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'''Investiture''' describes the principle on which all of [[Brandon Sanderson]]'s magic systems in the [[Cosmere]] are based. It means that people or objects are Invested with magical power.
|related=[[Shard]]s, [[Realmatic Theory]]
|Investiture. The essence of the gods.
|[[VenDell]] to [[Wax]]{{book ref|mb7|17}}
'''Investiture''' is a term describing the energy that infuses the [[cosmere]] and on which all [[cosmere]] magic systems are based.

== Terminology ==
== Terminology ==
An official definition of the term has not been given yet.
The term '''Investiture'''{{wob ref|1072}} has only seen in-world use by cosmere aware individuals or groups. Most who refer to Investiture use terminology specific to the world in which they reside; [[Feruchemy|Feruchemists]] refer to the process of Investing a [[metalmind]] as 'filling' or ‘storing’ and [[Windrunner]]s refer to the process by which they create [[Lashing]]s as 'infusing'.{{wob ref|5528}} Most people using this term understand more cogently that the [[cosmere]] encompasses worlds and systems of magic other than their own.

Meanwhile, the term '''Investiture''' is a generalized term used by the [[Seventeenth Shard]] and [[spren]]. In the Cosmere, so far, they are the only ones with knowledge of the term '''Investiture'''. On the Cosmere worlds different terms are used to describe the application of magic, depending on its appearance. For example, the [[Feruchemist]]s of [[Scadrial]] -- who are able to invest [[metalmind]]s -- refer to the process as 'charging' the metalmind. A [[Surgebinder]] with access to the Three [[Lashing]]s refers to the Investiture as 'infusing' a person or an object.{{ref|?|619|18|Can we change charge to imbue?}}
'''Kinetic Investiture''' is a term used for Investiture that is being used or expressed.{{wob ref|15308}}{{wob ref|5715}}{{wob ref|7413}}{{book ref|sa4|89}} This is the form of Investiture that is able to be detected by [[Bronze|Seekers]] or absorbed by [[Sand (Taldain)| white sand]].{{wob ref|9288}}{{wob ref|15308}}{{wob ref|7413}}

The term can be used as a verb or an adjective. The Feruchemist invests his metalmind, which then becomes an invested object. By [[Awakening]] a rope, the Awakener Invests the rope, which becomes an Invested object.
'''Static Investiture''' is a term used for Investiture that is held within a vessel such as a gemstone, therefore not being in use.{{wob ref|15308}}{{book ref|sa4|89}} An object containing, or being made up of, Static Investiture is referred to as being '''Invested'''.{{book ref|sa4|15}} Invested objects, such as metalminds or Shardplate, resist being affected by [[Invested Art]]s.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}}

'''Innate Investiture''' is a term used to refer to added Investiture to a being from birth, not including the natural Investiture that makes up the soul.{{book ref|mb7|part=ars}}{{wob ref|1072}} Examples of Innate Investiture include the fragment of [[Preservation]] in all [[Scadrial|Scadrians]], or [[BioChromatic Breath]] on [[Nalthis]].{{epigraph ref|mb3|38}}{{book ref|wb|prologue}}{{wob ref|1072}}

'''Unkeyed Investiture''' refers to Investiture that is unkeyed from any [[Connection]] or [[Identity]] to any [[Shard]].{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{book ref|mb7|39}}{{book ref|mb7|40}}{{wob ref|5656}} This allows anyone with the relevant powers to access it as fuel for their abilities.{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb7|51}}

The '''Breath Equivalent Unit''' ('''BEU''') is a unit of measurement for Investiture.{{book ref|tsm|1}} The unit is based on the quantity of Investiture in one typical [[BioChromatic Breath]].{{book ref|tsm|13}}{{wob ref|9685}}{{wob ref|15777}} The innate Investiture of one person is approximately equivalent to one BEU.{{book ref|tsm|23}} People from highly Invested worlds typically have no more than three BEUs of Investiture.{{book ref|tsm|24}}

== The Nature of Investiture ==
|Investiture is what souls are made out of. Well, everything is Investiture—because matter, energy, and Investiture are the same. But souls, as you’d call them, are parts of our beings that are pure Investiture. Like…fire is energy. This table is matter. Souls? Investiture.
|[[Design]]{{book ref|yumi|32}}

Investiture transcends the three realms: [[Physical Realm|Physical]], [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]], and [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual Realm]] that compose most of the [[cosmere]]. However, it is more Spiritual than anything.{{epigraph ref|mb3|57}}{{wob ref|5610}} In the Physical Realm, Investiture is known to exist in solid, (i.e. [[atium]] and [[lerasium]]), liquid (many [[Perpendicularity|perpendicularities]]), and gaseous material forms ([[Mist|Preservation's Mists]], [[Light]], [[BioChromatic Breath]]). For some reason, all solid Investiture is metallic, the result of one of the laws governing the cosmere.{{book ref|sa2.5|20}}{{wob ref|9291}} Most often these appear due to influence by a [[Vessel]], however some formations occur in a more natural way. Some solid Investiture, like atium, breaks the general rules regarding how Invested objects interact with Investiture.{{wob ref|8929}}

