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(and that's pretty much all we know about him)
|books=[[The Way of Kings]][[Category:Stormlight Archive]]
'''Taravangian''' was the king of [[Kharbranth]].
== Secret activity ==
Taravangian run a secret hospital hidden in the King's palace. It was build in a large, long room with wide railings on the sides. The room was filled with hundreds of beds. The people in those beds were slowly killed in the way of draining the blood out of them.
Taravangian did this because some of the dying spoke in the seconds before their death some cryptic sentences.{{brefref|b|twok|fragmente|Death Delirium Quotes|text=/Epigraphs#Death_Delirium_QuotesDeath Delirium Quotes}} In those quotes, Taravangian saw some information about the [[Last Desolation]]. So in order to prepare for it, he began collecting the quotes.
Taravangian employed [[Szeth]] to kill many of the world leaders, including [[Hanavanar]], the king of [[Jah Keved]]. Szeth was also ordered to kill [[Dalinar Kholin]] at the end of The Way of Kings. The murders were ordered in the purpose of bringing stability to the world. Taravangian says that stability will be needed when the Last Desolation comes.