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=== Chapter 11 ===
Wax leaps out into the Mists[[Mist]]s. Once on the ground, he hears a car start up and speed away. He decides to chase it, hoping it's Bleeder. He lands on it and crushes it with enhanced weight, but only finds a cab driver trapped inside. Bleeder had already jumped out of the car on Tage Street. He goes there and searches but finds nothing. Suddenly, the door to a warehouse opens up revealing a dozen men, guns blazing. Wax's steel bubble protects him from all bullets but one, which gets him in the arm. He desperately retreats and is pinned down by gunfire. He sees more guys on his flank; he shoots a couple of them, and a couple of them are attacked by someone else: [[MeLaan]] (Milan). She was sent by Harmony to help Wax. Wax figures his uncle is behind this because of all the [[aluminum]] bullets, and he fears that Bleeder and the Set may be working together. They split up to attack two different groups. Wax kills several with his guns. Then, when he's out of ammo, he uses Ranette's hook device to kill the rest with some help from MeLaan. He sends MeLaan to a tavern while he goes to check on Lord Harms (due to Bleeder's threat about Wax's "father"). He Pushes past the remaining snipers and into the canal, then Pushes on the mooring rings to quickly swim away from danger.
=== Chapter 12 ===
Wax stows Harms on the top of a tower chosen randomly, figuring that a random location is the best approach to outsmarting Bleeder. He goes searching for the governor. He figures that he'll be back at his mansion, so he waits there. When he sees his carriage, he lands on top of it and asks Drim to let him in. Innate doesn't want to deal with him, so Wax threatens to just leave him alone without help. He tells them that a kandra is after the governor, but they are incredulous and want to see proof. They agree to let Wax help protect the governor. Wax suggests that he leave the city, but he refuses. They exchange passphrases. There is commotion outside the mansion, and a servant reports that [[Father Bin]] has been murdered.
Marasi looks up at Father Bin's corpse, nailed to the wall by two spikes, one in each eye. The conventicalists (workers at the church) are not talking, so Aradel has Marasi interrogate them instead of Reddi. She empathizes with them and gets them to reveal what happened. A Pathian priest named [[LongspurLarskpur]] had started preaching to the congregation, gathered for the mistdawn, then lowered a drape revealing Father Bin nailed to the wall. Marasi reports to Aradel and he orders Reddi to get tea for the witnesses. Marasi complains that he's making him hate her, and Aradel says he's doing it because Reddi is worthless unless he's competing with someone. Marasi suggests that the murders and the unrest in the city are all related -- all the work of Bleeder trying to make the city fall. Even the flood, causing the food shortage, might be attributable to sabotage. She also tells Aradel of her secret file on Governor Innate. Wax shows up and demands to see the body himself. Aradel resents Wax because he can do whatever he wants, and he has to clean up his messes. Wax doesn't think the spikes are hemalurgic but asks for a sample anyway. He invites Marasi to his meeting with MeLaan so they can figure out Bleeder's abilities and motives.
=== Chapter 13 ===
=== Chapter 20 ===
Wax very nearly panics and fires his gun down the corridor, using the flashes to try to see who spoke. The voice tells him to turn on the lights and lock the hidden door, and he sees a [[TenSoon|wolfhound]] which he guesses is a kandra. TenSoon explains that other kandra are out trying to counteract Paalm to calm the city down. They pass through many caverns and tunnels, including the remnants of [[Kredik Shaw]]. TenSoon explains that the kandra don't come back to the Homeland often, preferring to live in the world, interacting with their own kind. He leads Wax to a certain room where Paalm has discarded an old copy of [[The [[Words of Founding]], pages ripped out and random words and curses written in blood on them. As Wax sorts the pages, trying to discern a message, he learns about Vin from TenSoon. Wax perceives that the book is just a distraction. He explains to TenSoon that Paalm may be insane, but her methods are not. She somehow wants to free people of Harmony and destroy him. He realizes that she has anticipated how the other kandra would help, and her next step is to bring them down.
