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|Investiture. The essence of the gods.
|[[VenDell]] to [[Wax]]{{book ref|mb7|17}}

'''Investiture''', along with matter and energy, is one of the three essences that make up the [[cosmere]]. Investiture can be considered a kind of Spiritual energy. While everything in the cosmere has an Invested component in the [[Spiritual Realm]], known as a [[spiritweb]], that Investiture is usually inaccessible. Magic systems provide the most common access to Investiture, which allows people to commit incredible feats using the power.{{book ref|mb7|17}}

== Nature ==
== Nature ==
Overview section
=== Laws of Investiture ===
In the cosmere, matter, energy, and Investiture are interchangable and together compose the universe.{{book ref|mb7|17}}{{book ref|yumi|32}} As a result, Investiture is governed by a variation of the Three Laws of Thermodynamics, plus a fourth law that is unique to the cosmere. {{wob ref|3544}}

* Transcends three realms
* Can't be destroyed, only redistributed
|Investiture, energy, and matter were all one, as per Khriss's Second Law. It couldn’t be created or destroyed; it could only change from one state to another.
* Drawn to sapience
|[[Nomad]]'s explanation of the Second Law of Investiture{{book ref|tsm|21}}
; The First Law of Investiture: The First Law is unknown, and somehow relates to Adonalsium.{{wob ref|3544}}

=== Realmatic Interactions ===
; The Second Law of Investiture: The Second Law is that Investiture cannot be created or destroyed, only changed in form.{{wob ref|1649}}{{book ref|mb7|17}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|78}}{{book ref|sa4|65}}{{book ref|sa4|97}}
* Probably needs better name
* Most Investiture is in Spiritual, with the exception of Sel
* Solid (metallic)/liquid gaseous forms of Investiture in physical realm
* Perpendicularities
* Since Innate Invest is in the Spiritual, do it here? Could otherwise make it it's own section or subsection. I don't love the idea of giving it a full h2 heading, but could be necessary if long enough.

=== Shardic Interactions ===
; The Third Law of Investiture: The Third Law stands as is to the second Law of Thermodynamics.{{wob ref|3544}} This refers to the fact that, in simple terms, energy flows from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. </br></br> This law can be observed through how Investiture tends to leak out of bodies containing it (be it gem or sophont){{book ref|sa1|prologue}}, and how it tends to flow into vessels that aren't Invested. For example, when Stormlight is quickly removed from a gem, it would pull in Investiture and Spren from the surrounding area.{{file ref|Navani's_Notebook_-_The_Arnist_Method.jpg|The Arnist Method}}{{book ref|sa4|42}} Further evidence is in how the more Stormlight a Surgebinder takes in, therefore, the more concentrated the Investiture within them, the faster it leaks out of their body. This could be a further display of the flow of Investiture from higher a system of higher concentration (the body of the Surgebinder) to one of lower concentration (the world surrounding said Surgebinder).{{book ref|sa2|2}}

; The Fourth Law of Investiture: The Fourth Law is unknown, though it is likely a variation of the Third Law of Thermodynamics.{{wob ref|3544}}

=== Realmic Interactions ===
Investiture transcends the three realms: Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual that compose most of the cosmere. However, it is more Spiritual than anything.{{epigraph ref|mb3|57}}{{wob ref|5610}} In the Physical Realm, Investiture is known to exist in solid, (i.e. [[atium]] and [[lerasium]]), liquid (many [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularities]]), and gaseous material forms ([[Mist|Preservation's Mists]], [[Light]], [[BioChromatic Breath]]). For some reason, all solid Investiture is metallic, the result of one of the laws governing the cosmere.{{book ref|sa2.5|20}}{{wob ref|9291}} Some solid Investiture, like atium, breaks the general rules regarding how Invested objects interact with Investiture.{{wob ref|8929}}

Large amounts of Investiture concentrated in a specific location tend to pierce a hole in the three realms (Spiritual, Cognitive, and Physical) and create a perpendicularity. This effect is similar to the gravity generated by large amounts of matter.{{wob ref|8920}} Like matter, Investiture causes time dilation in any amount, with the degree of time dilation being proportional to the amount of Investiture in a given area, but this effect is usually relatively mild even near [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularities]].{{book ref|sa4|i|1}}{{wob ref|13425}}{{wob ref|13453}}{{wob ref|16014}} However, the amount of Investiture condensed into Shards is able to cause a degree of time dilation that would be virtually impossible in the real world.{{wob ref|16014}}

