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=== Chapter 18 ===
[[Spensa]] returns to the embassy, and tells [[M-Bot]] she only got into the [[Superiority]]'s military by the skin of her teeth, nearly losing her cool like [[Gul'zah]]. M-Bot asks her if she has skin on her teeth, to which Spensa responds no, then wonders where the metaphor comes from. M-Bot tells her it is from an English version of the Bible, an old version of the Book of Saints, read commonly on [[Earth (Skyward)|Old Earth]]. Spensa pets [[Doomslug]], who recognizes Spensa through her [[Alanik]] hologram, which leads Spensa to wonder if [[Vapor]] recognizes her as a human. Spensa turns off the lights and takes ofoff her bracelet so she can be herself, and gets in the cleaning pod to bathe. M-Bot tells her Alanik's people have sent back an encrypted message asking to speak with Alanik. Spensa tells M-Bot to send an encrypted message back saying that Alanik will contact them when she is healthy, and that for the time being, Spensa is carrying out her mission. Spensa asks M-Bot to tell her what the people down in the street are talking about, and he tells her they talk about normal things, like daycare, dinner, and their pets. Spensa tells M-Bot she's going to perform maintenance on him, so she begins working on him. She then asks him how he learned about the Bible and Old Earth, and he tells her that the Superiority has lots of information on Old Earth in their databases. Spensa asks him to tell her about Pine Leaf, one of the stories [[Becca Nightshade|Gran-Gran]] had told her. M-Bot tells it in a very factual, matter of fact way, unlike Gran-Gran's storytelling style. M-Bot then begins wondering if he's alive again, telling Spensa that the [[dione]] philosopher, [[Zentu]], proposed three conditions that indicated true life: growth, basic self-determinism, and the ability to reproduce. He so far has only met the first condition, and begins wondering if he can copy his code onto another ship, only to restart. M-Bot tells Spensa it would be too hard anyways, copying the code would be easy, but he would be too slow, because in his current state he uses FTL processors to calculate and make rapid decisions, but being in another ship would render him unable to do so. He tells Spensa that he has a cytoshield that blocks [[Starsight (station)|Starsight's]] cytoshield and allows his FTL processors to function on Starsight. While working on M-Bot's reflective underside, Spensa sees the eyes and a delver, so she scrambles away. Spensa then tells M-Bot the story of the man who lost his shadow: one day a writer lost his shadow, searched for it, lost interest, but eventually his shadow came back and having traveled the world, switched places with the man so he could travel the world, but refused to free the man and lived out his life, marrying a princess, becoming wealthy and famous. Spensa worries she already is the shadow. Spensa decides to sleep in M-Bot's cockpit, listening to the sounds of the people and traffic down below.
== Part Three ==