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'''Spheres''' were the major units of currency used on [[Roshar]].
|image=Spheres (close up) by Nozomi Matsuoka.png
|type={{cat tag|Currencies|Currency}}
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Spheres''' are the primary currency in most nations on [[Roshar]]. Each one consists of a [[gemstone]] encased in a glass bead. Gemstones, including the ones in spheres, can temporarily hold [[Investiture]] in the form of [[Stormlight]], offering both a source of light{{book ref|sa1|3}} and fuel for [[Surgebinding]]s.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Like all gemstones, spheres naturally leak any Stormlight they have absorbed, over a period of about a Rosharan week.{{book ref|sa1|17}} This has led to the practice of leaving spheres out during highstorms so they can be recharged. Rosharans use the terms '''infused''' and '''dun''' to differentiate between spheres that hold Stormlight at the moment, and ones that have gone dark. They were first devised as an alternative to large open flames, as Roshar's atmosphere has a high oxygen content, making flames behave somewhat differently.{{au ref|Rosharan }}

They were made of small gemstones that were set inside glass spheres, that were typically the size of a thumbnail.{{ref|b|twok|c|3}} Most spheres where also flattened on one side, to keep them from rolling away when set down.{{ref|b|twok|p|385}}
== Appearance ==
{| class="wikitable floatleft" style="margin-right:1em;"
{{row| Sphere gemstone measurements | pre=! colspan=4 style="background:#CCCCFF; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" {{!}} }}
| Denomination
| Mass <br>(carats, ct)
| Mass <br>(milligrams, mg)
| Diameter <br>(millimeters, mm)
| pre=! style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" {{!}}
{{row| Chip | 0.1{{wob ref|10400}} | 20 | 3{{ref|name=igs}}{{ref|name=diamondnexus}} | pre={{!}} style="text-align:center;" {{!}} | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Mark | 0.5{{wob ref|10400}} | 100 | 5{{ref|name=igs}}{{ref|name=diamondnexus}} | pre={{!}} style="text-align:center;" {{!}} | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Broam | 2.0{{wob ref|10400}} | 400 | 8{{ref|name=igs}}{{ref|name=diamondnexus}} | pre={{!}} style="text-align:center;" {{!}} | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
| colspan=4| '''Kivs''' seem to be a measurement of gem weight on Roshar.{{book ref|sa4|42}} Like other in-world units of<br> measurement, they are not well-defined.{{wob ref|1566}} Real-life measurements are used here for clarity.
Each sphere is made of a tiny gemstone encased in a glass bead that is usually flattened on one side to keep the sphere from rolling away when set down.{{book ref|sa1|27}} The gemstone can belong to any one of the ten [[Polestone]]s{{wob ref|10402}} and can come in one of three different sizes. The glass bead is always a uniform size, a little larger than a person's thumb nail.{{book ref|sa1|3}}

Exact measurements for the glass beads or their embedded gemstones are not available, but they can be deduced from the known weights of each denomination's gemstone. Spheres gemstones come in three different sizes (see [[#Currency]] for more information), so taking the largest one - the one in the broam - allows for some reasonable estimates. The broam gemstone is about 8mm in diameter, assuming a uniform round cut.{{ref|name=igs}}{{ref|name=diamondnexus}} The distance between the thumb's fingertip and its first joint is about an inch{{ref|name=lat}} (or 25.4mm), with the nail being roughly half of that, so a nail size of about 12mm is reasonable. Shallan's comment about spheres being slightly larger than a person's thumb nail suggests that spheres are likely in the neighborhood of 15mm to 20mm in diameter.

The table to the left presents the mass and diameter of the gemstone in each denomination, assuming a uniform round cut.

== Light ==
{| class="wikitable floatright" style="margin-left:1em;"
! colspan=3 style="background:#CCCCFF; text-align:center;" | '''Spherelight colors'''{{wob ref|10402}}
{{row| Gem type | Color | pre=! style="text-align:center; font-weight: bold;" {{!}} | pre2=! colspan=2 style="text-align:center; font-weight: bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Sapphire | Deep blue | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#0f3562;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Smokestone | Grey | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#5f5d68;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Ruby | Deep red | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#b02d2c;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Diamond | White | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#FFFFFF;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Emerald | Deep green | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#1e4d39;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Garnet | Maroon | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#6c011d;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Zircon | Deep teal | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#125064;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Amethyst | Violet | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#672861;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Topaz | Orange | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#d26840;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Heliodor | Yellow | &nbsp; | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} | pre3={{!}} style="background:#ebc965;" {{!}} }}
Perhaps the most common use of the spheres is as a light source. Since the gemstones inside them have the ability to hold Stormlight, many Rosharans have adopted the habit of leaving their spheres out during highstorms (in cages or baskets, so they don't get lost or stolen) so they can get (re)charged. Much like the highstorms, Surgebinders are also able to recharge spheres, similarly to how [[Awakener]]s can store their [[Breath]]s in objects; the Surgebinder must already be Invested, at which point they can will some of their own Stormlight into a gem or sphere. Spheres are leaky containers for Stormlight, however (unlike the [[Polestone#Perfect_Gemstones|perfect gemstones]]), so they slowly lose their Stormlight to a process similar to evaporation. It takes several days for newly infused spheres to lose all of their Stormlight and become dun, though this amount of time varies slightly with the denomination of the spheres.