Large amounts of Investiture concentrated in a specific location tend to pierce a hole in the three realms (Spiritual, Cognitive, and Physical) and create a perpendicularity. This effect is similar to the gravity generated by large amounts of matter.{{wob ref|8920}} Like matter, Investiture causes time dilation in any amount, with the degree of time dilation being proportional to the amount of Investiture in a given area, but this is relatively mild even by perpendicularities.{{book ref|sa4|i|1}}{{wob ref|13425}}{{wob ref|13453}}{{wob ref|16014}} But the amount of Investiture condensed into [[Shard]]s is able to cause a degree of time dilation that would be virtually impossible by anything else.{{wob ref|16014}}

When a Shard is "co-opting or corrupting another Shard's magic", the color red has a tendency to manifest.{{wob ref|8340}}{{book ref|sa3|117}}{{tes ref|30}}{{book ref|mb6|28}} All Investiture creates some type of emotional reaction in users.{{wob ref|13392}} Investiture has flavor to beings such as [[Nightblood]], and different Investitures would have different flavors.{{wob ref|15669}}{{book ref|sa4|42}} Raw Investiture responds to thoughts, emotions, and Intent, especially from heavily Invested beings.{{book ref|yumi|32}}{{book ref|tsm|21}}

Investiture works in a similar fashion to energy in that it follows its own version of the laws of thermodynamics. It is not possible to create, or destroy, Investiture; it can only be redistributed or changed in form.{{wob ref|1649}} Following from this, Investiture can be converted directly into mass or energy, and vice versa.{{book ref|mb7|17}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|78}}{{book ref|sa4|65}}{{book ref|sa4|97}}

There are at least four laws that govern Investiture.{{wob ref|3544}}

; '''The First Law of Investiture''': The First Law, known as '''Khriss's Second Law''',{{book ref|tsm|21}} states that Investiture cannot be created or destroyed, only changed in form.{{wob ref|1649}}{{book ref|mb7|17}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|78}}{{book ref|sa4|65}}{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{book ref|tsm|21}}

; The Second Law of Investiture: The Second Law "stands as is",{{wob ref|3544}} this refers to the fact that, in simple terms, energy flows from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. </br></br> This law can be observed through how Investiture tends to leak out of bodies containing it (be it gem or sophont),{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} and how it tends to flow into vessels that aren't Invested. For example, when [[Stormlight]] is quickly removed from a gem, it would pull in Investiture and [[spren]] from the surrounding area.{{file ref|Navani's_Notebook_-_The_Arnist_Method.jpg|The Arnist Method}}{{book ref|sa4|42}} The flow of Investiture outside of holes into the Cognitive Realm created through [[AonDor]],{{book ref|elantris|7}} which creates an opening or release valve to the very densely packed Investiture of the Dor,{{au ref|selish}}{{wob ref|6852}} into the far less Invested Physical Realm; and the way in which Investiture leaks from, and affects the surroundings of, those with many Breaths,{{book ref|wb|15}}{{cite}} might be other examples of this. </br></br> Further evidence is in how the more Stormlight a [[Surgebinder]] takes in, therefore, the more concentrated the Investiture within them, the faster it leaks out of their body, which could be a further display of the flow of Investiture from higher a system of higher concentration (the body of the Surgebinder) to one of lower concentration (the world surrounding said Surgebinder).{{book ref|sa2|2}}

; The Third Law of Investiture: The Third Law is unknown.

; The Fourth Law of Investiture: The Fourth Law is unknown, and somehow relates to [[Adonalsium]].{{wob ref|3544}}

From the fact that Investiture follows the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy,{{book ref|mb7|17}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|78}}{{book ref|sa4|65}}{{book ref|sa4|97}} and the Law of Conservation of Momentum holds true in the cosmere,{{book ref|mb6|12}}{{cite}}{{wob ref|6595}} it can be reasonably postulated that liquid Investiture follows the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navier%E2%80%93Stokes_equations Navier–Stokes equations], which govern the motion of fluids, and is derived from these two laws.

=== Anti-Investiture ===
Physical matter is known to have a counterpart called antimatter - matter composed of antiparticles that share many properties with the particles of ordinary matter, but manifest some of them in an opposite way (e.g. a proton and an antiproton have the same mass, but opposite electric charges and magnetic moments). The [[Fused]] scholar [[Raboniel]] describes this in terms of axi with opposite polarities.{{book ref|sa4|97}} A similar relationship exists between Investiture and anti-Investiture in the cosmere. When Investiture combines with its corresponding anti-Investiture, they are both annihilated, resulting in the release of a large amount of energy.{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{wob ref|16236}} The reaction seems to be more violent when the two are brought together under pressure.{{book ref|sa4|97}}

[[Khriss]] notes that the existence of anti-Investiture has been theorized for some time, but that the anti-Lights developed by [[Navani Kholin]] and Raboniel are her first evidence that it actually exists.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}}

== Accessing Investiture ==
Many methods of accessing Shardic power have been observed throughout the [[cosmere]], but all share certain cardinal similarities; an established Connection or ability to create a Connection to a source of power and a way of directing that power. Methods of accessing Investiture can be broadly divided into two types: physical and mechanical; the source of the Investiture (end-positive, end-neutral, or end-negative) also plays a role in the way the power is accessed.