=== Intent ===
| If Light is Investiture, and all Investiture is deity, and deity has Intent, then Light must have Intent.
| From Rhythm of War, final page{{epigraph ref|sa4|71}}
All of the Investiture in the cosmere is associated with one of the sixteen Shards of Adonalsium.{{wob ref|8605}} This association is not an active choice made by the Shard, but is rather some fundamental property of Investiture itself. The Shardic associations predate the [[Shattering]] of [[Adonalsium]], despite the Shards not being distinct entities held by multiple individuals at that time. Once the Shattering occurred, each of the new Shards gained a level of influence over the Investiture that shared their Intent. Once a Shard becomes aware of a pocket of Investiture with their Intent, they are able to tweak and influence in various ways. Creating an [[avatar]] is a particularly notable application of this process.{{wob ref|9385}}

=== Perception ===
Investiture, particularly raw Investiture, responds to the perception and thoughts of sapient beings. Raw Investiture can be reshaped to fit the thoughts and perceptions of people.{{book ref|yumi|32}} This can happen actively, as with the [[nightmare]]s on [[Komashi]],{{book ref|yumi|32}} or it can happen more passively as in the creation of [[spren]].{{wob ref|15932}} If a being has some level of self-awareness about who and what they are, that prevents the most drastic changes from occurring only on perception. A [[Cognitive Shadow]] that was once living and has its own sense of self may experience slight changes over the course of hundreds of years, similar to the way a Vessel can be warped by their Shard's Intent.{{wob ref|16076}} Oversight from a Shard can also prevent beings made entirely of Investiture from being heavily changed by people's perceptions.{{wob ref|15524}} Highly Invested beings have a greater degree of influence over raw Investiture than less Invested beings.{{book ref|yumi|17}}

Over a long enough time frame, a large enough quantity of raw Investiture will become self-aware.{{wob ref|3776}} Additionally, Investiture without some form of bond is drawn to living creatures.{{book ref|yumi|39}} The relationship between this property of Investiture and the limitations on perception described above are unclear, though it does indicate that raw Investiture becomes harder to shape with perception the longer it's been left alone.

=== Anti-Investiture ===
=== Anti-Investiture ===
Physical matter is known to have a counterpart called antimatter - matter composed of antiparticles that share many properties with the particles of ordinary matter, but manifest some of them in an opposite way (e.g. a proton and an antiproton have the same mass, but opposite electric charges and magnetic moments). The [[Fused]] scholar [[Raboniel]] describes this in terms of axi with opposite polarities.{{book ref|sa4|97}} A similar relationship exists between Investiture and anti-Investiture in the cosmere. When Investiture combines with its corresponding anti-Investiture, they are both annihilated, resulting in the release of a large amount of energy.{{book ref|sa4|97}} The reaction seems to be more violent when the two are brought together under pressure.{{book ref|sa4|97}}

The only known forms of anti-Investiture are [[anti-Stormlight]] and [[anti-Voidlight]]. It is unknown whether hybrid Lights and Shards outside of the Rosharan system have anti-Investitures of their own. [[Khriss]] notes that the existence of anti-Investiture has been theorized for some time, but that the anti-Lights developed by [[Navani Kholin]] and Raboniel are her first evidence that it actually exists.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}}

== Forms ==
== Forms ==
* Bring in current terminology section, but better
=== The Spiritual Realm ===
* Different ways free Investiture pops up on different planets
==== Spiritwebs ====
* Known forms subsection here? Or push that down to a Known Investitures section?
| Souls, as you’d call them, are parts of our beings that are pure Investiture.
| [[Design]] to [[Yumi]] and [[Painter]]{{book ref|yumi|32}}
Everything in the cosmere has a Spiritual component made entirely out of Investiture and Connections, known as [[spiritweb]].{{book ref|yumi|21}} That Spiritual component is the ideal version of the object or being. Humans can also have an element of '''innate Investiture''' inside them, which is part of their spiritweb. Innate Investiture is the extra Investiture beyond what is typical for a spiritweb that allows them to access the Spiritual Realm and perform Invested Arts.{{wob ref|6881}}{{wob ref|5715}} However, humans can be born with different levels of innate Investiture. For example, all Scadrians are born with innate Investiture because of the influence of [[Preservation]]. Yet those capable of performing [[Allomancy]] have a greater degree of innate Investiture in them than non-powered Scadrians. Most humans in the cosmere have some level of innate Investiture, with [[Drab]]s, who have deliberately given away their Breaths, being a notable exception.{{wob ref|6881}}