Due to this property of gemstones, infused spheres often serve as a replacement for other, more traditional light sources, such as candles and lanterns. Given that spherelight is both steadier and more consistent,{{book ref|sa1|23}} as well as being practically infinitely renewable, it is easy to see how people with access to spheres would consider them superior. The amount of light a sphere gives off varies with the denomination: chips barely have any glow at all, marks glow almost as bright as a candle, and broams glow with the light of several candles.{{book ref|sa1|3}} The color of the spherelight also changes predictably from sphere type to sphere type - emeralds glow green, rubies red, and so on. Notably, spherelight from diamonds is considered best for reading,{{book ref|sa1|8}} as it is not only closest to natural light, it is also the cheapest gemstone. All spherelight, although reputably steady and calm, is only so in comparison to the even more flickering candlelight; [[Kaladin]] observes that the Stormlight inside spheres is actually chaotically shifting, much like a blowing storm.{{book ref|sa2|22}}

Although spheres are generally a superior source of light, many people, especially those less well-off or living in poorer regions, still use candles or lanterns. Using candles and lanterns is often cheaper than using spheres, since a sphere's dual status as currency makes it liable to be stolen.{{book ref|sa1|23}} This problem does not exist for wealthy or noble [[lighteyes]] who may use all-sphere lighting either as a practical matter or to show off their wealth. For example, the entirety of [[Kharbranth]]'s royal treasury is stored in the [[Palanaeum]] to be used as a source of light for the visitors and staff.{{book ref|sa1|33}}

The table to the right lists all ten sphere types along with the spherelight color they emit.

{{Image|Spheres by Nozomi Matsuoka.png|side=left|height=250px|A variety of gemstones and spheres}}

== Currency ==
The monetary value of each sphere is a direct consequence of causes both mundane (the size of the sphere's gemstone) and arcane (the [[Soulcasting]] properties of each gem type). The gem size defines the denomination of the sphere. From smallest to largest, these are chip, mark, and broam. The gem type is applied as a qualifier to the denomination (e.g. diamond chip, or emerald broam) to form the thirty different monetary units of Roshar.

One property of Rosharan spheres that does not affect their value is whether they are infused or dun.{{book ref|sa1|17}} However, since the glow from the Stormlight is the easiest way to prove that a sphere is not a counterfeit, people are sometimes suspicious of dun spheres and those who try to spend them. Merchants with access to the proper equipment may inspect the gem quality of dun spheres to ensure their authenticity, or call for a moneychanger.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Moneychangers serve an additional purpose in Rosharan societies, and that is to offer infused spheres in exchange for dun ones, since an established moneychanger usually has access to secure nests they can safely recharge spheres in. They can extend this service to people interested in recharging their own spheres safely, though this comes with a small convenience fee.{{book ref|sa1|11}}

The dominance of spheres throughout Eastern Roshar is slightly weaker in the West. The [[Tashikki]], for example, still use spheres, but instead of carrying them in pouches, they drill holes in the glass beads and keep them on long strings.{{book ref|sa2.5|6}} People even farther west don't even bother with spheres, but use chips of gemstones instead, though they are sometimes encased in hunks of glass.{{book ref|sa2.5|6}}

For details about using spheres as a currency in Shadesmar, see [[#Shadesmar Currency|Shadesmar Currency]].

=== Value ===
The economic value of each sphere is determined by the type and size of its gemstone.

The gem size defines the three denominations of spheres (chip, mark, and broam), and therefore a fixed exchange rate between the different denominations of spheres of the same type. Within the same gem type, each broam is equivalent to four marks,{{wob ref|10400}} and each mark is equivalent to five chips{{book ref|sa1|3}} - making a broam equal to twenty chips.

The gem type is a little more complicated. The value of each type of sphere - and, therefore, the relative values of all types - is intrinsically tied to how valuable the given gemstone is in Soulcasting. This makes emeralds -- which can be used to Soulcast grain -- the most expensive kind of spheres,{{book ref|sa1|3}} while diamonds are the cheapest. The rest of the sphere types, however, do not all have unique values; instead, they fall within one of three tiers: '''prime pair''', '''middle weight''', and '''less weight'''.{{wob ref|10402}} Combined with the emerald and diamond spheres, this establishes a system with five distinct value tiers. The table below outlines the five tiers, lists the sphere types within each tier, and provides their monetary value expressed in '''diamond chips''', the smallest denomination of the least valued gemstone.

