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=== Keeper ===
Tindwyl joined the Keepers when she was around forty, and unable to bear more children.{{book ref|mb2|30}} [[Sazed]] was the one to recite the collection of knowledge of the Keepers to her. This process took months, during which they got to know each other very well.{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-seven/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 37|date=June 26, 20085385}} Over the next ten years Tindwyl rose to prominence among the Terris people,{{book ref|mb2|16}} becoming a senior Keeper{{book ref|mb2|56}} and member of the Synod.{{book ref|mb2|30}}
=== Time in Luthadel ===
==== Last Lesson ====
Tindwyl gave Elend his final lesson a few days after this.{{book ref|mb2|37}}{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-six/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 36|date=June 7, 20085379}}
==== A Night of Study ====
That night,{{bwsbook ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-six/mb2|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 36|date=June 7, 200837}}{{bookwob ref|mb2|375379}} Tindwyl found Sazed at the warehouse where the newly arrived refugees were being housed. She had wondered whether Sazed had truly cared for the people of the empire — in her opinion, if he cared he would have done as the Synod had told him rather than returning to Luthadel; seeing him with the refugees proved to her that he did care.{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-six/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 36|date=June 7, 20085378}} Sazed, however, felt that he did not care as much as he should. Tindwyl disagreed, and expressed how much he confused her. Noticing his exhaustion, she inquired after his [[Bronze#Feruchemical_Use|bronzemind]]. Sazed admitted that he had used up all his wakefulness in his haste to return to Luthadel. Sighing, Tindwyl finally asked him to show her what he had discovered that had caused him to run across two [[Dominance]]s back to the city.{{book ref|mb2|36}}
They returned to his rooms, and spent the whole night studying the rubbing of [[Kwaan's inscription]] Sazed had made at the [[Conventical of Seran]], and various texts from their copperminds. Towards morning, Tindwyl found a reference to the [[Deepness]] in the biography of [[Wednegon|King Wednegon]]. As the pair discussed the Deepness, Sazed brought up Vin’s theory that it was the [[mist]]. Tindwyl agreed with this interpretation, as did he — something that disquieted him, for he did not wish it to be true. Tindwyl appeared puzzled that he had defied the Synod for something he had hoped was untrue, to which he explained how catastrophic the return of the Deepness could be, and how while he wished it would not come to pass he had to look into it for himself to see. While Tindwyl agreed that the discovery of the rubbing was remarkable, she did not think the Deepness posed much of a threat. Sazed persisted that the mists could be growing stronger, and that by killing the Lord Ruler they may have inadvertently killed whatever had been holding them back previously. Tindwyl brushed this away, citing that they had no proof of daytime mists and only theories on the mists killing people. Sazed backed down, admitting that this was true.
Elend explained what had been on his mind: that during the vote for king, he had had an opportunity to lie, which would have secured his place on the throne. Instead he had told the truth, and lost the throne to [[Penrod]]. Tindwyl was unsurprised by this, as Elend had expected. He went on to ask whether what he had done was foolish. Tindwyl found it so, but argued that it wasn’t specifically that which lead to his losing the throne; rather, it was because he refused to do anything dishonorable to secure his place. Elend asked whether it was possible to both follow his conscience and be a good king, to which neither Tindwyl nor Sazed had an answer. Elend posed his question to Sazed about whether he should have lied; Sazed disagreed, saying that Elend had been true to himself. Tindwyl liked Elend’s ideals, but worried that his losing the throne could end badly for Luthadel’s people. However, Sazed maintained Elend had done the right thing and believed the rest was up to providence — or rather, God. Elend, skeptical, expressed his view on God being simply a tool of the [[Steel_Ministry#Obligators|obligators]]. As they discussed religion further, Elend noted the inconsistency of all the different religions Sazed preached and how they couldn’t all possibly be real. Tindwyl, returning to the original topic, told Elend that while she didn’t agree with his decisions, he had done what he thought was right, which was commendable. When Elend asked Tindwyl what he should do next, however, she had no answer.He then asked what the men in her biographies would have done. She again had no answer as according to her they would not have found themselves in his situation to begin with. Elend debated about whether a title was all there was to being king, before seeming to realize something and abruptly leaving. Slightly confused, Tindwyl allowed Sazed to guide her attention back to their studies.{{book ref|mb2|41}}
[[File:Mistborn - Terris (Kelley Harris).jpg|thumb|side=right|width=400px|<small><center>by {{a|KelleryKelley Harris}}</center></small>Tindwyl and Sazed while studying]]
The day after Vin’s attack on Cett’s army, Tindwyl and Sazed were still studying the rubbing and looking for the context they desired. Tindwyl found a quotation of the [[Hero of Ages]] prophecy, having used the rubbing as a means of translating different names for the Hero, and she wrote it out for Sazed. While the quote she found did not tell them anything new, the careful wording used in prophecies was something to consider. Sazed, noting her discomfort at the prophecy, did not expect such a reaction from her considering what they were studying. Tindwyl, not being a believer, told him that while she collected knowledge, she thought religion was untrue. The discussed further, Sazed expressing his opinion that religions were expressions of hope. Tindwyl pointed out that the religions of the past had not saved the people from the Lord Ruler. She saw the value of religion from an academic standpoint, but could not believe it to be true. She then realized that Sazed believed Vin to be the Hero of Ages, which she found to be too big a coincidence to be plausible. Her rationale for studying the Deepness and the Hero was that since the Deepness had been defeated in the past, they could look to history to see how to defeat it again by studying the myths and legends by which the story had survived. Deciding this was something they could not agree on, they returned to their research.
