Editing Oathgate

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{{quote|Within a heartbeat, Alezarv was there, crossing a distance that would have taken more than four months to travel by foot.|Another folktale, this one recorded in [[Among the Darkeyed]], by Calinam. Page 102. Stories of instantaneous travel and the '''Oathgates''' pervade these tales.{{ref|b|twok|e|39}}}}
|spren=[[Oathgate spren]]
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|Within a heartbeat, Alezarv was there, crossing a distance that would have taken more than four months to travel by foot.
|''[[Among the Darkeyed]]'', page 102{{epigraph ref|sa1|39}}
The '''Oathgates''' are structures on [[Roshar]] that allow people to instantaneously teleport from one location to another. There are twenty in total, with ten located in [[Urithiru]], while the other ten sit in various cities across the continent.

The '''Oathgates''' were mysterious structures that allowed people to teleport instantaneously from place to place. These fabrials manipulate the Surge of Transportation. There are hints that the [[Oathgate]]s were responsible for the near-instantaneous travel possible during the Heraldic Epochs and were one of the only ways to reach [[Urithiru]]. They could only be activated by living [[Shardblade]]s, as wielded by the [[Knights Radiant]].{{ref|b|wor|c|86}} Transportation of more than one person through the gates required use of more Stormlight for the ten gemstone lanterns within.{{ref|b|wor|c|87}}
== Functionality ==
Oathgates are [[fabrial]]s that manipulate the [[Surge]] of [[Transportation]]. Together, they form a network of gateways with [[Urithiru]] at its center, allowing for near-instantaneous travel between all corners of the world, and letting people unable to fly access to the tower-city itself. They can only be operated by someone wielding a living [[Shardblade]], such as a [[Knight Radiant]],{{book ref|sa2|86}} or with an [[Honorblade]].{{book ref|sa3|16}} They require [[Stormlight]] to work, although they can be made to use [[Voidlight]] through methods known to [[Odium]]'s forces.{{book ref|sa4|49}}{{book ref|sa4|55}} Transportation of more than one person requires more Stormlight than what the Oathgate can normally hold in its ten [[gemstone]] lanterns.{{book ref|sa2|87}} The amount of Stormlight needed also depends on the Radiant, as those of higher oaths require less to activate the fabrial.{{book ref|sa4|23}}

A Radiant can use their Shardblade to travel to the Cognitive Realm instead of another Oathgate.{{book ref|sa4|21}}

Oathgates function by sending a group or individual between Oathgates through the [[Spiritual Realm]].{{wob ref|9307}}{{wob ref|16252}}

=== Structure and Operation ===
{{image|Stormseat Mosaic.jpeg|side=right|width=400px|The Oathgate platform (purple) can be seen in the bottom left of the city, with a control chamber (yellow) rising from its center.}}

Oathgates can be found in many of the oldest cities on Roshar, such as [[Kholinar]] and [[Stormseat]].{{map ref|Oathgates}} Each of them is composed of a large, perfectly circular platform, with a round control building in its center.{{book ref|sa2|24}} The entire Oathgate is typically at a higher altitude than the rest of the city, with a wide ramp leading up to it.{{map ref|Kholinar}}{{map ref|Thaylen City}} In some places, the ramp is also accompanied by a staircase, although that could be a later addition to the structure.{{book ref|sa3|100}}

=== Control building ===
The inside of the control building is richly decorated in murals both on the walls and the floor. The latter is divided into eleven sections, with the ten major ones each dedicated to one of the [[Silver Kingdoms]]. Between the first and tenth segments is a smaller, narrow section representing [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa2|84}} The wall above has ten gemstone lamps hanging from it, with each lamp being enclosed in a metal lattice. Once they are infused, the floor begins to glow, and swirls of Stormlight start rising above the platform outside.{{book ref|sa2|86}}{{book ref|sa3|46}}

