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*[[Eshonai]] (Pointpoint of view)
*[[Venli]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gavilar Kholin]]
*[[Gavilar Kholin]]
*[[Klade]] (mentioned only)
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
*[[Klade]] (mentioned only)
*[[Venli]] (mentioned only)
=== [[/Chapter 1|Chapter 1: Broken and Divided]] ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I'm certain some will feel threatened by this record. Some few may feel liberated. Most will simply feel that it should not exist.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[StormfatherHonor]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Honor|Almighty/Honor]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* a scout
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Six days after arriving in [[Urithiru]], [[Dalinar Kholin]] revisits the very first vision he experienced. Having become a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] by bonding the [[Stormfather]] himself, he can enter any of the visions at will and has enough control to not need to be tied down. He is on a cliff with the Almighty, viewing the ruins of [[Kholinar]] below. He asks him to transport him down to the rubble. He sees gouges on the stones as if made from claws. He concludes that Kholinar will not fall to the [[Everstorm]], but to something worse that will come after. The Stormfather agrees. Dalinar is frustrated that the monarchs of the world will not unite with him despite the threat. A final wave of destruction closes the vision, and Dalinar insists on staying to watch. He sees a golden light and a dark figure with nine shadows. Stormfather identifies the shadows as the [[Unmade]], the spren of [[Odium]]. He comes out of the vision with [[Navani Kholin]] standing nearby. He knows he must unite the world before their enemy destroys it. Navani pledges to help despite their current situation, which is already desperate. A messenger comes and reports that [[Torol Sadeas]] had been murdered.
{{anchor|Chapter 2}}
=== [[/Chapter 2|Chapter 2: One Problem Solved]] ===
[[File:Adolin Chapters.svg|105px|center]]
{{epigraph|I needed to write it anyway.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (point of view)
* a worker
* [[Rushu]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Point of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* a scout
* Sadeas's officer
* [[Teft]]
* [[Torol Sadeas|Torol Sadeas's corpse]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Kalami]]
* [[Turinad Sebarial]]
* [[Teleb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cael]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ilamar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Perethom]] (mentioned only)
* [[General Khal|Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sebarial]]
* [[Palona]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[Sigzil]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[Gavilar]] (mentioned only)
* [[May Aladar]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ialai Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teleb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cael]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ilamar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Perethom]] (mentioned only)
* [[General Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Roion's son]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thanadal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vamah]] (mentioned only)
* [[KaladinSadees]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sunmaker]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar rushes to the scene to prevent a fight between Sadeas's officers and the men of [[Bridge Four]], whom they accuse of murdering their highprince. Dalinar examines the body and notes that the blood is dried, so the murder took place some time ago. The soldiers claim that they have been looking for Sadeas and kept getting lost in the confusing corridors.
Dalinar's sons and some scribes arrive at the scene. His officer corps is severely depleted, so other [[Highprince|highprinces]] are there as well, including [[Turinad Sebarial]] and his mistress, [[Palona]]. She's the first to voice the opinion that Sadeas's death was actually beneficial since he was causing so much trouble. Dalinar leads the group outside and warns them of worse things to come and that they must lead the world against them. His ultimate goal is to unite the entire continent, something never done before. He appoints the highprinces that follow him to various positions in the kingdom. He orders [[Shallan]] and [[Renarin Kholin]] to practice their powers so they can lead the other Knights that will eventually come to them.
{{anchor|Chapter 3}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Yezriar]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jenin]]
* [[Dym]]
* [[Thakka]]
* [[Teleb]]
* [[Fullnight]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teleb]]
;Plot Summary
:''Thirty-four years ago''
Dalinar marches toward the enemy army through a burning field. He emerges from the smoke with his elite guard and ferociously attacks, causing some of the enemy to flee in terror. He drives through the spearmen and laughs as he kills. He feels invigorated but does not yet feel the [[Thrill]], so he seeks out a greater challenge. He sees a brightlord on a horse surrounded by an honor guard and attacks. He makes his way through and orders [[Jenin]] to shoot the horse. As Dalinar engages the crown prince, a strap on his shield breaks. His enemy gains the advantage and is about to finish him off, but the Thrill comes, giving him more strength and dexterity. He stabs his foe in the chest. Nearly dead, the man asks Dalinar why he had come for them. He doesn't know; he just goes where his brother [[Gavilar Kholin]] sends him in order to consolidate his reign. As he orders his men to take hostages in the village, an arrow slams into his shoulder. They see the [[Teleb|assassin]] on a ridge above the town and ride up on horses, capturing him. Dalinar is amazed at his skill and recruits him into his own army by promising not to pillage the town. They ride back to the town, where the local highprince's and his officers' heads are displayed on spears as a result of Sadeas' executions. Sadeas is disappointed that he can't loot the town.