Several end-positive magics share the trait of requiring a Spiritual shift of some kind; [[Elantrian]]s are more closely attuned to the [[Spiritual Realm]] (incidentally, this is why [[Hemalurgy]] gets more from them),{{wob ref|6218}} [[Allomancer]]s in [[Classical Scadrial]] and the [[Final Empire]] had to [[Snap]] to access power,{{wob ref|5182}} and [[Surgebinder]]s "plug" [[spren]] into themselves.{{wob ref|5469}}{{book ref|sa2|68}} Once a conduit has been established, a key, such as an Aon, metal, or Command, is used to tell it how to act.

While a key is generally used, [[Shard]]s can also choose to use their Investiture to power magic: [[Endowment]] breaks pieces off itself to resurrect the [[Returned]], and [[Preservation]] powers [[Vin]]'s Allomancy with the [[Mist]]s; some magics, such as [[BioChroma]] and [[Feruchemy]], deal with the use of power that already exists within a human (be that naturally or by Shardic intervention). Others lack an explicit key; instead of pulling power directly from a Shard, Surgebinders draw from the Investiture of [[highstorm]]s, and direct it through their bond with their spren, similarly to [[fabrial]]s.

=== Invested Arts ===
{{for|Invested Art}}
Invested Arts are manifestations of Investiture that allow practitioners to use their abilities to manipulate Investiture.{{book ref|elantris|part=ars}}{{wob ref|14446}} Planets, Shards, and the fundamental forces that make up the cosmere all affect an Invested Art's function and powers.{{wob ref|11844}}

== Intent of use ==
The [[Intent]] of a user is very important to several magic systems; these magic systems require a mental component to function. Some, like [[Hemalurgy]], simply require that someone intend to make a spike when they do it, and others, like [[Awakening]], require complex images created in their mind with the spoken command to function.

Hemalurgy has only one known mental component: that the user or [[Shard]] must be trying to do Hemalurgy (this is [[Ruin]]'s intent when [[Spook]] temporarily gains the ability to burn pewter). This mental component, if not present, renders the spike to a normal metal spike and simply harms the victim. When present, it controls what is stolen when used in conjunction with the correct binding point. One can also, with proper Intent (alongside other preparations), perform Hemalurgy without killing the victim.{{book ref|mb7|47}}

Awakening is almost as much mental as spoken. If the visualizing of the command is not firm, the Awakened object can behave in a unknown manner or not at all. The more complex the command the more important that mental component is.

In [[Surgebinding]], the mental component has varying degrees of necessity depending on the [[Surge]] used. [[Surgebinding#Illumination|Lightweaving]] requires an extremely clear image in a user's mind to create an illusion with the appropriate appearance, but with Surges like Gravitation the user does not have to have any idea of what they are doing; the Surge will do the same thing regardless. Some Surges do require simply that the user wish it to happen. Often with Surgebinding this can be accomplished by instinctively pushing [[Stormlight]] into something.

The creation of Anti-Investiture, and replication of the Anti-Tones of [[Shard]]s, requires an active Intent in order to work properly.{{book ref|sa4|97}}

== Categories of Investiture ==
== Categories of Investiture ==
In the ''[[Alloy of Law]]'' Ars Arcanum, the author categorizes the three [[Metallic Arts]].{{ref|b|aol|ars}} Every type of Investiture can be classified along these categories.{{17s ref|2383|post|42117|Can all Investitures be classified as end-positive, neutral, or negative?}}
Within each Invested Art, the spiritwebs of the practitioners can be viewed as a closed system. The Investiture used to create an effect can come from one of the following three categories within the closed loop.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}}{{wob ref|1084}}

=== End-positive Investiture ===
=== End-positive Investiture ===
When practicing an end-positive Investiture, the practitioner draws in power from an external source.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} The practitioner gains power from the external source. The Investiture is positive in that it adds -- in most cases temporarily -- power to the practitioner. Most types of Investiture are end-positive.{{wob ref|1084}}
When practicing an end-positive Investiture, the practitioner draws in power from an external source.{{ref|b|aol|ars}} The practitioner gains power from the external source. The Investiture is positive in that it adds -- in most cases temporarily -- power to the practitioner. Most types of Investiture are end-positive.{{17s ref|2383|post|42117}}

Examples for end-positive Investiture are [[Allomancy]] and the form-based Investitures on Sel (i.e. [[AonDor]]).
Allomancy draws Investiture from [[Preservation]] in a similar way to [[AonDor]] pulling power from the [[Dor]]; both are considered End-Positive since they add power to the Allomancer or Elantrian. Allomantic [[Atium]] draws power from [[Ruin]]'s concentrated Physical form, but is still considered End-Positive as the power comes from an outside source. [[Stormlight]] acts as an external source to the [[Surge]]s, so the system is also end-positive.

