told Wax much of Bleeder's history and showed him a torn up and desecrated copy of the [[Words of Founding]]--the product of one of her last acts before leaving the Homeland and evidence of her descent into madness.{{book ref|mb5|20}} Wax and TenSoon found themselves chased from the Homeland by the sudden appearance of [[Hemalurgic chimera]]s--deformed humans under Bleeder's control--but not before Wax came to realize the full scope of her plan. She didn't want to simply kill the governor; she wanted to incite a city-wide riot.{{book ref|mb5|21}} Wax immediately returned to Innate's mansion, intent on saving his life once and for all. After entering the governor's study, Wax noticed a carefully placed gumball, which he recognized to be a sign of trouble, left for him by Wayne. Immediately realizing the truth--that Bleeder had been secretly impersonating the governor the entire time--Wax pulled out his gun. Bleeder opened fire first, killing Innate's guards as she escaped out the window.{{book ref|mb5|22}}
[[File:{{image|The Lawman and the Kandra by Ingvild Schage.jpg|thumb|side=right|width=200px|<center><small>byWax {{a|Ingvildand SchageLessie}}</small></center> ''The Lawman and the Kandra'']]
====Confronting a Memory====
Wax finally returned to Elendel, where he gave over the spearhead into the hands of the kandra. No longer willing to put it off, and ready to move on with his life, Wax convinced Steris to marry him in a quiet ceremony, highlighted by their newly blossomed love for each other.{{book ref|mb6|31}} On their honeymoon, Wax was suddenly awakened by the sound of an explosion in the distance. Wandering their suite, Wax found himself absently handling the dual metal coin that the beggar had given him, before the party in New Seran. Looking closely at the coin for what seemed like the first time, Wax hesitantly tested tapping it like a metalmind, which sprang to life a copper-stored memory, seemingly belonging to the mysterious [[Sovereign]].{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Metallic Arts ===
Waxillium is a Crasher; a [[steel|Coinshot]] and [[iron|Skimmer]] Twinborn.{{book ref|mb4|1}} The combination of these abilities makes Waxillium a particularly dangerous individual since the strength of a Steelpush is largely dependent on the mass of the Allomancer.
==== Allomancy ====
Waxillium is an extremely skilled Coinshot.{{book ref|mba1|1}} Perhaps the biggest mark of his mastery is his ability to regulate the strength of his Steelpushes. Generally, Allomancers find it too hard to maintain a fine control over their Steelpushes, so instead most opt to regulate the length of the time of them. Levitating without bobbing up and down, for example, requires extreme discipline that few Allomancers can achieve; most use short bursts of Steelpushes, fall down, then Push again.{{book ref|mb2|17}} Waxillium is able to apply enough pressure on a small metal rod to make it stick to the side of a table without moving the table itself with ease.{{book ref|mba1|5}}
Wax also uses his ability to form a defensive bubble around himself that doesn't affect his own metal items but Pushes bullets coming at him off course slightly; to enhance the velocity of his bullets, Pushing them after being shot to force them through an opponents cover;{{book ref|mba1|prologue}} and to travel in the air, in combination with his Skimmer ability to regulate his mass.{{book ref|mba1|1}} Wax doesn't appear to use the most obvious ability of a Coinshot very often, as he had to be reminded that he could launch a bullet without a gun,{{book ref|mba1|19}} although he always uses steel for his third vest button as an extra metal reserve or to use as a weapon in emergencies.{{book ref|mba1|9}}
==== Feruchemy ====
As a Skimmer, using iron metalminds, Wax can store his weight at the cost of being lighter than normal, and tap the storage to become heavier. Wax constantly stores his weight to make him about three-quarters of his normal weight, making him lighter on his feet. He also uses this ability to navigate vertically in combination with [[Steel#Allomantic Use|steelpushing]] and a shotgun. Wax doesn't tap into his weight very often, preferring to store it to be lighter, as a result, the sheer amount of weight he can tap in to allows him to quite easily fall straight through a floor with no effort. He uses this power to his advantage many times.
==== Hemalurgy ====
Waxillium has an earring with a slight [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] charge. It is unknown what type of charge it is. The earring is a feature of [[Pathism]], adherents to the religion often wear metal earrings while praying. This enables [[Harmony]] to communicate directly with him.{{book ref|mba1|3}} It was given to him by the [[kandra]] [[MeLaan]].{{wob ref|10004}}
=== Law Enforcement ===
Wax spent twenty years as a lawman in the [[Roughs]]. His exploits are a matter of public record, kept at the university in Elendel where they are studied by students of law and criminology.{{book ref|mb4|4}}
; Notable Cases
|Reports trickle in. From the Roughs. Most of them get written up by someone. You can find them at the university or at the right bookshop.
|Marasi on Wax's notable cases{{book ref|mb4|4}}
* [[Pars the Deadman]], a butcher turned murderer. Wax needed Miles Hundredlives to bring him in.
* [[Bloody Tan]], an unhinged mortician who created grisly scenes with his victims bodies.
* [[Miles Dagouter]], a lawman gone criminal. Leader of the Vanishers.
* [[Paalm]], an insane kandra.
* [[Edwarn Ladrian]], Wax's long lost uncle and member of the Set.
=== Other Skills ===
Wax is a talented marksman, preferring to use two guns at once. Miles Hundredlives stated that Wax was the finest marksman he had ever seen, and had seen him make shots that he would have thought impossible. He has been shown to shoot a bullet that was put off course by the speed bubble of a [[bendalloy|Slider]], scoring a lethal shot as a result.{{book ref|mb4|19}} However, due to a traumatic misfire that resulted in the death of a loved one, [[Lessie]], Wax tends to act nervously when faced with hostage situations.
Wax also practices basic metallurgy as a hobby, and he is shown to be a talented investigator.
== Relationships ==
[[File:{{image|Wax and Wayne by GisAlmeida.jpg|thumb|side=right|width=200px|<center><small>by {{a|GisAlmeida}}</small></center> Wax andwith Wayne]]}}
Wax was romantically involved with a female lawkeeper named [[Lessie]] out in the Roughs, but she was shot after being held hostage by the infamous criminal [[Bloody Tan]].
| Whiskey is bad for you, Lord Waxillium. A wife '''must''' look out for her husband's health.
| Steris{{book ref|mb6|7}}
Autopatrolled, Editors