{| class="wikitable" style="margin:auto;"
{{row| Sphere values{{wob ref|10402}} | pre=! colspan=5 style="background:#CCCCFF; text-align:center; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Tier | Value (chip) | Value (mark) | Value (broam) | Spheres | pre=! style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Cheapest | 1 | 5 | 20 | Diamond | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Less weight | 5 | 25 | 100 | Garnet, heliodor, topaz | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Middle weight | 10 | 50 | 200 | Ruby, smokestone, zircon | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Prime pair | 25 | 125 | 500 | Amethyst, sapphire | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Highest | 50 | 250 | 1000 | Emerald | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
<!-- TODO: This section needs to be hidden until we actually create the relevant page.
=== Cost of Goods and Services ===
Despite many of the spheres having identical values, prices on Roshar do not reflect that explicitly. It appears that Rosharans have an unspoken understanding about the equivalencies within the value tiers, as the question whether amethysts (for example) would be accepted for an item that costs sapphires never comes up.

For a full list of the known prices of goods and services, see '''this page'''.-->

=== Ends ===
Glass spheres that do not contain a gemstone are known as '''ends'''. They serve as fake money that can be used to play wagering games such as [[pieces]] if the players do not wish to risk real spheres.{{book ref|sa3|40}}

== Investiture ==
As useful as spheres are in the everyday life of most Rosharans, their property of holding Investiture in the form of Stormlight is especially useful to a couple of very specific groups of people - [[Surgebinder]]s and denizens of [[Shadesmar]].

=== Surgebinders ===
For Surgebinders - including both pre-Recreance [[Knights Radiant]] and [[Dalinar]]'s newly restored Orders, as well as wielders of [[Honorblade]]s such as [[Szeth]] prior to his death - the spheres, much like ordinary gemstones, act as a portable, convenient, and inconspicuous source of Stormlight to power their [[Surgebinding|abilities]]. Because of this, Surgebinders often carry pouches full of infused spheres, although if they find themselves in a situation where their own spheres are unavailable, inaccessible, or dun, they are often able to make use of spheres frequently found in the environment.

In the days after [[Kaladin]]'s promotion to a captain in [[Dalinar]]'s army, [[Sigzil]] attempts to establish a baseline for how efficient Kaladin's use of a [[Surgebinding#Full_Lashing|Full Lashing]] is by measuring the amount of time it takes for a Lashing powered by the Stormlight from a single diamond chip to run out. The stone remains lashed to the wall for somewhere between 87 and 91 seconds. Sigzil admits, however, that without a clock to track time or a way to quantify variations in how much Stormlight is in a sphere, that the measurements are imprecise.{{book ref|sa2|12}} Since arriving in [[Urithiru]], he has continued to attempt precision measurements of Surgebinding,{{book ref|sa3|46}} though it is unclear how far he has gotten.

=== Shadesmar Currency ===
Similarly to how spheres have become the dominant currency in the [[Physical Realm]] of Roshar, they have become prevalent in its [[Cognitive Realm]] as well - though for slightly different reasons. In the Physical Realm the value of each sphere is determined primarily by the economic value of its gemstone, as it relates to Soulcasting. In Shadesmar, however, the real currency is the Stormlight, and spheres become only as valuable as the amount of Stormlight they hold at the moment of the transaction. Presumably out of convenience, prices are still communicated in terms of the sphere denominations defined in the Physical Realm, but the gemstone type becomes irrelevant; a freshly infused diamond mark has the same value in Shadesmar as a freshly infused emerald mark - they are both "one mark of Stormlight," even though in the Physical Realm emeralds are fifty times more expensive than diamonds.

For reasons not yet known, Stormlight fades more quickly in Shadesmar than it does in the Physical Realm,{{book ref|sa3|99}} which has led to the development of alternative ways of transporting and transferring Stormlight. The moneychangers in [[Celebrant]], for example, have devices they can use to transfer Stormlight from regular spheres and gemstones into their [[perfect gem]]s{{book ref|sa3|99}} (where it won't fade). In return, they give out notes of exchange{{book ref|sa3|101}}, which can be spent like credits within the city's limits.{{book ref|sa3|99}} The [[Rii Oracle]] possesses a device similar to what the Celebrant moneychangers use, but [[Ico|Captain Ico]] calls it "foreign technology."{{book ref|sa3|99}}