Wayne listens to someone whip up a mob, railing against the abuse at the hands of the aristocracy. He agrees with their sentiment and shouts along with them. A Survivorist priest then speaks, telling the crowd that the Survivor would not encourage them to loot and destroy. The crowd starts to calm down, but Wayne sees the first guy sneak up behind the priest with a syringe. He injects it into him, revealing that he is a kandra in disguise. Someone in the crowd recognizes Wayne as the conner from the Roughs, and they all turn to look at him.
=== Chapter 21 ===
TenSoon has told Harmony to call off the other kandra, but it may be too late. They are running for the exit when they suddenly hear a strange howl that neither of them recognizes. They run the other direction, and Wax struggles to keep up. He finally finds a corridor that he can Push down, and he glimpses human-like forms running on all fours. TenSoon figures they are some kind of Hemalurgic construct that Paalm came up with. TenSoon has led them to his collection of bones, and he quickly transforms into a superhuman form. They hunker down and fight, killing all five of the creatures. They are built to defeat Wax, but he kills them anyway by shooting them up close and using his extra weight to crush them. TenSoon fishes out a spike from one of them that has a red cast to it. He leads Wax to another way out.
Wayne manages to switch into a quick disguise and lead the mob away from him. He heads back to the mansion and hears someone speaking. The accent is off, so he realizes who Bleeder is impersonating.
TenSoon shows Wax a crevice that leads out to the city. Wax uses some extra weight to widen the opening. They start to crawl up, hearing more howling creatures coming their way. Wax drops his lantern and panics, then realizes that there is glowing fungus here too. Harmony didn't want anyone to experience darkness here again. Wax realizes that he is in the [[Pits of Hathsin]]. TenSoon encourages him up, and they emerge in the sewer. Wax figures Bleeder hasn't killed the governor yet because she wants to do it in front of the people to incite a complete riot.
== Part 3 ==
=== Chapter 22 ===
Wax arrives at the mansion and tells Marasi to go check on Steris. He goes up to the governor's study, where a guard informs him that no one is allowed in. Wax blasts the door open with Allomancy and finds the governor going over his speech. Wax scolds the governor for locking out the guards, but he argues that no one can really stop Bleeder anyway. Wax goes over to the window to think and notices a wad of gum. He figures out that Bleeder is impersonating Innate himself and spins around with gun drawn. Bleeder draws an aluminum gun, but doesn't kill Wax. He wonders why she is reluctant to do so. Wax yells for help. The guards rush in and attack Wax -- since they are tasked with protecting the governor after all -- and Bleeder guns them all down. Meanwhile, Wax throws himself closer to the desk, getting out the last syringe. He yells at MeLaan, and she grabs Bleeder, but she's too strong and fast for them. She uses the syringe on MeLaan and Wax fruitlessly shoots her. She hears footsteps and escapes out the window. Wax looks for Wayne and finds him tied up in a closet. Wayne gives Wax the special bullet from Ranette, and he goes off to chase her.
=== Chapter 23 ===
Wax flies out into the night and sees the crowd dispersing in the mansion's garden. He enters a dark shed and finds signs that Bleeder is changing into a new body. She whispers to him in the dark, promising to "free" him from Harmony. He still has Wax to serve as his hands. She blasts out a wall and Pushes into the air. She's out of speed, but now she's now a coinshot.
Wayne, Marasi, and MeLaan are in the shed, looking at the governor's bones. Marasi convinces MeLaan to impersonate the governor and give a sympathetic speech, rather than the inflammatory one Bleeder was planning.
=== Chapter 24 ===
Wax pursues Paalm through the city. Wax concludes that she wasn't Marksman after all, even though she is wearing his mask. While she's good at steelpushing, Wax is better, and he eventually catches up with her on the Eastbridge. Wax tries to convince her to give up, but she Pushes up to a suspension tower and removes her mask. She looks like Lessie.
Marasi doesn't tell anyone that the governor is dead. MeLaan starts speaking and just about everyone calms down. She feels calm too, and realizes someone is [[brass|Soothing]] the crowd. She worries that the Set is involved and that there is a [[zinc|Rioter]] waiting for the right moment in the speech to whip up the crowd again. She finds Reddi and convinces him that someone is Soothing the crowd. She spies a carriage parked nearby in an alleyway.