Tindwyl finally gave up, her parting words to him harsh — she told him he would be remembered as a coward by his people. Elend commanded her to leave, and she did, stopping only to point out the package she had brought with her — the document she and Sazed had written, about the Hero of Ages, the Deepness, and Kwaan’s inscription. She informed him Sazed would have them deliver it to the Keeper Synod in [[Tathingdwen]], bade him enjoy his exile, and left.{{book ref|mb2|49}}
After this, Tindwyl helped Dockson prepare Luthadel for the imminent battle. Although as a Keeper she wasn't supposed to interfere with politics (and would not have helped if it were Straff's army that were attacking), she was prepared to fight against the Kolosskoloss if it meant protecting the people.{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-fifty-one/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 51|date=Dec. 10, 20085431}} During this time, she was also looking for Sazed. As she, Dockson and other functionaries studied [[Marsh]]’s map of Luthadel in the Venture ballroom, Sazed found her. She beckoned him to come when she saw him so that Dockson could detail their plan of having some of their own people stationed at each of the city gates, should they be needed.
Dockson entreated Sazed to help them, knowing Sazed did not like fighting. Tindwyl noted, however, that he was preparing for battle, observing the rings that he was storing Feruchemical attributes into. Sazed asked what Tindwyl’s own role was in this was, and she explained that Dockson had asked her advice due to her knowledge of military history. Sazed nodded, then agreed to help Dockson, though he warned against breaking the chain of command, to which Dockson agreed.
Tindwyl and Sazed have known each other for years. He was the one to present her with the knowledge of the Keepers, a process involving hours spent in each other's company for months on end, with Sazed reciting things to her while she memorized them. It is likely that Sazed began developing feelings for her during this time.{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-seven/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 37|date=June 26, 20085385}} She has conflicting feelings towards Sazed, both admiring him{{book ref|mb2|50}} and growing frustrated by his rebellious actions.{{book ref|mb2|23}} Despite this, after the Collapse she heeds his message and comes to Luthadel, ostensibly to train Elend -- though she also both wished and dreaded to find Sazed there.{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-seven/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 37|date=June 26, 20085385}} However, upon his arrival in the city she is disappointed in him for not obeying the Synod's orders.{{book ref|mb2|23}}
After her training of Elend is concluded, she finally asks Sazed to show her the rubbing, and they spend a night studying it together.{{book ref|mb2|36}} The following morning, when she had planned to leave Luthadel, she confesses her admiration for him, before taking his hand and asking him to give her an excuse to stay in the city with him. Shocked, he asks her to remain in the city, and she agrees. This is the beginning of their romantic relationship.{{book ref|mb2|36}} Even though their time together is dominated by their studies, they grow ever closer. When given the chance to leave Luthadel before the battle, Tindwyl refuses, choosing instead to remain with Sazed. They have an argument on the day of the [[Battle of Luthadel]], as Tindwyl is angry at him for sending Vin and Elend, the city's only hope of survival, away. However, it is soon resolved. They embrace and she tells him why she loves him, and that she understands his decision. Immediately after, the wall alarms go off -- the battle is beginning.{{book ref|mb2|50}}
== Development ==
Tindwyl came about from Brandon's desire to have another 'strong female character' in the Mistborn books. He also wanted a mentor-figure for Elend in the Well of Ascension, and she fit this role. Additionally, she gives some more insight into the Terris people.{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-fourteen/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 14|date=Dec. 1, 20072949}} Her realism and resoluteness is something the crew needs, and she voices many of Brandon's own worries.{{bwswob ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-30|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 30|date=April 17, 20085360}}
== Quotes ==