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m (Punctuation and grammar)
m (Thanks for fixing those errors! I'm just fixing other things I noticed while patrolling those edits)
;Plot Summary
:''Twenty-nine years ago''
Dalinar prepares for battle, in prayer with his betrothed, Evi. She encourages him to not kill in anger, to "be a man and not a beast." He leaves to fight in what should be a decisive battle for the kingdom. Gavilar notes that Sebarial hasn't shown up, ostensibly due to supply line problems, but Dalinar believes he's just waiting to join the winning side. A small number of Ryshadium gallopsgallop by, musicspren trailing behind. Gavilar tells Dalinar to kill [[Kalanor]], the shardbearerShardbearer Highprincehighprince, to finally quell all resistance to the kingdom. The battle begins, and Dalinar seeks out a section of Kholin troops doing poorly, then attacks. He gets so enthralled he doesn't realize how many he is killing. Kadash finally snaps him out of it, and Dalinar has realized that he's killed some of his own troops. His slaughter has drawn out Kalanor. Dalinar seeks him out, regretting that he can only kill one man instead of hundreds. He finds Kalanor on a Ryshadium. Dalinar fights him and the two end up on a high ledge. After trading blows, Kalanor stumbles back, losing his blade, holding on for dear life, begging mercy from Dalinar. He runs him through the face with his shardblade, but feels oddly dissatisfied. The Thrill fills him with strength and arrogance -- all others are weak, and he deserves to rule. He dashes to Gavilar, intending to kill him, but realizes that he is about to murder his brother and stops. He gives up his newly acquired shardplate and blade to Gavilar for his heir. Dalinar vows to never be king.
{{anchor|Chapter 27}}
Kaladin marches as quickly as possible; the spren still pursue. Pattern tells the humans to quell their emotions. Angerspren follow, and everyone claims to not be angry except for Kaladin. He feels like they are abandoning Kholinar, even though he knows it's not rational to try to go back. He keeps the anger more as an antidote to the darkness, the depression he feels when he fails. He tries to forget by examining the landscape as they walk. The angerspren retreat.
They camp and walk for a couple of days. As they walk, Kaladin asks Syl where she lived. She lived in a grand city ruled by Honorsprenhonorspren. She tells of another man she had bonded to. He was killed in a battle before the Recreance, so she survived, but she was broken. Her father found her and forbade her to leave the city again. She left anyway because she heard Kaladin calling to her. Suddenly she sees a light in the distance from a lighthouse.
{{anchor|Chapter 96}}
;Plot Summary
Lightspren, known as Reachers, crew the ship captained by [[Ico]]. He unpacks a crate with a device that will provide water for the humans. Ico places the soul of ice from a high altitude that never melts, and the steel contraption gathers the condensation. After a half hour, there is enough for Kaladin to try a cup of water. He goes over to Syl, who is wearing a lightweaving so she won't be recognized as an Honorsprenhonorspren. She encourages him to go talk to Shallan. He goes over and looks through her sketchbook, noticing some strange drawings with childish technique. They discuss the mandra pulling the ship and the spren that may help the various gargantuan creatures survive on Roshar. Shallan estimates that they have two days before they get to Celebrant.
{{anchor|Chapter 100}}
Multiple spren appear to recognize Syl, who is disguised by both Shallan's lightweaving and clothing that Adolin bought at the market. Syl admits to Kaladin that she has been trying to hide her identity because there is a bounty on her capture/return to the Honorsprenhonorspren capital, which she escaped when she came to the physical realm. Kaladin pulls her away from the crowd, then sees smoke up ahead.
Kaladin senses trouble and pulls the others with him into a tent. A Fused flies past. They head to the docks and run into Shallan's group, still disguised as the crew from the Reacher ship. With no other available options, Syl reveals herself to a white ship with gold accents -- the ship of Honorsprenhonorspren that are sailing to Lasting Integrity, the honorspren capital. They recognize her and allow her and the others to board. Syl is restrained and cautions Kaladin against interfering. A Fused appears to see them boarding but flies away in the opposite direction.