Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
no edit summary
*[[Final Empire]]
- food -
Veden saph, sapphire. {{book ref|sa3|18}}
Darkeyed women tend to wear simpler clothing, and tend to wear gloves on their safehand rather than large sleeves. This is done so that they are able to more easily perform household duties.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|16}} Wearing a glove on the safehand in this manner is seen as immodest and an inherent sign of lower class, and therefore is not typically practiced by lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
- War and Dueling -
Classical Veden ideals are that men should fight with swords, and no shields. Their sweeping methods of fighting are said to be an imitation of fighting with a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa2|45}} The Vedens use drums to communicate on the battlefield.{{book ref|Sa4|100}} They squabble and fight amongst themselves as much as the Alethi.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
- Marriage -
==== Games ====
Due to Vorin precepts against predicting the future, Veden culture avoids gambling and games involving random chance. Because of this their games tend to revolve around skill rather than chance. One popular game in Veden culture is [[Breakneck]], particularlywhich amongis darkeyesoften played in gambling dens. Many people in Bavland also bet on [[Shallowcrab]] fights.{{book ref|sa1|i|6}}
==== Sports ====
The Vedens also enjoy dueling. Classical ideals dictate that men should duel with swords and without shields. They also dictate that the men use sweeping methods of fighting, which are said to be an imitation of fighting with a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
=== Architecture ===
