Editing Pahn Kahl rebellion

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|participants=[[Pahn Kahl]], [[Hallandren]], [[Idris]]
|effects=War averted, [[Susebron]] healed, [[Kalad's Phantoms]] rediscovered, deaths of [[Lightsong]] and [[Blushweaver]]
The '''rebellion of the [[Pahn Kahl]]''' is an attempt to free the Pahn Kahl people from the oppression of the [[Hallandren]] pantheon{{book ref|wb|55}}.

== Cultural Background ==
The Pahn Kahl harbored resentment for the centuries of abuse they received at the hands of the Hallandren: their subjugation{{book ref|wb|55}}, relegation to the lowliest jobs available{{book ref|wb|54}}, and seeming assimilation to the point that most Hallandren assumed their culture no longer existed{{book ref|wb|14}}{{annotation ref|Warbreaker|chapter=29}}.
| And so here you are. Unable to fight. Unable to free yourselves. Considered second-class. And yet, if your oppressors were to get into a war, it might give you an opening. A chance to break away…
| [[Siri]] to [[Bluefingers]]{{book ref|wb|54}}

The Pahn Kahl people have planned for the rebellion for generations{{cite}}. Since the Pahn Kahl people are mostly viewed harmless, they slowly climbed in ranks. The many head scribes before [[Bluefingers]] were also Pahn Kahl.{{cite}} Although compared to priests, they were low in rank, but they had much power by running many actual functions in the palace. They put more Pahn Kahl in higher positions, gaining power and preparing to start the rebellion.
The '''Pahn Kahl rebellion''' is an attempt by the [[Pahn Kahl]] to free their people from the rule of [[Hallandren]], that occurs approximately three hundred years after the [[Manywar]].{{book ref|wb|55}}

== Background ==
== Premeditation ==
[[Bluefingers]] is the ringleader.{{book ref|wb|55}}{{annotation ref|Warbreaker|chapter=34}} When [[Siri]] and [[Susebron]] get married, Bluefingers realizes that the power the Pahn Kahl have built up over the years would soon be gone, as the servants would be replaced when a new God King came to power.{{cite}} Under such pressure, he is forced to get into action soon.

The greatest obstacle to the rebellion is the powerful [[Lifeless]] army of Hallandren. In order to get rid of it, Bluefingers attempts to start a war between [[Hallandren]] and [[Idris]] to keep the army away and occupied. He hired [[Denth]]'s crew to raise the tension between [[Hallandren]] and [[Idris]]{{book ref|wb|52}}. Denth attacks the supplies needed for war, incites the Idrians in the slums and even kidnaps the children of priests against war to blackmail them. These effectively pushes the tide towards having a war.
The Pahn Kahl as a people harbored resentment for centuries due to the abuse they received at the hands of the Hallandren: their subjugation,{{book ref|wb|55}} relegation to the lowliest jobs,{{book ref|wb|54}} and seeming total assimilation to the point that most Hallandren assumed their culture no longer existed.{{book ref|wb|14}}{{wob ref|6964}} They had worked towards a rebellion for generations, using their positions as stewards, scribes, and clerks, where they were responsible for performing many of the key functions in the palace, to gain influence in the kingdom slowly and quietly. [[Bluefingers|Bluefingers']] position in particular was passed down from a Pahn Kahl before him; this type of set-up greatly aided in accumulating more and more influence.{{wob ref|7381}}