Along with the lamps, on the wall there is a plate of metal, shaped like a ten-pointed star, with a slot in its center. When a [[Shardblade]] is inserted, the slot reshapes to fit its particular form.{{book ref|sa2|84}} This occurs regardless of whether the Blade is living or dead, but only a living Blade or [[Honorblade]] can activate the keyhole, at which point is produces a low, vibrating sound.{{book ref|sa2|87}}{{book ref|sa3|16}} Once the Blade is in the keyhole, the keyhole can be moved along with the entire inner wall to align it with one of the eleven floor sections. There, the Radiant removes the Shardblade from the keyhole. With this, the contents of the control chamber, as well as anything on top of the platform, is swapped with the control chamber and the platform of the Oathgate in the desired location.{{book ref|sa2|87}} The control building can also be swapped by itself, without transporting the platform, taking considerably less Stormlight than moving the entire platform.{{book ref|sa3|58}}

The existence of eleven lamps in each Oathgate control chamber indicates that it might be possible to transport people directly between any two platforms. However, at the present each Oathgate is tied only to one other, connecting each of the ten ancient cities to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa3|58}}

{{image|Oathgate by Artem Demura.png|side=right|width=200px|The Oathgate spren}}
=== Locking the Oathgate ===
Each Oathgate can be locked from either side.{{book ref|sa3|65}}{{book ref|sa3|96}} [[Odium]] appears to have a way to break this lock, which could be tied to his corruption of [[Kholinar]] [[Oathgate spren]].{{book ref|sa3|115}}

All but the Stormseat Oathgate have been locked up by the ancient Knights Radiant when they abandoned the tower city.{{book ref|sa2|89}} As such, over the millennia since the [[Recreance]], their purpose has been forgotten. Many of the Oathgate platforms are covered in buildings, such as the Grand Market in [[Azimir]], or the [[Kholinar Palace]] in Kholinar.{{book ref|sa2|65}}{{book ref|sa2|89}} Others, like the one in [[Thaylen City]], have been transformed into gardens and other religious or ceremonial structures.{{book ref|sa2|58}}

=== Shadesmar ===
{{for|Oathgate spren}}
In [[Shadesmar]], an Oathgate is represented by a flat platform of a material akin to white marble, the size of the control building. When possible -- for example, if the Oathgate is close to the sea shore in the Physical Realm -- the Oathgate is connected with the land by a bridge of matching color.{{book ref|sa3|112}} The platform itself is watched over by a pair of enormous spren, both the size of buildings, each wearing a set of armor and holding a spear. One of the spren is white, while the other is shimmering black.{{book ref|sa3|116}}

Those two spren enable the Oathgate to function properly, and control who can travel, and where.{{book ref|sa3|116}} They can be corrupted by [[Sja-anat]], although so far, only the [[Kholinar]] spren have been compromised in this manner.{{book ref|sa3|87}} This does not impact their ability to work with spren of the uncorrupted Oathgates.{{book ref|sa3|115}}

In the past, the Oathgates have been capable of transporting people in and out of Shadesmar; however, at some point before their slumbering, the [[Sibling]] forbade the Oathgate spren from performing this service.{{book ref|sa3|116}}{{book ref|sa4|22}} As such, this function of the Oathgate was inaccessible. This being said, the spren corrupted by Sja-anat are not bound by this, and can transport people into Shadesmar, though it's uncertain if they can bring them back into the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa3|87}} Some Oathgate spren have since accepted the authority of the Stormfather in this matter, and once again allow travel to Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa4|22}} This includes some of the spren at Urithiru, though others do not accept that the Stormfather has the authority to release them from their previous oaths to Honor himself.

== History ==

=== Creation and the Heraldic Epochs ===
The origin of the Oathgates is unknown, although they may have been constructed during the [[Silver Kingdoms]] epoch, as they link the capitals of those ancient nations.{{book ref|sa2|60}} The Oathgate spren chose this transformation willingly.{{book ref|sa4|49}} During [[Aharietiam]], the city of Stormseat was destroyed in unexplained circumstances and its Oathgate was forgotten, although the mechanism remained intact.{{book ref|sa2|86}}{{book ref|sa2|60}}