{{anchor|Chapter 4}}
=== [[/Chapter 4|Chapter 4: Oaths]] ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I know that many women who read this will see it only as further proof that I am the godless heretic everyone claims.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Ladent]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rushu]] (mentioned only)
* [[Chanada]] (mentioned only)
* [[Almighty]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shshshsh]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[May Aladar]]
* [[Turinad Sebarial]]
* [[Palona]]
* [[Kalami]]
* [[Teshav]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ladent]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rushu]] (mentioned only)
* [[Chanada]] (mentioned only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
The Everstorm returns two days after Sadeas is found dead. Dalinar learns from the Stormfather that this is a new phenomenon. He gazes into the storm and sees a vision of destruction. The Stormfather confirms that the enemy is with the storm and is watching him. Navani is there and touches his face with her bare safehand. They kiss, but Dalinar won't go further -- he insists on some sort of wedding, but none of the ardents will marry them because of the old taboo that they are related. Navani grows concerned that Dalinar thinks she is trying to replace his late wife, and he reveals that he doesn't even remember her because of the [[Old Magic]]. He does remember a feeling of hatred and having the Thrill on the day of her death. Dalinar suggests that the Stormfather marry them.
Dalinar and Navani's family gather on the roof of the tower along with some other officers and brightlords. Navani has managed to find traditional wedding garb. [[Elhokar Kholin]] gives only a cool blessing to the marriage, but does stay to watch. The Stormfather arrives and has them swear an oath of loyalty to each other, after which he abruptly leaves. The attendees, even Elhokar, cheerfully congratulate the newlyweds. They all leave except for Kadash, who is displeased with the wedding and Dalinar's assertion that the Almighty is dead, with only a remnant spren remaining. Dalinar suddenly remembers the day when Kadash joined the ardentia after he was so disgusted at what he saw on the battlefield. Kadash warns that the ardentia is angry with Dalinar's blasphemies. Dalinar insists he is telling the truth, at least as he sees it. Kadash reminds Dalinar that he can make mistakes; after all, he was with him on 'that day'.
{{anchor|Chapter 5}}
=== [[/Chapter 5|Chapter 5: Hearthstone]] ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I can point to the moment when I decided for certain this record had to be written. I hung between realms, seeing into Shadesmar -- the realm of the spren -- and beyond.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Aric]]
* [[Szeth|The Assassin in White]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Roshone]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moash]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aric|A guard]]
;Plot Summary
[[Kaladin]] walks toward [[Hearthstone]], having run out of [[Stormlight]] three days prior. The Everstorm had arrived there theearlier daythat beforeday. He begins to find debris along the way. [[Syl]] cheerily chats with Kaladin as he gloomily approaches the town, afraid of what he'll find.
The light rain of the [[Weeping]] has resumed. Kaladin waits until nightfall to enter the town. He doesn't see any signs of life. Syl notes the presence of [[gloomspren]], which are uncommon for some unknown reason. He approaches [[Roshone]]'s manor and sees light inside. A guard opens the door and orders him inside.
=== [[/Chapter 6|Chapter 6: Four Lifetimes]] ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I thought that I was surely dead. Certainly, some who saw farther than I did thought I had fallen.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Roshone]]
* [[Toravi]]
* [[Aric|a guard]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Lirin]]
* [[Hesina]]
* [[Rillir]] (mentioned only)
* [[Laral]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lirin]]
* [[Hesina]]
* The captain of Roshone's guard
* [[Mara (Roshar)|Mara]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hav]] (mentioned only)
=== [[/Chapter 7|Chapter 7: A Watcher at the Rim]] ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
I did not die.