The tunnel system under the palaces of the returned are used to smuggle thugs in.{{expand}}
A Pahn Kahl named [[Vahr]] led an unsuccessful attempt at a rebellion prior to Bluefingers' own attempt. Vahr spent more than a decade working towards the freedom of his people. He garnered the financial support of some of the Idrian slumlords and some of Hallandren’s economic competitors to raise an army.{{book ref|wb|31}}{{wob ref|6020}} Bluefingers, however, felt that Vahr's plans threatened his own by drawing too much attention to the otherwise overlooked Pahn Kahl, so he leaked information to the [[Returned]] to assist in Vahr's capture; after this, Vahr's rebellion fell apart.{{wob ref|6983}} [[Dedelin]], king of [[Idris]], was displeased to hear of Vahr's capture because he had hoped Hallandren would focus on the Pahn Kahl in lieu of Idris. It is due to Vahr's capture and Hallandren's subsequent renewed attention on its enemies that Dedelin decided, in an attempt to stave off an impending war at least until winter, to fulfill his contract with [[Susebron]] by sending [[Siri]] to [[T'Telir]].{{book ref|wb|1}}

== Preparations ==
== Course of Events ==
[[Bluefingers]] instructs the capture and torture of [[Blushweaver]] and [[Lightsong]]{{book ref|wb|53}}. When they surrender the command phrase, it allows [[Bluefingers]] to command the forty thousand [[Lifeless]] troops of Hallandren to march on Idris{{book ref|wb|55}}.
He also captures the [[God King]] and [[Siri|Queen]], planning to kill them on an alter to further enrage the people of both countries.{{book ref|wb|55}}

The rebellion is thwarted by [[Lightsong]], when he healed [[Susebron]] of his missing tongue with divine Breath{{book ref|wb|57}}, which allowed Susebron to use [[Peacegiver's Treasure]], the fifty thousand [[Breath]]s. With the incredible awakening force, [[Susebron]] quells the rebels' attack on the palace with a fury of awakened cloths{{book ref|wb|58}}.
=== The Tunnel System ===
|The priests of the Iridescent Tones, it appeared, were hiding things from the rest of the kingdom. And from their gods.
|Vasher after discovering a trapdoor in [[Mercystar]]'s palace{{book ref|wb|21}}

Denth and his mercenary ambushs [[Vasher]] and captures him, but [[Vivenna]] comes to the rescue. When Vasher confronts fifty Lifeless soldiers, he draws [[Nightblood]], slaying them but also nearly drained of breaths. Denth then challenges him to a duel. As Vasher is about to lose, he kills Denth with an unexpected attack.{{book ref|wb|57}}{{annotation ref|Warbreaker|chapter=11}}.
The Pahn Kahl who held the position of steward prior to Bluefingers was instrumental in manipulating the priests into constructing an extensive tunnel system below the [[Court of the Gods]] and keeping it a secret from the Returned. As the project continued, Bluefingers used it for his own ends both by misappropriating some of the funds and also as cover for digging projects of his own.{{wob ref|7381}} He was eventually able to use the tunnels below the court to grant covert entry to mercenaries and to Pahn Kahl Awakeners. He sequestered a large number of the former in the tunnels in preparation for the final attack and he set the latter to the task of breaking the [[Lifeless]] army.{{wob ref|7298}} The Awakeners managed to break some of the Lifeless and commanded them to attack with deadly force if any Idrian was aggressive towards them, which resulted in a chaotic and deadly scene when the City Watch raided Vivenna’s meeting with the Idrian slumlords.{{wob ref|6971}}

[[Kalad's Phantoms]] are activated by Susebron with the command phrase given by [[Vasher]]. They are sent against the Lifeless army{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}, which turned out to be successful.{{annotation ref|Warbreaker|epilogue}}
=== Manipulation of Siri ===
|Doing your duty as the Vessel '''was''' the danger!
|Bluefingers to Siri{{book ref|wb|20}}
When Siri arrived in T'Telir to marry Susebron, Bluefingers strived to gain her trust at the expense of the Hallandren. He thought her trust in the Hallandren priests would preclude war between the two nations and hoped to use her to manipulate, by extension, the Idrians of the city. To this end, he invited her pity on the Pahn Kahl by drawing attention to their lowly stations. He also allowed her to believe he was more ignorant of palace scheming than he really was, not letting on that he knew about Susebron's missing tongue, and expressed to her that his real concern was the Pahn Kahl not being able to retain their positions when a new [[God King]] succeeded Susebron, as the usual custom was to replace all of the servants.{{wob ref|6983}} Knowing that [[Treledees]] had instructed Siri that she and Susebron must have a child as quickly as possible, Bluefingers further undermined her trust in the God King’s priests by warning her that this would actually bring danger to the couple.{{book ref|wb|24}} This plan worked to the extent that Siri asked him to get her and Susebron out of the palace should they become endangered.{{book ref|wb|34}} Bluefingers' plan regarding Siri morphed, however, when [[Denth]] successfully captured and exploited [[Vivenna]] in their efforts to stir up the people of T'Telir, and Bluefingers instead conceived of the idea of Siri dying at the apparent hand of the Hallandren priests.{{wob ref|6723}}