==== Shards ====
[[Shard]]s are beings of vast Investiture controlled by a Vessel's mind that exist primarily in the Spiritual Realm. As the Spiritual Realm is a place of Investiture beyond time and space, the effects from large quantities of Investiture existing in one location do not occur for Shards in the Spiritual Realm.{{wob ref|14822}} A Shard's power engulfs all of the Investiture with that Intent in the cosmere. However, the limitations of a Vessel's mind means much of that power is not under the direct control of a Shard at any given time.{{wob ref|8605}} Despite existing primarily in the Spiritual Realm, a Shard can Invest in a planet, making travel to other locations difficult, but not inhibiting their presence in the Spiritual Realm where all places exist as one. This can be either an passive process when the Shard resides on a planet and their Investiture begins to leak into the Physical Realm or an active choice the Shard makes.{{wob ref|1551}}{{wob ref|2769}}

=== The Cognitive Realm ===
Similarly to the Spritual Realm, the [[Cognitive Realm]] is composed of Investiture.{{wob ref|9912}} Inhabitants of the Cognitive Realm, such as the native [[spren]], are also made up of Investiture, but have developed sapience.{{wob ref|8656}} Physical beings fully entering and leaving the Cognitive Realm, the physical body transfers into and comes out of the Investiture.{{wob ref|1597}} One component of how the Cognitive Realm manifests on a planets is the form Investiture takes on it. For example, [[Scadrial]] appearing as [[mist]] and [[Roshar]] appearing as a sea of [[spheres|beads]]. Like all things related to the Cognitive Realm, however, perception plays the biggest role in the Cognitive Realm's appearance.{{wob ref|1769}}

=== The Physical Realm ===
While Investiture is the scientific term which encompass all variations, people in the cosmere generally do not use the term in day-to-day speech unless they come from a [[worldhopping]] background.{{wob ref|1072}} Most planets in the cosmere have unique terminology to refer to both that planet's variation of Investiture and the process of using it. For example, [[Feruchemist]]s refer to the process of Investing a [[metalmind]] as 'filling' or 'storing' and [[Windrunner]]s refer to the process by which they create [[Lashing]]s as 'infusing'.{{wob ref|5528}} Investiture on different planets is also characterized by slightly different behaviors and properties that can make the distinction in terminology useful. [[Breath]]s, [[Mist]], and [[Light]]s are all forms of gaseous Investiture on different planets that are associated with different Shards, and all have slightly different propertyies that make them useful in different applications.{{wob ref|14226}}

== Access ==
== Access ==
=== Invested Arts ===
=== Invested Arts ===
*Brief overview and link to full article
{{for|Invested Art}}
An [[Invested Art]], sometimes referred to as arcana, is a magic system in the [[cosmere]].{{wob ref|14446}} Invested Arts can vary wildly in their appearance, mechanics, and effects, but they all involve practitioners being [[Initiation|Initiated]] and using their abilities to manipulate Investiture.{{book ref|elantris|part=ars}} Planets, [[Shard]]s, and the fundamental forces that make up the cosmere all affect an arcana's function and powers.{{wob ref|11844}} What makes an Invested Art distinct from other moethods of accessing Investiture is the fact that practitioners must be Initiated. Initiation can involve genetics, a Shard's Decision, or other unknown methods.{{book ref|au|elantris}}

An Invested Art can either use Investiture from within a practitioner or from an external source. Invested Arts can be categorized as either end-positive, end-neutral, or end-negative depending on the net gain or loss of Investiture in its use.{{book ref|mb4|ars}} Most magic systems neither gain or have no net change in the amount of Investiture being used in the process of using the Invested Art.{{wob ref|1084}} [[Hemalurgy]] is notable in being the only currently known Invested Art where Investiture is lost in its use.{{wob ref|2748}}

