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{{image|Wayne Fullbody by Linnéa Sandberg.png|side=right|width=250px}}
===Tinweight Settlement===
|You are whatever you want to be, Wayne. You're the wind. You're the stars. You are all endless things.
|Wayne's mother reciting a poem to Wayne{{book ref|mb7|prologue}}
Wayne's father worked at [[Tinweight Settlement]] during Wayne's childhood and [[Wayne's mother|his mother]] did laundry back at home. {{book ref|mb7|prologue}} When Wayne's father died in a mining accident, Wayne's uncle [[Gregr]] moved in with them and built a variety of furniture for them to save money. They lived next to the mine. When also Gregr died in a mining accident Wayne's mother had to go and work at the mine herself and Wayne had to take up doing the laundry to make additional money. Wayne got into the habit of taking things from people and planned to earn a good living playing cards. His mother died in another collapse at the mine. {{book ref|mb7|prologue}}
=== Early Years ===
Wax took the Bands of Mourning from Marasi, who had already used them partially, and defeated Edwarn, though Telsin escaped. After negotiating a deal with [[Jordis]] and her people, Wayne rode back to Elendel with the others on the airship. He talked with Wax about shooting Telsin, and they soon arrived back at Elendel.{{book ref|mb6|30}}
In the following years, Wayne honed his skill with bendalloy, granting him more control over his speed bubbles.{{book ref|mb7|5}} He was able to do so due to becoming very wealthy from a series of high-risk investments, especially in [[Tarcsel Electric]].{{book ref|mb7|16}}
=== Investigating the Set ===
Six years after the recovering of the Bands, Wayne and Marasi attacked and subdued a group of criminals in Elendel, organized by the Set. Having honed his Allomantic skills over the past several years, Wayne was able to take out most of the criminals himself, while Marasi handled their leader.{{book ref|mb7|8}}
|I'm sorry, Wayne, I need to leave you. Today. It's over. I tried to prepare you for this... but it was probably more painful to string it out, wasn't it?
|MeLaan breaking up with Wayne{{book ref|mb7|12}}
Shortly after, MeLaan met with Wayne, and broke up with him. She wanted to say goodbye before leaving to explore the cosmere, and complimented him as "the best lay" she'd ever had.{{book ref|mb7|12}} Wayne was emotionally crushed afterwards, and tried to drown his sorrows with liquor.{{book ref|mb7|14}} He also met with members of [[Call and Son and Daughters Accounting and Estate]] to discuss his finances, though he was reluctant to do so. Due to the encouragement of Ranette, Wayne arranged for the bank to handle his future money deliveries to Allriandre.{{book ref|mb7|16}}
Marasi planned a raid on a Set warehouse in Bilming, and Wayne, [[VenDell]], and a force of constables went with her. Wayne and VenDell impersonated members of the Set upon their arrival, and things went smoothly. However, the plan was ruined when the Bilming constabulary attacked the warehouse in a raid.{{book ref|mb7|21}} As chaos broke out and the fighting began, Wayne fought a Set member named [[Getruda]], who was made to be a rough copy of him in both powers and mannerisms.{{book ref|mb7|23}} Wax arrived and the fighting ended soon after, though Getruda escaped. The group was taken into custody, but was allowed to operate in the city if accompanied by a Bilming constable. The "constable" was [[Moonlight]], who Marasi knew but Wayne didn't. The three investigated [[Tobal Copper]], a man they knew to be involved with the Set's attempts to split harmonium to make a bomb.{{book ref|mb7|29}} They went to Tobal's apartment, where Wayne analyzed the room. He deduced that the Set killed Tobal to keep him quiet, but cleaned up the mess well. He concluded that they all should go to a disreputable broadsheet office whom he might've told about the Set's actions.{{book ref|mb7|30}} They found the broadsheet office that Tobal went to, and discovered that he told the proprietor, [[Maraga Dulcet]], everything.{{book ref|mb7|32}} They learned that the Set was trying to make a self propelled rocket to deliver a bomb to Elendel.{{book ref|mb7|33}} Telsin arrived, and Wax distracted her while everyone slipped away. Afterwards, Wax and Wayne went to search Entrone's office, with Wayne providing a distraction.{{book ref|mb7|41}} They explored an underground passage under Entrone's manor, and ran into [[Dumad]] and Getruda, the two Set agents. Wayne and Wax managed to defeat them, though Wayne lost a lot of his stored healing in the process.{{book ref|mb7|49}}
|So I guess I'm beginnin' to wonder: Maybe I can't ever do enough good to balance the bad I done. Maybe I'll always be worthless.