=== Denth's Crew ===
{{for|Denth's crew}}

Meanwhile, Denth's crew, whom Bluefingers had hired for the purpose of inciting the people of T'Telir, was busy out in the city. The crew attacked the supplies needed for war and, together with Vivenna, incited the Idrians in the slums. Denth also hatched a plan to kidnap the child of [[Nanrovah]], [[Stillmark|Stillmark's]] high priest who vocally opposed war in the debates in court. His idea was to hold Nanrovah's daughter in order to blackmail him, but Vivenna eventually tumbled to Denth’s real motives and teamed up with [[Vasher]] to rescue the girl and begin working against Denth's crew.{{book ref|wb|49}}

== Final Attack ==

The fact that the Court of the Gods planned to assemble to take a formal vote on war with [[Idris]] precipitated a final attack in the culmination of all of Bluefingers' plans. When Bluefingers saw the priests act preemptively in securing the God King and Queen inside the palace, he believed that they were suspicious of him and reacted by seizing both the God King’s palace and Blushweaver herself from her palace.{{wob ref|7369}}

=== The Tunnels ===

[[Bluefingers]] ordered the capture and torture of [[Blushweaver]] so that the rebels could get the Lifeless command phrases from her. In the meantime, Lightsong entered the tunnels of his own volition, guided by his prophetic dreams and seeking the answer to why tensions between the two nations had risen so high even after the wedding. He and [[Llarimar]], who came with him, stumbled onto the group of Pahn Kahl posing as priests as they tortured Blushweaver, and they were both captured in their rescue attempt.{{book ref|wb|52}} After their success extracting the Command phrase from Blushweaver, the Pahn Kahl killed her in front of Lightsong and obtained his Command phrase when they threatened to kill Llarimar too.{{book ref|wb|53}}

|By the Colors... I '''am''' a god.
|Lightsong{{book ref|wb|57}}
After Bluefingers sent Susebron down into the tunnels, he ended up in a cage next to Lightsong. Bluefingers planned to leave Susebron's body in the palace dungeons and to place Blushweaver's and Lightsong's bodies in the Lifeless barracks surrounded by the corpses of Idrians.{{book ref|wb|55}} When the Pahn Kahl retrieved Susebron from his cage in order to kill him, however, Lightsong thwarted their efforts by giving up his divine Breath (and his life with it) to heal Susebron's missing tongue.{{book ref|wb|57}}

=== The Palace ===

When Susebron's priests heard about the impending vote, they were concerned for the God King and Queen's safety and sequestered them in the palace under the pretext of discovering that Siri was with child.{{book ref|wb|50}}{{wob ref|7369}} After the fighting began, [[Treledees]] took Siri to reunite with Susebron. Bluefingers arrived and suggested that they flee through the tunnels under the palace, but on the way there Siri put together the facts and understood that really this was a rebellion of the Pahn Kahl, with Bluefingers as the ringleader. They instead headed towards the front gates.{{book ref|wb|54}}