=== Mechanical Access ===
|This is yet another mechanical imitation of something once available only to a select few within the bounds of an Invested Art.
|[[Khriss]] on the creation of [[fabrial]]s{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}}
The effects of some Invested Arts can be imitated using technology. The most prominent example of this is [[fabrial]]s.{{book ref|sa4|ars}} Fabrials are created by trapping spren in gems and placing them in metal casings of different types.{{epigraph ref|sa4|6}} The combination of the metal and the spren used in the creation of a fabrial creates different effects that anyone with a fabrial is capable of using.{{epigraph ref|sa4|7}} The other mechanical imitation are the unsealed [[metalmind]]s of [[Scadrial]], which anyone can tap despite not having the relevant [[Feruchemical]] powers.{{wob ref|2112}}

{{image|Chiri-Chiri unmasking by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=left|width=300px|[[Chiri-Chiri]] eating a [[Lightweaving]]}}

=== Natural Manifestations ===
It is possible for a natural force to become Invested. On [[Roshar]], the [[highstorm]]s are Invested.{{book ref|sa2|i|6}} The [[Stormfather]] also states that during a highstorm, [[Honor]]'s power is concentrated in the storm as it moves across the land, temporarily joining all three [[Realms]].{{book ref|sa3|64}} Sunlight is also Invested on both [[Taldain]] and [[Canticle]]. The extent to which these phenomenon happened naturally versus being actively Invested by a shard or [[Adonalsium]] is currently unclear.

Plants and animals have evolved to make use of the Investiture that naturally exists on such planets. Investiture naturally enhances the growth and health of plants and animals. On Canticle, plants have an extremely limited window during which the conditions are met where they are able to grow before dying. The highly Invested sunlight allows the plants to reach maturity and produce seeds before the sunlight kills them, allowing the lifecycle to continue on future rotations of the planet.{{book ref|tsm|3}} The highstorm on Roshar produces a similar, if less extreme, effect on the flora and fauna, making them hardier and less susceptible to diseases.{{wob ref|912}} [[Larkin]], an animal from Roshar, feeds exclusively on Investiture in order to get the energy needed for life.{{wob ref|3231}} Larkins are not the only animals that have evolved to feed on Investiture, and these animals can be found on planets beyond just Roshar.{{wob ref|10463}} [[Sand]] on Taldain's [[Dayside]] is covered with a lichen that can absorb Investiture, becoming white when Invested and black when the Investiture is depleted.{{book ref|au|taldain}}

Some fauna have also naturally evolved to have a symbiotic relationship with [[Splinter]]s. On Roshar, [[gemheart]]s facilitate these bonds which allow creatures to grow beyond sizes that would normally be possible with the planet's gravity and enables some animals to fly.{{wob ref|15302}}{{book ref|au|roshar}} Notably, the [[Ryshadium]], which are descended from horses brought to Roshar later in the planet's history, have evolved to bond with Splinters that give them a measure of sapience.{{book ref|au|roshar}} [[Aviar]] form a symbiotic relationship with Invested parasites.{{book ref|sotd}} Only the Aviar have developed the ability to gain powers via this parasite.{{wob ref|11627}}

=== Bonds ===
Forming a bond with another entity is one of the more common ways to gain access to Investiture. Bonds are connections between entities in the [[cosmere]] that exist outside the [[Physical Realm]]. All bonds are basically the same, with the powers and functions depending on the holders of the bond.{{wob ref|3488}} The nature of the [[Cosmere#Planets|planet]] can also have an effect on what the bond does. Bonds are typically formed between entities with greater-than-normal Investiture (e.g. [[Spren]]) and other entities, allowing them to gain enhancements. It is unknown if a person with only innate Investiture is able to create a bond.{{wob ref|6881}} Bonds are not limited to connections of entities with greater-than-normal Investiture to innately Invested entities; they can also be made between two entities with greater-than-normal Investiture.{{wob ref|2862}} Currently, two types of bonds have been named: the [[Nahel bond]] and the [[Luhel bond]]. The Nahel bond trades consciousness in and an anchor to the Physical Realm in exchange for access to Investiture and an Invested Art. The Luhel bond exchanges physical matter for access to the use of Investiture. Water is the only form of physical matter known to be exchanged so far.{{book ref|tress|31}}