|Wayne to Wax{{book ref|mb7|58}}
They arrived at the Set's laboratory too late as a convoy of trucks left. Wax chased them, but they destroyed most their important documents by the time Wax caught up with them.{{book ref|mb7|52}} Wax found some old-fashioned Roughs beer, and him and Wayne took some time to drink and relax atop a billboard. They talked about Wayne's past, and Wax tried to convince Wayne that he's a good person.{{book ref|mb7|58}}
=== Stopping the Bomb ===
|You don't hafta do this, mate. To hell with what you said you'd do. To hell with it all. You're in the wrong spot, and you know it. There's a door to your right. I don't know where it goes, but at least it ain't in here.
|Wayne convincing the Set soldiers to flee{{book ref|mb7|63}}
Wax figured out that the Set would be launching the bomb soon from the highest building in Bilming, the Shaw. The two fought their way up the tower, with Wax taking out most of the guards. When they got to the top, Wayne convinced the last group of guards to put down their weapons and flee, rather than being killed. They came across their doubles, Dumad and Getruda, and fought them one last time. Instead of fighting their own doubles, they decided to fight each other's.{{book ref|mb7|63}} Wayne was able to stay close to Dumad by grappling him, and getting Dumad to take them into the sky using a duralumin-enhanced steelpush. He swiped Dumad's metal vials, causing them to fall a great distance, killing Dumad.{{book ref|mb7|65}} They discovered that the bomb atop the Shaw is a decoy, and that the real bomb is on a ship, already en route to Elendel.{{book ref|mb7|66}}
Wayne and Wax gave themselves hemalurgic spikes, allowing Wax to use duralumin and steel to fly them out to the ship where the bomb was. They cleared out the ship of enemies, but discovered that they couldn't disarm the bomb without it going off.{{book ref|mb7|71}} Wayne figured out a way to lessen the explosion using bendalloy and steel. Harmony spoke to him, and told him it could work. Knowing his plan wouldn't need Wax, Wayne used a steelpush to send Wax flying off the ship. Wayne ingested a small bit of lerasium, originally given to Wax by Harmony, and goes down into the ship's hold to where the bomb is, which was composed of three barrel devices with explosives.{{book ref|mb7|71}}
|Hold on to your robes, my dear friend. This is going to be unlike anything you have ever seen before, I think.
|Wayne to Harmony{{book ref|mb7|71}}
Harmony told Wayne that messing with one barrel would cause the others to immediately go off. At Harmony's command, Wayne created a perfect speed bubble.{{book ref|mb7|71}}
{{image|Wayne's death by Diego López.jpeg|side=left|width=250px}}
He enclosed all three barrel devices, but excluded the device that coordinated the bombs' explosions. He burned duralumin and bendalloy at the same time, compressing time immensely within the bubble. One by one, he filled all three barrels with water and Pushed them outside the bubble, detonating the ettmetal inside. The bubble dropped, and Wayne was killed by the explosion.{{book ref|mb7|71}}
=== After His Death ===
|Me, I saved the whole damn world. I... I'm probably the best constable who ever rusting lived!
|Wayne to Harmony{{book ref|mb7|74}}
After his death, Wayne briefly spoke with Harmony before passing into the [[Beyond]]. He rejoiced in his victory, happy to have saved the world. He asked Harmony if he made the biggest explosion that a person ever made, which Harmony confirms as correct. Satisfied, Wayne passed into the Beyond.{{book ref|mb7|74}} Wayne had various things put in his will, which were carried out after his death. He granted a large sum of money to both Ranette and Allriandre{{book ref|mb7|epilogue 5}}{{book ref|mb7|3}}, left his lucky hat to Marasi, and arranged for a variety of random objects to be discreetly delivered to Wax over time.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue 7}} Two years after his death, a bronze statue was made of him and placed in the Field of Rebirth to honor his memory.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue 7}}
== Relationships ==