Linking far-flung cities with one another and [[Urithiru]], the Oathgates were administered by members of the [[Knights Radiant]], whose [[Shardblade|Blade]]s served as the keys that allowed for their operation.{{book ref|sa2|77}}{{book ref|sa2|86}} Much trade and travel was done via the Oathgates, with the goods traded tariffed by the Radiants.{{book ref|sa1|58}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|46}} Likewise, it seems as though trade with Shadesmar was conducted through the Oathgates.{{book ref|sa3|116}}

=== Closing of the Oathgates ===
As time went on, the tariffs imposed by the Knights Radiant became increasingly steep, which became a source of ire for those taxed.{{epigraph ref|sa1|46}} Later, just before Honor died, the Sibling spoke to the spren of the Oathgates, ordering them to stop allowing for Realmatic transition and only permitting Transportation between locations in the Physical Realm. Being bound by Honor, the Oathgate spren could not rescind this prohibition.{{book ref|sa3|116}}{{book ref|sa4|22}}

As the [[Sibling]] retreated from mankind and the city of [[Urithiru]] began to fail, the Radiants closed and locked the active Oathgates and abandoned the city.{{epigraph ref|sa3|72}} In the centuries since, the purpose of the structures was forgotten.{{book ref|sa2|89}} Some became prime real estate for palaces and markets;{{book ref|sa3|83}}{{book ref|sa3|65}} others became religious monuments.{{book ref|sa3|58}} During the [[scouring of Aimia]], the Oathgate in [[Akinah]] was destroyed permanently -- or so it is believed.{{book ref|sa3|107}} However, the Oathgate was instead hidden away, and a fake Oathgate platform constructed above it in an attempt to convince any visitors that the Oathgate no longer functioned. The real Oathgate is still functional, though still left locked.

=== Rediscovery ===
Shortly before the arrival of the [[True Desolation]], [[Jasnah Kholin]] began her research into [[Urithiru]], and alongside it, the Oathgates, hoping they could potentially allow her to find the city.{{book ref|sa1|42}} In the course of her research, she successfully identified the locations of most of them, and may have even made an attempt to activate the Kholinar Oathgate, to no avail.{{book ref|sa3|8}}{{book ref|sa2|89}}

Following in Jasnah's footsteps, [[Shallan Davar]] successfully located the [[Stormseat]] Oathgate during the [[Battle of Narak]].{{book ref|sa2|84}} She managed to activate it, transferring the Alethi forces safely to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa2|86}} After the battle, this Oathgate was used to ferry people from the warcamps on the [[Shattered Plains]] to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa2|89}}

=== True Desolation ===
With the start of the [[True Desolation]], the Oathgates became central to [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s overall strategy, as they allowed for quick transportation between various corners of the continent.{{book ref|sa3|1}} However, many kingdoms were hesitant to allow the warlike [[Alethi]] direct access into their heartland.{{book ref|sa3|12}}

King [[Taravangian]] of [[Jah Keved]] and [[Kharbranth]] was the first to agree, ordering his Radiant, [[Malata]], to activate the Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|24}} [[Thaylenah|Thaylens]] were the next to agree, and Dalinar sent [[Shallan]] and [[Kaladin]] to open it from their side.{{book ref|sa3|51}} Finally, the [[Azish]] allowed access, after initially denying that the Oathgate was even functional.{{book ref|sa3|12}}{{book ref|sa3|60}}

At the same time, one of [[Odium]]'s [[Unmade]], [[Sja-anat]], suceeded at corrupting the [[Oathgate spren]] of [[Kholinar]] to bend them to her master's will.{{book ref|sa3|87}} The [[Voidbringer]]s later used this to invade Urithiru from Kholinar, as a distraction from the attack on [[Thaylen City]].{{book ref|sa3|i|14}} After [[Alethi]], assisted by [[Teft]], managed to push them back, they sent reinforcements to Thaylen City through its Oathgate to turn the tide of battle.{{book ref|sa3|120}}

== Oathgate Locations ==
=== Urithiru ===
There are ten Oathgate platforms on the edges of the grand plaza in front of Urithiru.{{file ref|Urithiru.jpg|Urithiru top-down view}} Each Oathgate is connected to a location in each of the ten ancient [[Silver Kingdoms]].{{map ref|Oathgates}}

