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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Bridge Four''' is the name of a group headed by [[Kaladin Stormblessed]], an Alethi [[Knight Radiant]] of the [[Order of Windrunners]]. The group was originally one of the [[bridge crew]]s of the Sadeas warcamp in the [[Shattered Plains]], hence the name, but its function has evolved over time, becoming both [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s honor guard as well as a military unit within a battalion of the Kholin army, then later becoming a group largely consisting of Kaladin's [[squire]]s and [[Knights Radiant]] loyal to him. Despite such drastic changes, the members still refer to themselves by their original bridge crew name, and have even kept their old bridge with them.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
Their insignia, designed by Kaladin, is made up of the glyph ''vev'' (meaning the number four) suspended above the glyph ''gesheh'' (meaning bridge), stylized as a bridge spanning a chasm.{{wob ref|6461}}
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== History ==
{{image|Bridge 4 poster without text.jpg|side=right|width=200px}}
Kaladin, still unaware of his latent powers as a [[Windrunner]], managed to survive the bridge runs even after several weeks, and eventually decided to protect other members of Bridge Four and become their bridgeleader.{{book ref|sa1|11}} Using both his medical and military knowledge, he quickly turned the crew around. His efforts in building morale and instilling discipline led to better organization.{{book ref|sa1|27}} He found ways to treat wounded crew members, saving many lives.{{book ref|sa1|17}} Soon enough Bridge Four was having the fewest casualties among the bridge crews. However due to Kaladin's selfish tactics in one particular battle, every other bridge crew suffered heavy casualties and the battle was lost due to Kaladin instructing his bridgemen to use their bridge as a shield. The other bridges were shot at more by the Parshendi. Kaladin's bridge was one of the only ones that made it to the chasm. Kaladin was punished but Bridge Four remained by his side even upon his near death. {{book ref|sa1|30}}
=== Escape Plan and Freedom ===
For this, Dalinar gave Sadeas [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], his [[Shardblade]], in exchange of the freedom of every single bridgeman in Sadeas' warcamp.{{book ref|sa1|69}} Afterwards, the members of Bridge Four became Dalinar's new honor guard, and Kaladin was appointed captain in charge of both the honor guard and a new battalion consisting of the former bridgemen.{{book ref|sa1|73}}
{{image|Bridge_4_Shuravf.jpeg|side=left|width=250px|Bridge Four}}
=== Battalion Officers ===
As captain, Kaladin assigned several Bridge Four members to become officers of the new battalion:
From then on Bridge Four focused more on training their Surgebinding abilities, recruiting potential squires, and performing more crucial assignments for Dalinar. Their abilities disappeared whenever Kaladin was too far away, so Dalinar gave them the Windrunner [[Honorblade]] to use for training in such cases.{{book ref|sa3|64}}
At some point, [[Teft]] and [[Lopen]] bonded Honorsprenhonorspren to become Knights Radiant.{{book ref|sa3|121}} Other Bridge Four members may have already done the same.
Teft, who reached the Third Ideal as well, received squires of his own from another bridge crew, namely Bridge Thirteen.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
{{image|Bridge4 Tattoos.svg|Bridge Four Tattoos|side=left|width=250px}}
Surviving members who've been in Bridge Four since the bridge crew days have [[glyph]]s for "Freedom" and "Bridge Four" tattooed on their person. The "Freedom" glyph is usually a mark of a freed slave.
{{image|Bridge 4 Glyph.svg|The portion of the glyph meaning "Bridge Four"|side=right|width=250px}}
In Alethi society, slaves are often branded with a mark of slavery on their forehead to make their status apparent to anyone who sees them. A freed slave is given a writ of freedom, but he could also cover his slave brand with a tattoo indicating details of his freedom in order to lessen potential misunderstandings.
Shortly after moving to Dalinar's warcamp, Kaladin hires a tattooist to give a Freedom tattoo to those Bridge Four members who'd been slaves. The first one to get it, [[Hobber]], insists on having glyphs for "Bridge Four" added to the tattoo as well, as a statement of loyalty and gratitude towards Bridge Four. The rest of the former slaves copy him. As a gesture of solidarity, even those who didn't have the slave brand request for the same tattoo as well, although [[Moash]] opts to have the tattoo placed on his left shoulder instead of his forehead.{{book ref|sa2|2}}{{book ref|sa3|45}}
Somehow the ink keeps on melting away from Kaladin's forehead when it is his turn to be tattooed. ThisIt is whybelieved Kaladin,that whosethis ownis slavebecause brandof hasthe notSpiritual beenAspect healedof evenIdentity. afterBecause usingKaladin [[Stormlight]]perceives forthe soscars long,to doesbe notpart haveof thehis tattoos.identity Thethe reasonInvestiture forfrom thisthe isStormlight notreverses completelythe certainchange. After speaking the fourthFourth idealIdeal, Kaladin's father notices that his scars are falling off as scabs, leaving clean smooth skin behind.
== Notable Members ==
{{image|Bridge 4Four Shuravfby Marie Seeberger.jpegjpg|side=right|width=400px300px}}
{{for|:Category:Bridge Four|a full list of members|Category:Bridge Four}}
* [[Kaladin]] (captain)
* [[Lunamor]] (lieutenant; a.k.a Rock)
* [[Moash]] (lieutenant; former—traitor)
* [[Teft]] (lieutenant—deceased)
* [[Skar]] (lieutenant)
* [[Sigzil]] (lieutenant)
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Rlain]] (a.k.a. Shen)
* [[Lyn]] (post-Sadeas)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (post-Sadeas)
* [[Rlain]] (a.k.a. Shen)
[[category: Sadeas army]]
[[Category: Bridge Four| ]]
[[es:Puente Cuatro]]