The gemstones came in three denominations; chips, marks and broams. There were five chips to a mark, and four marks to a broam.{{ref|17s|http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/180-gem-currency-system/page__view__findpost__p__18839|Peter says five chips per mark, four marks per broam}} Chips barely have any glow at all, since they are just a sliver of gem, but marks glow almost as bright as a candle.{{ref|b|twok|c|3}} Only nine of the ten Polestones are used in the spheres,{{ref|b|twok|p|140}} but it is as of yet unknown whether smokestones or heliodor are the gem not used, or the reason for the tenth gem's absence. Spheres also have five levels of value, meaning several spheres conaining different types of gems are worth the same amount.{{ref|17s|http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/180-gem-currency-system/page__view__findpost__p__18871|Peter says that some spheres are of equal value}}
Neither the full breadth nor depth of the usefulness of Stormlight in Shadesmar is currently known, but it appears to be even more valuable there than it is in the Physical Realm. While it can serve as a regular currency, exchanged for items as mundane as clothes and as exotic as a painting from [[Nalthis]]' [[Court of Gods]],{{book ref|sa3|102}} it can also help spren change appearance{{book ref|sa3|103}}, though perhaps most importantly, it can aid in manifesting souls{{book ref|sa3|99}} -- a skill that seems invaluable for the survival in Shadesmar.

If left outside during a [[highstorm]], spheres would be infused with [[Stormlight]]. Over time, all of the Stormlight escaped leaving it dun, so it ceases to glow. Since the glow of spheres is what proves that they aren't counterfeit, people are often suspicious of those spending dun spheres. They will call in a moneylender to judge their authenticity.{{ref|b|twok|c|3}} Instead of just leaving their spheres out in a highstorm, people often pay moneylenders a fee to have their spheres infused in the moneylender's secure baskets. In addition to currency, infused spheres are often used as a source of light, since they are much more reliable then candles and lanterns. The all the spheres in the treasury of [[Kharbranth]] are used in the [[Palanaeum]] as a source of light, since the Palanaeum is the most secure place in Kharbranth.
== Informal Names ==
Spheres are formally described by their gemstone and denomination. However, in everyday conversations, they are sometimes referred to by color. For example, a ruby mark may be called a "firemark" (and a ruby chip - "firechip"), while a diamond chip may be a "clearchip." Below is the list of known alternate names. Note that the table assumes a common prefix - i.e. while both diamond chips and diamond marks are confirmed to have the clearchip and clearmark shorthand notations, the only confirmed garnet shorthand is the bloodmark; the table simply assumes that a garnet chip would follow a similar naming pattern and be called a bloodchip. It is unknown whether broams get informal names similar to the lesser denominations'.

==Relative Value==
{| class="wikitable" style="margin:auto;"
Below is a table of sphere values in terms of diamond chips, the lowest valued sphere. It is not yet comprehensive, and there is another unnamed level of sphere value.
{{row| Informal names | pre=! colspan=3 style="background:#CCCCFF; font-weight:bold; text-align:center" {{!}} }}
{| class=infobox width=100%
{{row| Gemstone | Chip | Mark | pre=! style="font-weight: bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row|Gem type|Chips|Marks|Broams|pre=!}}
{{row| Diamond | Clearchip{{book ref|sa2|43}} | Clearmark{{book ref|sa1|11}} | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row|Diamond|1 diamond chip|5 diamond chips|20 diamond chips}}
{{row| Garnet | Bloodchip | Bloodmark{{book ref|sa1|17}} | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row|Garnet|5 diamond chips|25 diamond chips|100 diamond chips}}
{{row| Ruby | Firechip | Firemark{{book ref|sa1|3}} | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row|Sapphire|25 diamond chips|125 diamond chips|500 diamond chips}}
{{row| Sapphire | Skychip{{book ref|sa1|55}} | Skymark{{book ref|sa1|8}} | pre1={{!}} style="text-align:left; font-weight:bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row|Emerald|50 diamond chips|250 diamond chips|1000 diamond chips}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
<references />
{{url ref|name=igs|url=https://www.gemsociety.org/article/standard-gem-sizes-chart/|text=International Gem Society: Standard Gem Sizes Chart|site=IGS|date=2018-07-01}}
{{url ref|name=diamondnexus|url=https://www.diamondnexus.com/product-education-mm-to-catat-weight-conversion.html|text=Diamond Nexus: MM to carat weight conversion values|site=Diamond Nexus|date=2018-07-01}}
{{url ref|name=lat|url=http://articles.latimes.com/1996-04-13/home/hm-58312_1_measuring-tools|text=Los Angeles Times: Measuring Up Without Ruler|site=Los Angeles Times|date=1996-04-13}}
[[Category:Religion and Culture]]

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