=== End-neutral Investiture ===
=== End-neutral Investiture ===
For an act of Investiture to be considered end-neutral, power is neither gained nor lost.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} A practitioner manipulates power that already exists or power that comes from themselves.
In an end-neutral Investiture, power is neither gained nor lost{{ref|b|aol|ars}}. The practitioner disposes about his amount of power, making it neutral in that power that is invested into an object, can be withdrawn to reinstall the original amount of power.

[[Feruchemy]] is end-neutral, since the amount of Investiture remains constant. Awakening is also considered end-neutral, even though color is lost.{{wob ref|6738}}
[[Feruchemy]] is end-neutral. Awakening is end-neutral.{{17s ref|7058|post|116818|text=Chicago Signing, Mar 22, 2014}}

=== End-negative Investiture ===
=== End-negative Investiture ===
In the practice of an end-negative Investiture, some power is lost.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} End-negative Investiture is very rare.{{wob ref|1084}}
In the practice of an end-negative Investiture, some power is lost.{{ref|b|aol|ars}} It is negative in that it removes some power from someone. End-negative Investiture is very rare.{{17s ref|2383|post|42117}}

[[Hemalurgy]] is end-negative. Investiture held in a spike outside the body decays.

== Color ==
|Color is like flavor to spren. It is part of the soul of a thing.
|[[The Sibling]]{{book ref|sa4|42}}

Color is an important part of the [[cosmere]] and its magics,{{wob ref|10444}}{{wob ref|11713}} and is relevant to every manifestation of Investiture.{{wob ref|9439}} Some magic systems are connected through how color works within them.{{wob ref|12285}}{{wob ref|12710}} Certain colors are linked to a change in Investiture, such as corrupted Investiture being red.{{wob ref|13074}} How color is viewed and therefore how it affects Investiture is mainly through people's perception of it.{{wob ref|14141}} Holding large amounts of Investiture for prolonged periods, such as with [[Breath]]s and [[Dawnshard]]s, will give a person enhanced perception of colors.{{wob ref|14328}}

=== Shards ===
Every [[Shard]] is associated with certain colors.{{wob ref|13074}}{{wob ref|1210}} Their [[perpendicularity|perpendicularities]] are also associated with their colors.{{wob ref|8910}}

*'''[[Cultivation]]''': Cultivation’s Investiture is typically associated with the color green.{{wob ref|13074}}
*'''[[Devotion]]''': Devotion’s Investiture might be associated with sapphire colors.{{book ref|elantris|25}}{{wob ref|8910}}
*'''[[Honor]]''': Honor’s Investiture is typically associated with the color blue-white.{{wob ref|13074}}
*'''[[Odium]]''': Odium’s Investiture is typically associated with “burning” gold or violet-black colors,{{book ref|sa3|57}} though it is also often red, the color that signifies corrupted Investiture.{{wob ref|13074}}
*'''[[Preservation]]''': Preservation’s Investiture is typically associated with the color white.{{book ref|mb3|19}}{{book ref|mb7|19}}
*'''[[Ruin]]''': Ruin’s Investiture is typically associated with the color black.{{msh ref|6|1}}{{book ref|mb3|81}}{{book ref|mb7|19}}
*'''[[Harmony]]''': Harmony’s Investiture is not typically associated with the colors of Preservation and Ruin.{{wob ref|14914}}
*'''[[Virtuosity]]''': Virtuosity's colors appear to be cyan and magenta.{{book ref|yumi|1}}

=== Color in Investiture ===
==== Nalthis ====
*'''[[Awakening]]''': Awakening an object has a cost of draining the color of nearby objects. Color appears to act as a fuel for Awakening. Objects drained of their color usually turn grey, although an Awakener who achieved [[Heightening#Tenth_Heightening|Perfect Invocation]] could drain objects more fully, turning them white.{{book ref|wb|57}} Colors outside the visible spectrum, like ultraviolet, can be used as fuel for Awakening.{{wob ref|9552}}

*'''[[Heightening]]''': The Third Heightening grants Perfect Color Recognition, the ability to instantly and instinctively determine exact shades of colors and their hue harmonics.{{book ref|wb|3}} The Tenth Heightening grants Color Distortion, the natural and intrinsic ability to bend light around white objects within their BioChroma, creating colors from them as if from a prism.{{book ref|wb|15}} The Tenth Heightening also grants Perfect Invocation, the ability to draw more color from the objects Awakeners use to fuel their art. This leaves objects drained to white, rather than grey.{{book ref|wb|58}}

*'''[[Royal Locks]]''': Members of the royal family of [[Idris]] can change their hair color. Normally the color of the Royal Locks reflects the person's emotional state by default but this can be controlled through training and discipline.{{book ref|wb|2}} They can also change their hair color to unnatural colors.{{wob ref|12651}} Which particular color that will match up with which particular emotion is based on associations that people in the culture give them and the user's own perspective.{{wob ref|13043}}

