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During this period Hoid served a 'master' of some form who would later die.{{cite}} Got the name Hoid from them.{{wob ref|5882}}
Eventually Hoid met and befriended [[Frost]] who was his elder by a small amount.{{wob ref|945}}{{wob ref|11305}}{{wob ref|2870}} Shortly afterwards Hoid assumed the identity of '''Cephandrius''' and began to meet and become acquainted with the sixteen original vessels under it,{{wob ref|11305}}{{wob ref|12654}}{{wob ref|11070}} this gave him insight into each of their personalities and motives. He became drinking buddies with [[Tanavast]]{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}} and upon meeting him considered [[Ati]] to be one of the nicest people he ever met.{{cite}} Notably he met and became good friends with [[Rayse]].{{wob ref|2101}} Events from this time would later make him interested in the [[EndowementEndowment]] shard.{{wob ref|5300}}
For reasons unknown the idea eventually came up to kill [[Adonalsium]], Hoid was reluctant to this idea even if he kind of considered it somewhat necessary.{{wob ref|8718}} Hoid was present at the time of the Shattering, although he did not directly participate he could be considered somewhat involved in the events that took place there.{{wob ref|10773}}{{wob ref|10868}}{{wob ref|7831}}{{wob ref|6470}}{{wob ref|11858}} Despite the fact that the Dawnshard were the primary tool used to kill Adonalsium Hoid himself did not do the deed.{{wob ref|10439}}{{cite}}{{wob ref|10826}} Like with the rest of the Cosmere the Shattering would have a large impact on himself, notably he lost something dear to him due to the event.{{wob ref|13276}} As well as that magic had changed dramatically throughout the Cosmere, because of this investiture behaves oddly around Hoid since he predates this change.{{cite}}{{wob ref|3212}} He also developed a similar grudge against Rayse and [[Bavadin]] due to events there{{wob ref|10630}} and left with the impression that [[Odium]] was evil.{{wob ref|4130}}