Vasher attempted to break into the palace to rescue Siri at Vivenna's request, but Denth and his mercenaries ambushed and captured him outside Siri's door. Vivenna came to his rescue and successfully freed him, but after being knocked out a window in the ensuing fight, Vasher was forced to draw [[Nightblood]], who consumes Breath when unsheathed, in his effort to get through a group of soldiers and back to Denth. Having successfully manipulated Vasher into losing most of his Breaths, Denth then challenged him to a duel.{{book ref|wb|56}} Vasher in his weakened state was no match for Denth. Just before Denth was about to kill him, Vasher transferred his few remaining Breaths to Denth, inducing such momentary ecstasy as to provide Vasher an opening to kill Denth with his dagger.{{book ref|wb|57}}{{wob ref|7469}}

|You want me dead, then have the decency to let me die standing up.
|Siri to Bluefingers{{book ref|wb|57}}
Meanwhile, Treledees and the other of the God King's priests took Siri and Susebron towards the front gates in an attempt to escape the palace. Bluefingers and a force of Lifeless ambushed the group and killed the priests; Susebron was sent into the tunnels while Bluefingers took Siri to a room on the fourth floor. There, he intended to kill Siri and place her on an altar surrounded by the corpses of Hallandren priests as proof that they only wanted her to come to T'Telir so they could sacrifice her to the God King. The rumors that she was with child would only make her death in such a manner more powerful.{{book ref|wb|57}}

Susebron's healed tongue, which Lightsong restored to him in the tunnels, allowed him to use [[Peacegiver's Treasure]], the fifty thousand Breaths of which he was guardian. With such an incredible Awakening force, Susebron efficiently quelled the rebels' attack on the palace with a storm of awakened cloths and rescued Siri from Bluefingers' clutches.{{book ref|wb|58}}

=== The Lifeless Army ===

Upon obtaining the Command phrases from Blushweaver and Lightsong, a small group of Pahn Kahl imprinted the whole Lifeless army of Hallandren with a new Command phrase. Bluefingers directed them to give the army orders to march on Idris. All those who knew the new Command phrase were then to kill themselves with poison so that no one would be able to stop the attack.{{book ref|wb|55}}

Bluefingers intended to stage a scene in the now empty Lifeless [[Lifeless Enclave|barracks]]: with Susebron's body in the dungeons, he hoped that when the Hallandren found Lightsong and Blushweaver, the sole two holders of the army's Command phrases, in the barracks surrounded by the bodies of Idrians, it would appear that Lightsong and Blushweaver sent the army to Idris in revenge for their God King's death.{{book ref|wb|55}}

== Aftermath ==

|They are your responsibility now... Do better with them than I did.
|Vasher to Susebron{{book ref|wb|58}}

Vasher and Susebron each independently considered going after the Lifeless army and trying to defeat it, but were talked out of it. After Nightblood revealed Vasher's true identity to Vivenna, she realized Vasher knew where [[Kalad's Phantoms]] were and how to activate them; she convinced him to share the information with Susebron.{{book ref|wb|58}} Susebron used the Command phrase to mobilize the statues, and they stormed after the Lifeless army marching on Idris.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} Upon reaching them, Kalad's Phantoms destroyed the whole force with ease.{{wob ref|7479}}

The act of Lightsong sacrificing his divine Breath to heal Susebron not only thwarted the Pahn Kahl Rebellion, but also prevented another Manwar from breaking out. Hallandren and T'Telir would have been destroyed by Idris and their allies with the knowledge of how to make weapons like [[Nightblood]] learned from [[Yesteel]], who is hiding in one of the northern nations and aware of what Vasher did to create Nightblood.
If the war had occurred, [[Yesteel]] would have supported the Idrians by giving them the knowledge to create Awakened swords like Nightblood; this would have tipped the scales in favor of Idris and its allies, resulting in the destruction of T'Telir and throwing the region into chaos.{{wob ref|7407}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
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|title=History of [[Nalthis]]
|title=History of [[Nalthis]]
|prev=Marriage of [[Susebron]] and [[Siri]]
|prev=Marriage of [[Susebron]] and [[Siri]]
|next=War of [[Huth]] and [[Kuth]]
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[[es:Rebelión Pahn Kahl]]

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