==== Rosharan system ====
*'''[[Knights Radiant]]''': Each Knights Radiant Order is associated with a color. When a [[Surgebinder]] summons their [[Shardblade]], their eyes will change to match their Order's color.{{wob ref|6848}}{{wob ref|8628}}

*'''[[Soulcasting]]''': When Soulcasting, both Surgebinders and [[fabrial]] users are limited by the types of gems available to them.{{wob ref|2784}} While the chemical composition of the gemstone is important, its color is paramount, with every color of a polestone corresponding to one of the [[Ten Essences]]. Some polestones are the same type of crystal but with different color and chemical signatures, such as sapphires and rubies both being types of corundum.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}} Much like how [[iron]] and [[steel]], despite being very similar chemically, are different metals in the Metallic Arts, the exact color and chemical signatures are enough to differentiate the polestones. As a result, an off-color polestone acts much like an impure alloy in Allomancy.{{wob ref|4080}} If a polestone was drained of its color by an Awakener, it would still hold Stormlight but would have the properties of a dusty or cloudy quartz.{{wob ref|3203}}{{wob ref|295}} If a [[spren]] was trapped inside, they would be released.{{wob ref|292}} Although the type of polestone [[Stormlight]] is stored in is irrelevant for most [[Surgebinding]], polestones do have an important impact on Soulcasting. Namely, they determine what kind of substances a Soulcaster can transmute objects into.{{wob ref|2784}}

*'''Fabrials''': The color of a gemstone determines its flavor to a spren, and can be used to attract certain types of spren.{{book ref|sa4|42}}

==== Other ====
*'''AonDor''': When combined with different colors, AonDor has interesting combinations.{{wob ref|11772}}

*'''Dawnshards''': The Investiture of each Dawnshard grants Heightening-like abilities,{{wob ref|14339}} allowing a person to see colors more vividly than before.{{book ref|sa3.5|Epilogue}} This is not intrinsic to Dawnshards, but rather to high quantities of Investiture in general.{{wob ref|14328}}

== Healing ==
Many magic systems in the [[cosmere]] are able to heal a person from damage. This includes physical wounds{{book ref|mb6|14}} or sprains,{{book ref|sa3|10}} and can even heal fatal damage.{{book ref|mb6|17}}{{book ref|sa3|72}} Limbs and body parts can be regrown as well.{{book ref|sa2|87}} Healing can also be used to recover from poisoning,{{book ref|sa3|18}} sickness such as a cold or cancer,{{wob ref|1009}} chronic diseases, such as poor eyesight,{{wob ref|2833}}{{book ref|wor|89}} tiredness,{{book ref|mb4|15}} and even damage to the [[spiritweb|soul]].{{book ref|sa3|37}} Constantly healing from wounds can leave the user invulnerable to pain.{{book ref|mb4|13}} Most forms of extreme healing don't care much about what is done to the physical body, as long as the person's spiritual template is in power at the time.{{wob ref|3535}} Some magic systems are better at healing than others, and general healing can happen if a person is Invested enough.{{wob ref|6678}}{{book ref|tsm|49}}

Memories can be restored via healing, as they are stored with the Cognitive version of a person, and encoded into their Investiture. This is also why Cognitive Shadows retain their memories.{{wob ref|15183}}{{epigraph ref|sa4|84}}{{book ref|yumi|32}}

=== Healing the soul ===
When healing the soul, such as a missing piece cut off from a [[Shardblade]], a new patch of soul will be created.{{wob ref|126}}{{wob ref|983}} Healing wounds to the soul is much more [[Spiritual Realm]] based.{{wob ref|6435}} If a magic is strong enough to heal from pieces of a body, it will try to heal from the biggest piece.{{wob ref|4128}} If the body was perfectly cut in half, a random half would be chosen to heal from. Not every magic system is capable of healing soul wounds.{{wob ref|6435}} If the soul leaves the body and is then healed, the soul will not return and the physical body will be the only thing healed, leaving the person dead.{{wob ref|9623}}{{book ref|mb3|82}}{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}} If a soul is healed but not reattached properly, the person will leave a glowing afterimage when they move,{{book ref|sa3|90}} though it is only visible to those who are highly Invested or connected to the [[Cognitive Realm]].{{wob ref|2563}}

=== Limitations ===
While a number of things can be healed, there are certain limitations. Disorders like depression that are a part of a person's personality will not be cured.{{wob ref|688}}{{wob ref|1914}} Electrical stimulation of muscles, such as being electrocuted, will not be healed as it's not doing any harm and it's how muscles normally work.{{wob ref|10870}} Aging and certain genetic diseases can also not be healed.{{wob ref|3885}}

Many, if not all, magical healing processes are stopped by [[aluminum]]. If aluminum is in the wound, it makes it impossible for wounds to heal around the aluminum until it is removed from the body.{{wob ref|6365}}