== Uses ==
=== Kinetic and Static Investiture ===
==== Kinetic Investiture ====
'''Kinetic Investiture''' is a term used for Investiture that is being used or expressed.{{wob ref|15308}}{{wob ref|5715}}{{wob ref|7413}}{{book ref|sa4|89}} This is the form of Investiture that is able to be detected by [[Bronze|Seekers]] or absorbed by [[Sand (Taldain)| white sand]].{{wob ref|9288}}{{wob ref|15308}}{{wob ref|7413}} Investiture that is in active use is seemingly more difficult for humans to consume,{{book ref|tsm|5}} which is not the case for all organisms that consume Investiture.{{book ref|sa4|89}}

==== Static Investiture ====
'''Static Investiture''', also referred to as '''potential Investiture''', is a term used for Investiture that is held within a vessel such as a gemstone, therefore not being in use.{{wob ref|15308}}{{book ref|sa4|89}} An object containing, or being made up of, static Investiture is referred to as being '''Invested'''.{{book ref|sa4|15}} Invested objects, such as metalminds or Shardplate, resist being affected by Invested Arts.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}} Static Investiture is often used as a battery as the stored Investiture can later be converted into energy to power devices, though some technologies are more efficient in doing so than others.{{book ref|tsm|6}} The gemstone component of a fabrial may be an early example of such use.

=== Invested Objects ===
Objects are not Invested in their original state. They can become Invested by a Shard or by a person having met the above-mentioned requirements. An Invested object gains magical properties. The more Invested an object is, the more power it has. Examples for Invested objects include:
* filled [[metalmind]]s of a [[Feruchemist]]
* a charged [[Hemalurgic]] spike ([[Vin's earring]], [[Wax's earring]])
* any [[BioChromatic Breath#Types of BioChromatic entities|Awakened object]]
* [[Nightblood]], as a Type IV BioChromatic Entity
* [[Shardplate]] and [[Shardblade]]s, as well as the [[Honorblade]]s

Invested objects are harder to affect with any magic system - the more Investiture the more difficult to affect.{{wob ref|4207}}{{wob ref|4074}} Once an object has been Invested it is very hard to Invest it with a different kind of Investiture as well.{{wob ref|10416}} Sometimes when an object in one of the Realms has a large amount of Investiture it can gain sentience (see, for example, [[spren]] and Nightblood).

== Measurement and Detection ==
{{image|Sand Experiment Recharge.jpg|side=right|width=225px|The time light on [[Taldain]] takes to fully recharge [[Sand]] from [[Khrissalla's Journal]]}}
=== Measurement ===
The '''Breath Equivalent Unit''' ('''BEU''') is a unit of measurement for Investiture.{{book ref|tsm|1}} The unit is based on the quantity of Investiture in one typical [[BioChromatic Breath]].{{book ref|tsm|13}}{{wob ref|9685}}{{wob ref|15777}} The innate Investiture of one person is approximately equivalent to one BEU.{{book ref|tsm|23}} Highly Invested individuals typically have no more than three BEUs of Investiture.{{book ref|tsm|24}}

=== Detection ===
| The sand slowly turned white when exposed to Stormlight or Voidlight. However, if a fabrial was using the Light, the sand changed faster.
| [[Navani]]'s observations on [[Sand]]{{book ref|sa4|89}}
Many of the Invested Arts naturally have the ability to detect Kinetic Investiture built into them.{{wob ref|6649}} The methods currently known to do this are sand covered in microbes from [[Taldain]] and Allomantic [[bronze]]. Faded sand from Dayside turns white when kinetic Investiture is near, allowing the person holding it to see who is using Investiture.{{wob ref|9288}} Bronze Allomancy can theoretically detect all types of kinetic Investiture, but some are much harder to detect than others.{{wob ref|6113}} In the case of Feruchemy, the power is much more difficult to detect because the Feruchemist is only using internal Investiture while Allomancy draws from an external source.{{wob ref|3417}} Lightweaving is quieter and harder to detect than Lashings or fabrials. It is not known if the reason why is similar to Feruchemy. Different powers on and within different planets have different pulses or wavelengths.{{wob ref|8851}} An experienced Seeker can distinguish between those powers.{{wob ref|6649}} As a fabrial could potentially be created to detect emotional Allomancy, fabrials may be one of the ways to detect kinetic Investiture.{{wob ref|11576}}