=== Shattered Plains ===
The [[Natanatan]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Narak]], or Stormseat, in the very center of the [[Shattered Plains]]. Back when the city was in its prime, the Oathgate was located on a round plaza in its south-western part.{{file ref|Stormseat Mosaic.jpeg|Stormseat Mosaic}} In the present, the platform forms its own plateau adjacent to Narak.{{file ref|Battle of Narak.jpeg|Battle of Narak map}}

This Oathgate is the first to have been rediscovered and reactivated in the present day. It's found by [[Shallan]] during the [[Battle of Narak]], and used to transport the [[Alethi]] troops away from the field of battle before they can be killed in the confrontation between the [[Everstorm]] and a [[highstorm]].{{book ref|sa2|87}} Later, it becomes Urithiru's main connection to the outside world, with goods being brought through it from the Plains war camps into the tower-city.{{book ref|sa3|46}}

=== Alethkar ===
{{image|Kholinar palace plans.png|side=right|width=350px|Plans of [[Kholinar Palace]], with the Oathgate on the left}}
The [[Alethela]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Kholinar]], the capital of [[Alethkar]]. It's attached to the [[Kholinar Palace]] by a long covered bridge called the Sunwalk, and is technically part of the palatial complex.{{map ref|Kholinar}} The Oathgate platform serves as the home of the palace [[ardentia]], and is thus covered by numerous buildings.{{book ref|sa3|87}} It's called the Monastery Dais, with the control chamber itself known as the Circle of Memories. The local ardents believe that the ten lamps in the Circle represent the [[Silver Kingdoms]], while the keyhole represents the need for the priesthood to ignore borders and boundaries.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}

During the [[Siege of Kholinar]], the platform becomes home to [[Ashertmarn]], and as such is the location of the endless Revel organized by the [[Cult of Moments]].{{book ref|sa3|78}} At the same time, another [[Unmade]], [[Sja-anat]], corrupts its spren. When [[Shallan]], [[Adolin]], [[Kaladin]] and [[Azure]] attempt to use the Oathgate, they are dumped into Shadesmar instead.{{book ref|sa3|87}} While the Oathgate is later locked from Urithiru side after the news of Kholinar's fall reaches the tower,{{book ref|sa3|96}} [[Malata]] eventually unlocks it, letting the [[Voidbringer]]s attack Urithiru thorugh it.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa3|122}}

{{image|The Thaylen Oathgate by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=right|width=350px|[[Thaylen City]] Oathgate as seen from [[Shadesmar]]}}
The [[Thalath]] Oathgate is located in the Thaylen capital, [[Thaylen City]]. It sits at the city's highest and east-most point, near the cliffs falling down into the sea. Standing high above the other buildings, it provides an excellent view of the entire city.{{book ref|sa3|58}} A solitary path connects it to the Royal Ward. Notably, it's the only known Oathgate so far not to be located within the original borders of the ancient city it's connected to.{{map ref|Thaylen City}} In Shadesmar, it's connected to land by a long bridge.{{book ref|sa3|112}}

The Oathgate's original purpose remained in the Thaylen cultural memory, with stories of a "portal of worlds" dazzling children to this day.{{book ref|sa3|12}} However, the platform itself has been transformed into a sculpture garden. [[Kaladin]] and [[Shallan]] fly to Thaylen City to unlock it, while [[Malata]] does the same from Urithiru side, under [[Navani]]'s supervision.{{book ref|sa3|58}} From then on out, it's frequently used to transport both people and cargo.{{book ref|sa3|111}} It's particularly crucial in the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], as Kaladin and his group fight there in an attempt to return from Shadesmar, and the gate itself is used to transport reinforcements to help repel the [[Fused]].{{book ref|sa3|116}}{{book ref|sa3|120}}

The [[Makabakam]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Azimir]] in [[Azir]]. In the present day, it has been covered up by a bronze dome, with the interior serving as an indoor shopping district, known as the Grand Market. The control building itself is treated as a religious monument of some kind.{{book ref|sa3|65}}