I experienced something worse.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Lirin]]
* [[Roshone]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Aric]]
* The captain of Roshone's guard
* [[Hesina]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Rillir]] (mentioned only)
* [[Laral]]
* [[Tien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mara (Roshar)|Mara]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Szeth|The Assassin in White]] (mentioned only)
* [[Oroden]]
* [[Zeheb]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rillir]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mara (Roshar)|Mara]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
Roshone orders the guards to attack Kaladin, but they note his obvious ability and hesitate. Kaladin regrets his juvenile action and apologizes, telling the guards to stand down. He then orders them into the library for a meeting, but Roshone asks why he should take orders from him. Kaladin summons his [[Shardblade]], allowing his eyes to turn blue.
In the library, Kaladin finds out that the Parshmen transformed and then just left town. Kaladin wants to figure out where they went, so he asks for maps and a [[spanreed]] to communicate with Dalinar, giving Roshone several spheres for the "rental" of some horses since he's out of Stormlight. The soldiers go to the lady of the house ([[Laral]]) to ask for the maps. Kaladin warns Syl that he might need her again as a weapon, and she reassures him that it doesn't bother her. All of his weapons were "people" anyway. Kaladin brandishes his sword again for Roshone to emphasize that he's in charge. Despite Roshone's faults, he needs to help the people of [[Hearthstone]]. Roshone just slumps in his chair, but Laral arrives and pledges to lead the people. She looks quite different, more mature and practical. He says he wanted to come back to save her, but she says that she is happy with Roshone and resents Kaladin's judgment of him. She goes to set up the [[spanreed]] and wait for a reply, so Kaladin goes back to his parents. He starts helping his father tend the wounded. He is disappointed that Kaladin has become one of "them," a person who tries to solve problems with violence. He does acknowledge that the [[Voidbringers]] must be fought, but he wanted his son to be a surgeon, not a killer. Kaladin goes back to the library and notices that the spanreed is glowing with Stormlight; they collected some during the last unexpected [[highstorm]]. The spanreed starts writing words from Navani, much to the surprise of Laral. Dalinar asks for a status and Kaladin suggests he go looking for the Voidbringers because they just up and left without attacking. Dalinar agrees and tells him to take the spanreed with him to keep him up to date. He closes the conversation and goes to see his mother. She is holding a baby, Kaladin's new brother, [[Oroden]], which means ''child of peace''. Kaladin holds him and cries. Kaladin asks for any infused spheres and trades them two for one. Kaladin tells Lirin that he wants to take his family away to safety, but his father refuses; he is the town surgeon and is needed there. The others in the house overhear the conversation about the [[Desolation]] being here, so Kaladin puts on a display with Stormlight and promises that the [[Knights Radiant]] have returned and will not fail them. He flies off to a nearby town to get more infused spheres.
{{anchor|Chapter 8}}
=== [[/Chapter 8|Chapter 8: A Powerful Lie]] ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|The moment notwithstanding, I can honestly say this book has been brewing in me since my youth.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Shallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only as Shallan's father)
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Hatham]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Kaladin|Brightlord Broody-Eyes]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[GawxShallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hatham]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yanagawn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tezim]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
* Odium's Champion (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
=== [[/Chapter 9|Chapter 9: The Threads of a Screw]] ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|The sum of my experiences has pointed at this moment. This decision.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Vedekar Perel]]
* [[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Peet]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Rlain]]
* [[Colot]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tallan]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Niter]] (mentioned only)
* [[Malan]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pattern]]
=== [[/Chapter 10|Chapter 10: Distractions]] ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Perhaps my heresy stretches back to those days in my childhood, where these ideas began.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (point of view)
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Gallant]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Glys]]
* [[Hav]] (mentioned only)
* [[Syl]]
* [[Hesina]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* Hornhollow's citylord
* [[Elhokar Kholin|The King]] (mentioned only)
* female ardent
* [[Sot]] (mentioned only)
* [[Khem]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth|A guy in White Clothing]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Point of view)
* a trapper
* [[Kelek]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bashin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gallant]]
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sureblood]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Glys]]
Adolin goes to visit [[Gallant]]. They mourn the death of [[Sureblood]] as Adolin gives him treats. Renarin appears; he has been looking for Adolin. He suggests having Shallan draw Sureblood. He also says that he must give back the shardbladeShardblade because it hurts to hold. Renarin reluctantly admits that he has created his own blade now and shows Adolin, who admires it for its beauty. Renarin is not content though; he was starting to fit in with Bridge Four, but now he must pivot to being a Knight Radiant. He's afraid that he will make a mistake trying to use his new power. Adolin clasps his hand to give him confidence, and he feels a wash of Stormlight through his body. He sees ofa vision of himself, perfected and whole. Renarin is embarrassed and leaves, and Adolin is surprised that his wounded wrist is now healed.
