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m (→‎Interlude I-13: Rysn: formatting tweaks)
;Plot Summary
Shallan has mostly recovered a day after being "murdered" in her failed attempt to enter the palace, though she is still bothered by what she saw in the mirror. She, Adolin, Kaladin, and Elhokar hold a meeting in Yokska's kitchen while the building's owners are out buying food. Elhokar decides that Shallan will infultrateinfiltrate the Cult of Moments to get close to the Oathgate, and he and Adolin will rally the lighteyed houses in the city to assualtassault the palace if she fails. Meanwhile, Kaladin is to investigate Azure and the Wall Guard. Adolin compliments Elhokar on his plan, before turning the conversation towards Aesudan's flaws. Elhokar is uncomfortable with it and tries to defend her, saying that he needed her strength, then goes back to discussing the plan. They agree to start investigating.
Shallan, as Veil, walks on the streets in disguise, trying to get a feel of the city's atmosphere. She notes that the market is quieter than it normally would be, due to everyone feeling like they are under siege. She stops to chat with a woman in a tailor's stall, finding out more about the current situation. Some order is still kept by Velalant's soldiers. Veil walks over to a grain station called [[Secure Keeps]], where Velalant soldiers are handing out grain. She gives a stick of meat to an urchin, then asks him some questions regarding the food line. Veil learns that the soldiers seem to be purposely excluding many of the poor, while givng food to servants of wealthier lighteyes. She tries to find out more by giving the boy another stick of meat, but he has run off. The line closes, to the ire of the poor who haven't gotten food. She is frustrated and wishes she could do something for the poor. Veil turns to leave, but then hears a familiar voice. She approaches it, and sees Wit telling a story about the moon Mishim.
