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==== The Sovereign’s Temple ====
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They flew over Edwarn’s expedition, Wayne inadvertently alerting them by kicking a pack overboard when Telsin bumped into him. They arrived at the temple, finding the crashed wreckage of another South Scadrian ship. They found a statue of the Sovereign, who was holding a spear with a spearhead that they assumed to be aluminum. Wayne stole the spearhead, which unbeknownst to any of them, was the Bands of Mourning.{{book ref|mb6|23}}{{book ref|mb6|28}} There were many booby traps in the temple, and MeLaan walked through them all, triggering them but remaining unharmed. Wayne stayed behind with Marasi and Steris, and soon Edwarn came forward with a flag of parley.{{book ref|mb6|24}}