=== Perception of oneself ===
Healing works by using the three versions of the user's self; their Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual version.{{wob ref|9441}} Healing typically heals the Physical version by matching it to their ideal Spiritual version, which is filtered through the lens of their minds (Cognitive version). Almost all forms of healing in the cosmere are filtered through the perception of the user.{{wob ref|7024}}{{wob ref|9623}} This applies to both internal and external forms of healing. When someone is healing someone else, both of their perceptions matter.{{wob ref|11998}} If a person hasn't accepted a wound as a part of themselves, they can still heal it regardless of how long they've had it.{{book ref|sa2|87}}{{wob ref|12149}} However, even if a wound is recent, if the person has changed their mindset to see it as a part of themselves, they will not be able to heal from it.{{book ref|sa3|i|13}}{{book ref|sa3.5|1}}{{wob ref|6501}} Perception can also have users change their body to match their identity, such as a transgender person changing their biological sex,{{book ref|sa3.5|3}}{{book ref|yumi|17}}{{wob ref|10913}} or a human changing into a singer.{{wob ref|15924}} There are a few magic systems that are an exception to this rule.{{wob ref|5306}}

Highly Invested individuals can shift their Spiritual self to more closely match their Cognitive self, making self-perception more important in the process. This allows for the healing of old wounds if the person doesn't view them as being part of themself, something that is impossible with less Invested individuals.{{book ref|sa2|87}}{{wob ref|14448}}

=== Types of known Investiture healing ===
==== Metallic Arts ====
*'''Feruchemical Gold''': In [[Feruchemy]], health is stored in [[gold]]. A goldmind can be tapped to heal at an accelerated rate, or to heal from wounds that would normally be fatal.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} It's hard to fill a goldmind, due to the fact that it requires the Bloodmaker to spend time sickly and weak. Gold does not heal diseases as efficiently as it heals wounds, but it can heal damage to the soul.{{book ref|mb5|5}}{{wob ref|983}} A gold [[Compounding|Compounder]] can use gold to have a nearly infinite supply of health. When Compounding, a Bloodmaker can heal very rapidly, and can survive flaying, decapitations, and point-blank explosions.{{book ref|mb4|11}}{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}} The recovery from injuries and wounds is almost instantaneous.{{book ref|mb4|13}}

*'''Allomantic Aluminum''': In [[Allomancy]], burning aluminum would be able to heal the withering inflicted by a [[Shade]].{{wob ref|6374}} If someone were able to burn the amount of aluminum needed to become an Allomantic savant with the metal, it may be possible to cleanse their spirit of unwanted effects of Investiture.{{wob ref|1247}}

*'''Allomantic Pewter''': In Allomancy, burning [[pewter]] grants the user the ability to heal from otherwise deadly wounds, and to recover much more quickly.{{book ref|mb1|15}}

==== The Dor ====
*'''AonDor''': In [[AonDor]], the [[Aon]] Ien is used as the basis for healing.{{book ref|Elantris|19}} To maximize its potential, [[Elantrian]]s use specialized modifiers that can target the part of the body that needs to be healed, as well as define how the healing should take place.{{book ref|Elantris|53}}

*'''Elantrians''': Elantrians are able to heal themselves quickly and survive fatal injuries, such as decapitation.{{wob ref|13084}} This ability doesn't function if the massive Aon Rao of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] is non-functional. [[Reod]] Elantrians' wounds will refuse to heal; nonetheless, a Reod Elantrian can only be killed by decapitation or burning, while remaining immune to hunger or most fatal wounds, as the [[Dor]] keeps their bodies functioning.{{wob ref|1942}}

*'''Forgery''': A form of [[Forgery]] practiced by surgeons is called Resealing.{{wob ref|7759}} Resealing can effect miraculous healing, even allowing to survive otherwise fatal wounds, but it doesn't repair spiritual damage. Forgery can also be used to Forge a new soul.{{tes ref|2}}

==== Rosharan system ====
*'''Surgebinding''': With [[Stormlight]] as a fuel source, [[Surgebinder]]s are able to heal both their body and their soul. Almost any kind of injury can be reversed, including bad eyesight, scar tissues, or Spiritual damage done by a [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa2|33}}

*'''Progression Surge''': In Surgebinding, the Progression [[Surge]] can alter the growth and healing of organisms.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} Using Growth and Regrowth, the Surgebinder can heal the damage done to the body and the soul of other people near-instantly.{{book ref|sa3|10}}{{book ref|sa2|I|9}} Thanks to this, Surgebinders with Progression are nigh-on unkillable so long as they have Stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|120}}

*'''Surge Fabrial''': A Surge [[Fabrial]] is able to mimic the Radiant ability of Regrowth. Ancient [[Knights Radiant|Radiants]] possessed fabrials constructed from a large topaz and a heliodor that were able to "regrow" and repair injuries through manipulating the Surge of Progression.{{book ref|sa1|19}} In the present day, most of those fabrials, as well as the knowledge of how to make them, have been lost; however, the [[Herald]] [[Nale]] possesses one capable of bringing someone back from the brink of death.{{book ref|sa2|88}}