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Torol Sadeas]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]]
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tanalan's father]]
* [[Thakka]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Febin]]
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sadees]] (mentioned only)
''Thirty-three years ago''
Dalinar impatiently awaits for the battle to begin, wearing his new shardplate. Gavilar and Sadeas are with him. Their efforts at quelling the other princedoms have only resulted in most of them uniting against Gavilar's rule. Sadeas discusses a political marriage with Dalinar, but he is not interested. The only woman he loves (Navani) is already married, with a daughter. The fog finally rises from the city, and they discuss the lord of the city, [[Tanalan's father|Tanalan]], who has a shardbladeShardblade, but not plate. Gavilar gallops off and Dalinar eagerly follows, determined to win the blade. They are pelted with arrows, rocks and netting, but they quickly reach the fortifications, wreaking havoc on the defending soldiers. When Dalinar jumps back down to destroy the catapults he misjudges his plate's weight and falls down, bending his hammer's handle. He then vows to never make a greenvine mistake like this again. After getting a new hammer from Sadeas he continues his barrage, causing the soldiers to flee. He glories in his power and the Thrill. The catapults neutralized, the army moves through the city gates. Dalinar looks down at the city and feels that something is wrong. Suddenly, the entire precipice collapses and falls into the Rift. Dalinar crashes through many layers of buildings. His shardplateShardplate is damaged, but he survives, unlike the elites that fell with him. Next comes a hail of arrows at him. He runs across a bridge as two soldiers attempt to collapse it, which would send Dalinar another hundred feet down. He is saved by Teleb, who shoots the soldiers. He meets Tanalan, who questions why he should submit to the "king." Dalinar's reasoning is that the strongest military commander should win the throne, and attacks. He manages to get within the reach of his blade and wounds Tanalan. More archers shoot at Dalinar, but he collapses the platform, mortally wounding the brightlord. When the guards carry him away, Dalinar finds he has more wounds from his duel with Tanalan, but the Thrill pushes him along, driving away pain. He sees Tanalan taken through a secret door in the rock and follows. He finds him lying in his blood, a beautiful woman at his side, crying. Their son, only a small boy, challenges Dalinar with his father's shardbladeShardblade.
Hours later, Dalinar rests with his new shardbladeShardblade, [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], sipping wine to help with the pain and shame he feels. Gavilar sits down beside him and wonders what the consequences of the day will be. The remaining people will rebel because Dalinar had killed their highlord and heir. Dalinar suggests he makes soldiers out of them. Gavilar knows they need to act differently, to have an actual functioning government rather than destroying and pillaging for control. Dalinar leans back to rest and remembers the sound of a brave boy crying.
{{anchor|Chapter 12}}
=== [[/Chapter 12|Chapter 12: Negotiations]] ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I ask not that you forgive me. Nor that you even understand.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Kalami]]
* [[GawxYanagawn]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[May Aladar]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Teshav Khal]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* Teshav's wards
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* princess of [[Yezier]]
* prince of [[Tashikk]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Aesudan Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Taravangian]]
=== [[/Chapter 13|Chapter 13: Chaperone]] ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I ask only that you read or listen to these words.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Palona]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
=== [[/Chapter 14|Chapter 14: Squires Can't Capture]] ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|In this record, I hold nothing back. I will try not to shy away from difficult topics, or paint myself in a dishonestly heroic light.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Sah]]
* [[Khen]]
* [[Yixli]]
* [[Rlain]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yixli]]
;Plot Summary
Kaladin has found some Parshmen and creeps up to the camp, past a single guard, expecting monstrous Voidbringers. Instead, he finds them trying to play [[Rosharan card game|cards]]. Their eyes are not red and they have only limited carapace armor. Some are attempting to light a fire under a tarp. Some eat soggy, raw grain from the stolen sacks. Kaladin realizes that their pathetic state is the humans' fault. Suddenly, one calls the alarm as a yellow ribbon of light streaks by. They grab various primitive weapons but are obviously not trained to use them. Kaladin decides to simply surrender.
