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|books=[[The Reckoners]]
|Zeff was more like a thorny tumbleweed than a real person.
|[[Jax. (Reckoners)|Jax]].{{book ref|lux|7}}
'''Zeff''' is a trainer for the [[Reckoners]]. He is the chief trainer at the [[Coop]], and personally trains [[Jax (Reckoners)|Jax]] and [[Paige]]. He dies at the hands of [[Wingflare]].
Zeff pushes his trainees to their limits. His favorite form of punishment is "The Post," a post outside the Coop on which trainees are forced balance for hours under the sun.{{book ref|lux|5}}
=== Training Jax and Paige ===
Zeff was in charge of [[Jax]]’sJax’s training at the [[Coop]]. He was harsh with Jax, and made him spend hours upon hours on The Post. He took Jax’s [[Shiloh|sword]] away from him, and said Jax can have it back when he knew how to use it.{{book ref|Lux|5}} He showed Jax the [[motivator]] workshop, but said Jax can only work there once he reads all of the dozens of books on motivators and biochemistry they have.
Zeff put Jax through many “no-flinch games” where he placed Jax in tough situations and didn’t let him flinch. One such exercise included having Jax lie down on the ground and having mice crawl all over him. Zeff said that the fundamentals of being an assassin are not flashy skills like being able to shoot or use a sword, but more subtle ones, like being able to sit in a bush for days without moving. Jax wanted to learn to use his sword, but Zeff tought him martial arts instead. He also made Jax do what he called “peaches training”, in which he made Jax do regular exercises, but with a backpack full of peaches on his back.{{book ref|lux|7}}
=== El Paso ===
Zeff and [[Jax]] drove eight hours to El Paso, where signs of [[Epic]] fighting were clearly visible. On the battlefield, [[Dean Knighthawk|Knighthawk]] had set up multiple buildings, as well as a mechanical clean-up crew. They met with Knighthawk, as well as a man who Knighthawk introduced as “[[Perrick|The Californian]].”
== Relationships ==
=== Abigail ===
== Notes ==
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