
Joined 15 April 2019
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== Appearance and Personality ==
Becca is mostly blind and has milky white eyes, having lost her vision a few years ago. She has sticklike arms.{{book ref|Skyward|1}} Based on the amount of time since the crash of the [[Defiant]], she is at least eighty years old.{{book ref|Skyward|17}}
== History ==
As a child, Becca lived on the the battle cruiser [[Defiant]], where she worker in the engine room alongside [[Spensa's great-grandmother|her mother]]. When doing so, she practiced "listening to the stars."{{book ref|Skyward|1} During this time, she learned many ancient legends of [[Earth (Skyward)|Old Earth]] from [[Spensa's great-grand-father|her father]].{{book ref|Skyward|45}}
== Abilities ==
As [[Spensa's great-grandmother|her mother]], [[Zeen Nightshade|her son]], and [[Spensa Nightshade|her granddaughter]] all have [[Cytonics|Cytonic]] abilities, it is likely that Becca does as well. The fact that her mother had her perform exercises to "listen to the stars" suggests that, at minimum, her mother though it likely that Becca would develop Cytonic abilities{{book ref|Skyward|1}} and the [[DDF]] seems to believe that Cytonic abilities are inherited.{{cite}} Furthermore, despite her blindness, Becca is able to unerringly focus her eyes on Spensa during a convsation, which is reminiscent of [[Jason Write]]'s ability to Cytonically
== Notes ==