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Taynix can move by crawling,{{book ref|skyward|12}} though hyperslugs can teleport to get around. Taynix are able to handle heavy gravitational forces, responding by going rigid and hunkering down, though they do not seem to enjoy the experience.{{book ref|sky2|3}}
Taynix are also very compassionate and kind. After Spensa showed them how she saw the delvers, the various Taynix around reacted with love and support.{{book ref|sky4|50}}. While on her secret mission to the Harkil supply depot, Spensa communicated cytonically with a commslug who believed that it could not be saved. Despite that, the slug sent her message as desired, and only after the message was sent asked Spensa to rescue two inhibitor slugs and two hyperslugs from the facility.{{book ref|sky4|13}} The same slug also gave Spensa comfort when she was imprisoned by Brade and Winzik.{{book ref|sky4|25}}
== Ecology ==
According to the [[Superiority]], the taynix are originally from the planet [[Cambri]],{{book ref|sky2|27}} though they have since migrated to other planets. They have been found on [[Detritus]] and the [[kitsen homeworld]].{{book ref|sky2|epilogue}}{{book ref|sky2|39}} Little is known about their natural living conditions, except that their diet consists mostly of fungi. Consequently, they are often found near such organisms.{{book ref|sky2|34}}{{book ref|sky2|18}} They also enjoy eating mushrooms.{{book ref|sky4|epilogue}}
In captivity, a taynix could survive with poor living conditions. The Superiority kept them alive but miserable in a box with occasional food and water. {{book ref|sky4|13}}
According to Doomslug, reality ashes are in truth their poop from feasting on the radiation of the nowhere.
=== Commslugs ===
Commslugs{{wob ref|15071}}, which are purple and orange, have the ability to communicate cytonically. This communication can be received by traditional technology, however, as [[Platform Prime]] was able to receive [[Cuna]]'s cytonic transmission without needing a commslug.{{book ref|sf1|7}}{{book ref|sf1|8}} They are also capable of sending double signals.{{book ref|sky4|25}}
=== Rainbow Taynix ===
