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'''Susebron''' was the God King of [[Hallandren]] on [[Nalthis]] around 300 years after the Manywar.
He was a [[returnedReturned]] and had to be given a [[breath]] every week by his subjects in order to keep him alive.
He, as a returnedReturned, looked much younger than he really was, which was around 50 years at the time of the events recorded in [[Warbreaker]].
He resided, mostly alone, in the black palace that was given to the God Kings.
Despite having been the official ruler of Hallandren, he was kept away from its people and other returnedReturned, only coming out briefly on special occasions.
This was to hide his tongue having been cut out, when he first returned, by his priests so he could not [[Awakening|awaken]] with [[Commands]] (and he had not been taught to awaken with thought).
He had over ten thousand breaths; his inheritance from the first God King and those who followed.