=== Chapter 25 ===
Bleeder talks in Lessie's voice. Wax can't believe he has to shoot her again and tries to remember that it's not really her. She says she regrets what she's doing, but it takes strong emotions to break free of Harmony. Wax marvels at how good she is acting as Lessie. Bleeder hints that she really ''is'' Lessie. Wax pleads for help, but he doesn't have his earring in.
Marasi and Reddi approach the carriage with aluminum-lined helmets. Reddi takes his off and can tell the Soothing is coming from the carriage. They will fight hand-to-hand to protect the nearby crowd from stray bullets. As the constables approach the carriage, a group of men enter the alley from a building. Reddi engages with his dueling cane, and the two groups start fighting.
Bleeder walks toward Wax and professes her love to him. She will have to do something about Wax to get him out of the way. She likes Wayne but decides that he must die because he is of Harmony. Wax lifts Vindication, but it's Pushed out of his hands. He tackles her and they both fall from the tower, Bleeder shooting him in the leg as they fall. He manages to Push enough to fall safely, and he looks around for the gun. He sees the orange glow of fires in the city.
Reddi's men are outnumbered and losing, and MeLaan's speech isn't going very well. She manages to sneak up to the carriage, where she finds two guards. She puts up a few speed bubbles for fractions of a second, making it look like there are metalborn among the fighters. They run to warn their guys, clearing the way for Marasi to enter the carriage. She finds the Soother and Rioter in there, and she pulls a gun on them.
Bleeder is crying, begging Wax to stop obeying Harmony. Wax finds his gun and spins it to the special bullet. He shoots her in the head. She is at first unconcerned, but then she realizes that Harmony is controlling her again. The special bullet was Wax's earring, providing a second spike.
=== Chapter 26 ===
Marasi drags the Soother toward the crowd. MeLaan is doing well at impersonating Innate, which means that she's doing a poor job of quelling the riotous crowd. She throws up her hands and gives up, then Aradel goes up to her and points a gun at her. Marasi makes an impromptu immunity deal with the Soother, and she Soothes for all she's worth, quieting the crowd. Aradel arrests Innate and claims control over the city due to martial law. He channels the crowd's rage by promising to arrest a bunch of corrupt nobles.
Wax limps over to Bleeder to make sure she's neutralized. She starts convulsing and thrashing about and tells Wax that she's killing herself. He takes pity on her and holds her as she dies. She repeats something that only Lessie would know, and Wax finally realizes that Bleeder ''is'' Lessie. After she dies, he howls, driving back the Mists. An hour later, TenSoon comes and explains that Lessie was sent by Harmony to be his bodyguard. He didn't tell Wax because he foresaw disaster if Wax knew who he was hunting. Wax hates Harmony for forcing him to kill Lessie again.
== Epilogue ==
Wax sits by the fire in a deep depression while others celebrate. The city is saved and has a new governor with no noble blood. Steris protects him from having to interact with the others and is thoughtful enough to provide a traditional lamp instead of electric lights. Wayne tries to cheer him up, but he won't be consoled. Wayne sees the girl who slapped him at the party and offers her some venture capital for developing uses for electricity. As the guests leave, Marasi shows him a metal spike with red spots recovered from Paalm's body. They can't figure out what kind of metal it is. Wax doesn't care. He is consumed with hatred and anger towards Harmony.
Marasi is back at the station. Aradel is not happy about having to be governor. "Innate" walks in and asks how to tie a belt so she can "kill herself." MeLaan refuses to testify at trial. It's not clear when the actual governor was killed, so the evidence against him is sketchy. She won't lie, so instead, she'll fake his death. Harmony won't step in and reveal the truth himself because that would only be doing what Paalm was complaining of: stepping in and controlling everyone's lives. She also reveals that Harmony doesn't know what the metal spike is made of, so Marasi decides to research [[Trell_(Trellism)|Trell]].
Wax sits by a dying fire. Steris puts a log on. She sits near him and says nothing, only putting her hand on his. He lays his head on her shoulder and weeps.
== Ars Arcanum ==
== Notes ==
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