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Like all Shards, Virtuosity was created at the [[Shattering]] of [[Adonalsium]] and picked up by an unknown Vessel.{{msh ref|3|2}}{{wob ref|15504}} In the millennia that followed, Virtuosity primarily spent her time exploring various artistic expressions throughout the [[cosmere]], and consequently never settled in one location for very long.{{wob ref|15530}}
At some point, Virtuosity Splintered herself for unknown reasons in the [[UToLUTol system]], in the vicinity of [[Komashi]].{{book ref|yumi|1}} [[Design]] asserts that the entire region is filled with Splinters of Virtuosity in the wake of this.{{book ref|yumi|17}} [[Hoid]] believes that her Splintering may have contributed to the odd way [[UTol]] is visible through the [[shroud]] on Komashi.{{book ref|yumi|1}}
== Trivia ==