*'''Honorblade''': An [[Honorblade]] inherently grants the ability to Surgebind.{{wob ref|4685}}{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} This allows the user to heal with Stormlight, but doesn't let them heal from a soul wound.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}

*'''Regal''': There is a [[Regal]] form that grants healing.{{book ref|sa4|52}}

*'''Fused''': The [[Fused]] use [[Voidlight]] to heal themselves.{{book ref|sa3|79}} Precisely how they do that, and whether their ability has any similarity to Radiants', is uncertain.{{book ref|sa3|43}}{{book ref|sa3|i|13}}

==== Other ====
*'''Returned''': Each [[Returned]] is gifted a single, powerful [[Breath]] called a divine Breath, a [[Splinter]] of [[Endowment]].{{wob ref|4486}} A Returned may give this Breath up to heal one person, albeit at the cost of their own life.{{book ref|wb|12}} This sacrifice can cure diseases, heal almost any wound, and regrow lost body parts.{{book ref|wb|12}} The divine Breath is one of the most powerful healing abilities in the cosmere, perhaps ''the'' most powerful available to non-Shards.{{wob ref|9623}}

*'''Hoid''': [[Hoid]] has access to some sort of healing factor that is capable of repairing both his body and soul.{{wob ref|5606}} He's able to regenerate any damaged body parts at will, including his head. He's also able to repress his healing factor in some way, preventing instantaneous healing, an ability that he makes use of in some of his disguises.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} This healing factor makes it very difficult to kill Hoid, although he is still at least somewhat vulnerable.{{wob ref|4780}}{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} The name of the manifestation of Investiture responsible for Hoid's healing is unknown, but it is ancient, likely originating from some Pre-[[Shattering]] source.{{wob ref|8498}} It is uncertain whether or not this healing factor is at all related to Hoid's apparent agelessness, which is known to originate from a remnant of a weapon built to kill [[Adonalsium]].{{wob ref|10439}}

*'''Shards''': [[Shard]]s are able to heal physical and spiritual wounds of other people.{{book ref|mb3|72}}{{wob ref|184}} They can also heal those who have very recently died, and can even heal normally irreversible damage, such as [[Savant|savantism]].{{wob ref|3763}}{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}}

*'''General''': Being heavily Invested in general can cause the body to change to match the cognitive aspect, even without any conscious effort on part of the sophont in question. Such as [[Yumi]] changing [[Painter]]'s body into her own simply from being heavily Invested.{{book ref|yumi|17}}

[[Hemalurgy]] is end-negative.
== Bonds ==
Bonds are connections between entities in the [[cosmere]] that exist outside the [[Physical Realm]]. All bonds are basically the same, with the powers and functions depending on the holders of the bond.{{wob ref|3488}} The nature of the [[Cosmere#Planets|planet]] can also have an effect on what the bond does. Bonds are typically formed between entities with greater-than-normal Investiture (e.g. [[Spren]]) and other entities, allowing them to gain enhancements. It is unknown if a person with only innate Investiture is able to create a bond.{{wob ref|6881}} Bonds are not limited to connections of entities with greater-than-normal Investiture to innately Invested entities; they can also be made between two entities with greater-than-normal Investiture.{{wob ref|2862}}

== Investiture of Humans ==
== Investiture of people ==
Generally, humans are not Invested. However, on some worlds, a Shard has invested humans. For example, [[Preservation]] gave part of his power to humans to make them sentient. On [[Nalthis]], people are born with [[Breath]]. Both cases are called '''Innate Investiture'''.{{ref|?|839|4|What do we call a Shard's power inside someone?}}
All living creatures on some level have Investiture. This is called the spark of life. All sentient creatures have a slightly greater amount of Investiture than non-intelligent ones. The spark of life or soul of a person creates a kind of interference when working with other forms of Investiture. This interference is the reason that metal inside of a person's body is highly resistant to Allomantic steel or iron. To affect something like metal inside a person's body takes a much greater degree of Investiture than most humans are capable of wielding. This is of note because a human's soul does not count as a highly Invested object and a person is not even counted as being innately Invested if they only have the spark of life.{{wob ref|6881}}

Under specific conditions, some humans are Invested with more power than others. This bigger amount of power usually enables these humans to perform an Investiture themselves. In general one can say that the bigger the amount of power a human has, the more powerful an Investiture they can perform. For example, a [[Allomancer#Mistborn|Mistborn]] has a very big amount of power, enabling them to use all Allomantic metals. A [[Misting]] has a lesser amount of power, but still more than anyone with Innate Investiture. That's why they are only able to use one Allomantic metal.
Generally, humans are not considered to have '''innate Investiture'''. However, on some worlds, a Shard has Invested humans. For example, [[Preservation]] gave part of his power to make sentient humans with the ability to develop Allomancy. On [[Nalthis]], people are born with [[Breath]]. Both cases are known as '''innate Investiture'''.{{wob ref|1072}} For example, on [[Nalthis]] every person is born with a breath and has innate Investiture, but a person who has given up their breath is no longer innately Invested while still maintaining their spark of life.