Once the Azish learn that the structure is an Oathgate, they close down the grand market and build an extensive wooden structure within, indended to funnel anyone coming out of the control chamber down a single, highly defensible path.{{book ref|sa3|65}} Although they initially refuse to open the gate out of fear of the Blackthorn, they eventually allow [[Lift]] to do so to let Dalinar visit their city.{{book ref|sa3|12}}{{book ref|sa3|65}} Dalinar intends to inform them that the entire platform can be swapped, rendering their defences meaningless, although it's unknown whether he ended up passing that information along.{{book ref|sa3|65}}

===Jah Keved===
The [[Valhav]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Vedenar]], the capital of [[Jah Keved]]. It stands on one of the highest of the grand terraces of the city. Alongside a ramp, a set of stairs leads up to the platform.{{book ref|sa3|100}}

Like the other terraces in Vedenar, the Oathgate platform has been turned into a grand garden in the centuries since it's been locked.{{book ref|sa3|100}} After [[Taravangian]] decides to ally with Dalinar, [[Malata]] unlocks the Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|24}} The garden is then cleaned up, clearing the platform for full use.{{book ref|sa3|100}}

=== Akinah ===
The [[Aimia]] Oathgate is located in the city of [[Akinah]]. It was believed to have been destroyed during the [[Scouring of Aimia]].{{book ref|sa3|107}} In actuality, it survived the Scouring, and fell under the protection of the [[Sleepless]], who had vowed to protect the [[Dawnshard]] which also resided on the island.{{book ref|dawnshard|18}} In an attempt to conceal it, a building was built on top of the Oathgate platform and crem was allowed to cover it.{{book ref|dawnshard|15|name=ds15}} A fake Oathgate building was built on top, containing a rusted mechanism, a decayed mural, and lacking a slot for a Shardblade.{{ref|name=ds15}}

When accompanying the ''[[Wandersail (1174 ship)|Wandersail]]'' to Akinah, the team [[Navani Kholin|Queen Navani]] sent had the secret mission of determining the location and state of the Akinah Oathgate.{{book ref|dawnshard|9}} On arriving in Akinah, [[Lopen]] and [[Rushu]] found the fake Oathgate building exactly where they expected it. However, due to a number of odd coincidences, and a warning from [[Rysn]], they did not believe they had found the actual Oathgate. After finding a set of stairs, and cutting through the stone with a [[Soulcaster]], they discovered the actual Oathgate platform.{{ref|name=ds15}}

After Rysn brokered a peace agreement with the Sleepless, the ''Wandersail'' was allowed to leave Akinah with knowledge of the Oathgate.{{book ref|dawnshard|13}} The Oathgate was not opened, however, since Navani wasn't certain yet if they want to expend the forces needed to secure the location.{{wob ref|14363}}

=== Other Oathgates ===
<!-- NOTE: Once there's more than two sentences of information about any of these Oathgates, they should get their own subsections, the same way the ones above have -->

There are four other Oathgates that are not known to have been reactivated in the present day.

* '''Iri''': The [[Iri]] Oathgate is located in their capital, [[Rall Elorim]].{{map ref|Oathgates}} As the Iri leadership allied with [[Odium]], the Oathgate is currently under their control. However, it remains locked.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
* '''Rira''': The [[Rishir]] Oathgate is located in the capital of [[Rira (country)|Rira]], [[Kurth]].{{map ref|Oathgates}} It's likely come under the control of Odium as the Iriali moved to conquer Rira -- something they've intended to do for a long time.{{book ref|sa3|27}} Because the island that contains Kurth was located in the Silver Kingdom of Rishir and not Iri,{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}} the Kurth Oathgate may sometimes also be referred to as being in the [[Reshi Isles]].{{map ref|Oathgates}}
* '''Babatharnam''': The [[Sela Tales]] Oathgate sits in the city of [[Panatham]] in [[Babatharnam]]. It has most likely been captured by the Iriali forces.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
* '''Shinovar''': The [[Shin Kak Nish]] Oathgate lies somewhere in [[Shinovar]].{{map ref|Oathgates}} It's exact location is unknown, as there are no cities in Shinovar marked on the world map.{{map ref|Roshar}} The Map of Oathgates also does not list the city it is located within.

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
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