== Known Investiture ==
{| class='infobox' width=100%
{| class='infobox' width=100%
! Investiture !! [[Shardworld|World]] !! [[Shard]] !! [[:Category:Books|Books]]
! Invested Art !! [[Shardworld|World]] !! [[Shard]] !! [[:Category:Books|Books]]
| [[Mist]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Preservation]] || [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
| [[Allomancy]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Preservation]] || [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
| [[Atium]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Ruin]] || [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
| [[Feruchemy]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Preservation]], [[Ruin]] || [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
| [[Lerasium]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Preservation]] || [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
| [[Hemalurgy]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Ruin]] || [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
| [[Harmonium]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Harmony]] || [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
| [[Awakening]] || [[Nalthis]] || [[Endowment]] || [[Warbreaker]]
| [[BioChromatic Breath]] || [[Nalthis]] || [[Endowment]] || [[Warbreaker]]
| [[AonDor]] || [[Sel]] || [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]] || [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]
| [[Dor]] || [[Sel]] || [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]] || [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]
| [[Dakhor]] || [[Sel]] || [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]] || [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]
| [[Stormlight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Honor]] || [[The Stormlight Archive]]
| [[ChayShan]] || [[Sel]] || [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]] || [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]
| [[Voidlight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Odium]] || [[The Stormlight Archive]]
| [[Forgery]] || [[Sel]] || [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]] || [[The Emperor's Soul]]
| [[Lifelight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Cultivation]] || [[The Stormlight Archive]]
| [[Bloodsealing]] || [[Sel]] || [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]] || [[The Emperor's Soul]]
| [[Surgebinding]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Honor]], [[Cultivation]] || [[The Stormlight Archive]]
| [[Voidbinding]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Odium]] || [[The Stormlight Archive]]
| [[Old Magic]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Cultivation]] || [[The Stormlight Archive]]
| [[Sand mastery]] || [[Taldain]] || [[Autonomy]] || [[White Sand]]
| [[Microkinesis]] || [[Yolen]] || ''Unknown'' || [[Dragonsteel]]
| [[Lightweaving]] || [[Yolen]] || ''Unknown'' || [[Dragonsteel]]
| [[Aether]] || ''Unknown'' || ''Unknown'' || ''Unknown''

=== Mechanical Access ===

=== Natural Manifestations ===
* How plants and animals have evolved to access Invesiture. Aviar, Larkin Rosharan flora and fauna.

== Uses ==
* Invested objects must be created by an outside source, so their creation is a use
* Kinetic Investiture (Invesiture in use)
* Can detect the various uses via burning bronze and tracking fabrials

=== Kinetic Investiture ===
Investiture currently in active use is known as '''Kinetic Investiture'''.{{wob ref|5715}} Many of the Invested Arts naturally have the ability to detect Kinetic Investiture built into them.{{wob ref|6649}} The methods currently known to do this are sand covered in microbes from [[Taldain]] and Allomantic [[bronze]]. Faded sand from Dayside turns white when Kinetic Investiture is near, allowing the person holding it to see who is using Investiture.{{wob ref|9288}} Bronze Allomancy can theoretically detect all types of Kinetic Investiture, but some are much harder to detect than others.{{wob ref|6113}} In the case of Feruchemy, the power is much more difficult to detect because the Feruchemist is only using internal Investiture while Allomancy draws from an external source.{{wob ref|3417}} Lightweaving is quieter and harder to detect than Lashings or fabrials. It is not known if the reason why is similar to Feruchemy. Different powers on and within different planets have different pulses or wavelengths.{{wob ref|8851}} An experienced Seeker can distinguish between those powers.{{wob ref|6649}} As a fabrial could potentially be created to detect emotional Allomancy, fabrials may be one of the ways to detect Kinetic Investiture.{{wob ref|11576}}

=== Invested Objects ===

=== Healing ===

== Notes ==
== Notes ==

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