The conditions required to getting invested with a bigger amount of power differ from [[Shardworld]] to Shardworld. It is assumed that the intent of the respective Shard influences these conditions.
Under specific conditions, some humans can become Invested with more power than others. In general, the closer the connection between a human and a Shard, the more powerful the human becomes. A normal human on Scadrial is less connected to [[Preservation]]'s Investiture than a [[Misting]], who is less connected than a [[Allomancer#Mistborn|Mistborn]], who is less connected than [[Allomancer|Mistborn]] who has consumed [[Lerasium]] (the direct Physical essence of [[Preservation]]), who is less connected than a person using a pool of liquid Investiture like the [[Well of Ascension]]. A human who is holding a [[Shard]] is basically pure Investiture and cannot really be considered human while holding a [[Shard]].
On [[Scadrial]] you get the bigger amount of power by genetics. On [[Sel]] it's the [[Shaod]] (among other things), on [[Roshar]] it depends on how you act.{{ref|?|608|15|A discussion on investiture}}

A human with enough power can invest other people or themselves. A Surgebinder can Lash people to the ceiling or himself to a wall.
The conditions required for becoming Invested with a larger amount of power differ from planet to planet. It is assumed that the intent of the respective Shard influences these conditions. On [[Scadrial]] Connection to a Shard is determined by genetics. On [[Sel]] it's the [[Shaod]] that comes to those who live in the correct area, and on [[Roshar]] it has to do with a person's actions and how they live their life.{{wob ref|7256}}

== Investiture of Objects ==
== Investiture of Objects ==
Objects are not Invested in their original state. They can become Invested by a Shard or by a human having met the above-mentioned requirements. An Invested object gains magical properties. The more Invested an object is, the more power it has. Examples for Invested objects include:
Objects are not Invested in their original state. They can get invested through an Investiture performed by a Shard or by a human having met the above-mentioned requirements. An Invested object gains magical properties. Examples for invested objects are:
* filled [[metalmind]]s of a [[Feruchemist]]
* filled metalminds of a Feruchemist
* a charged [[Hemalurgic]] spike ([[Vin's earring]], [[Wax's earring]])
* a charged Hemalurgic spike ([[Vin's earring]], [[Wax's earring]])
* any Awakened object, especially [[Nightblood]]
* any [[BioChromatic Breath#Types of BioChromatic entities|Awakened object]]
* [[Shardplate]] and [[Shardblade]]
* [[Nightblood]], as a Type IV BioChromatic Entity
* a Forger's Seal
* [[Shardplate]] and [[Shardblade]]s, as well as the [[Honorblade]]s

An Invested object usually can't be influenced by another Investiture.{{ref|?|715|1|Could Allomancy affect a Shardplate/blade?}}
Invested objects are harder to affect with any magic system, the more Investiture the more difficult to affect.{{wob ref|4207}}{{wob ref|4074}} Once an object has been Invested it is very hard to Invest it with a different kind of Investiture as well.{{wob ref|10416}} Sometimes when an object in one of the Realms has a large amount of Investiture it can gain sentience (see, for example, [[spren]] and Nightblood).

== Investiture of Natural Phenomena ==
== Investiture of Natural Phenomenon ==
It is possible for a natural force to become Invested. On [[Roshar]], [[Zahel]] states that the [[highstorm]]s are Invested.{{book ref|sa2|i|6}} The [[Stormfather]] also states that during a highstorm, [[Honor]]’s power is concentrated in the storm as it moves across the land, temporarily joining all three [[Realms]].{{book ref|sa3|64}}
It is possible for a natural force to become Invested. On [[Roshar]], [[Zahel]] states that the [[Highstorm|Highstorms]] are Invested. Whether this is the result of purposeful design by a [[Shardholder]], or the continued maintainence of another entity such as the [[Stormfather]], has not been revealed. It is also not clear whether the storm is invested in and of itself, or if it houses another form of Investiture.

== Known Investiture ==
== Manifestations of Investiture ==
{| class='infobox' width=100%
{| class=infobox width=80% align=center
! Investiture !! [[Shardworld|World]] !! [[Shard]]
{{row|Investiture|[[Shardworld|World]]|[[:Category:Books|Books]]|pre={{#!:! width=33% |}}|pre4={{#!:! width=1% |}} |&nbsp;|extra=class=title}}
| [[Mist]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Preservation]]
| Black [[Mist]] || [[Scadrial]] || [[Ruin]]
| [[BioChromatic Breath]] || [[Nalthis]] || [[Endowment]]
| [[Dor]] || [[Sel]] || [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]]
| [[Stormlight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Honor]]
| [[Voidlight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Odium]]
| [[Lifelight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Cultivation]]
| [[Warlight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Odium]], [[Honor]]
| [[Towerlight]] || [[Roshar]] || [[Cultivation]], [[Honor]]
| [[Hion]] || [[Komashi]] || [[Virtuosity]]
| ''Unknown'' || [[Canticle]] || ''Unknown''

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
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