{{anchor|Chapter 15}}
=== [[/Chapter 15|Chapter 15: Brightness Radiant]] ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I will express only direct, even brutal, truth. You must know what I have done, and what those actions cost me.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Vedekar Perel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Vedekar Perel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[May Aladar]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 16: Wrapped Three Times ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|For in this comes the lesson.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Almighty]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Rial]]
* [[Kelerand]]
* [[Zahel]]
* [[Aratin Khal]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Rembrinor]]
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adonalsium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rial]]
* [[Kelerand]]
* [[Ivis]] (mentioned only)
* [[Zahel]]
* [[General Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Halam Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Taravangian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aratin Khal]]
* [[KadashSadees]] (mentioned only)
* an [[Iriali]] queen
* Taravangian (mentioned only)
* [[Sunmaker]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rembrinor]]
* [[Harth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 17: Trapped in Shadows ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|It is not a lesson I claim to be able to teach. Experience herself is the great teacher, and you must seek her directly.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Khen]]
* [[Ton (singer)|Ton]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Sah]]
* [[Vai]]
* [[YixliRlain]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rlain]] (metioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 18: Double Vision ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|You cannot have a spice described to you, but must taste it for yourself.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Jor]]
* [[Sullik]]
* [[Betha]]
* [[Ur (character)|Ur]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioendmentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* old female bartender
* [[Jor]]
* [[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Balat Davar]] (mentioned only)
* scarred bouncer
* [[Sullik]]
* [[Betha]]
* Betha's husband
* [[Ur]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Ned]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rem]] (mentioned only)
* murdered barmaid (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan becomes Veil. She sneaks out of her room and heads toward the market. On the way, Pattern tells Shallan that he likes Adolin. He doesn't mind that he wields a corpse because that's just how things work in the [[Physical Realm]]; you must destroy to survive. She arrives at the market in the [[Breakaway]] and just sits around for a while, listening to conversation. She then finds a low-end tavern in which to practice. She ignorantly orders some very strong "wine" and almost throws up. She continues to drink the stuff, and a [[Jor|bouncer]] nearby starts flirting with her. She becomes intoxicated but manages to ask him where any stabbings have taken place. She tries to leave but collapses on the floor. She uses some Stormlight to ease the pain, and she's suddenly not drunk. She heads out to [[All's Alley]], site of a recent stabbing. She asks for the strongest stuff they have and ends up with some [[Horneater white]]. She downs a few drinks, healing herself as she goes. She probes the barkeep about any recent murders, and he directs her to a group of thugs in the corner. She sits down in the seat of a [[Ur|Horneater]] and starts asking a woman named Betha about the murderer. Ur comes back from the restroom and throws her out of the seat. She comes back and places her safehand on his hand and stabs them both with a knife, getting the seat back from him. Veil threatens to do worse unless she starts getting answers, and idly scrapes the symbol of the Ghostbloods on the table. Intimidated, Betha reveals that a man named Ned had strangled his wife, and then the next night he had come back and killed a barmaid the same exact way, although he vehemently denied the second murder.
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]]
* [[Toh]]
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Teleb]]
* [[Sunmaker]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Sadees]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shubreth-son-Mashalan]] (mentioned only)
* an assassin
;Plot Summary
:''Thirty-one years ago''
Dalinar sits at a feast while [[Toh]] talks with Gavilar. He's bored by politics and wishes that instead he could go and eat with his men. Dalinar starts to eat and realizes that he doesn't have his knife with him. He wants to just dig in with his hands, but everyone is using utensils, so he leaves the dining hall in the middle of the highstorm to go find his knife. He finds the bunker where Teleb is and pounds on the door. When no one answers, he summons his Shardblade and cuts his way in. Teleb tells him that he returned his knife, so Dalinar heads back. He dodges a boulder on the way and sees some sort of monster on glowing legs. He forces his way back into the feast hall, and everyone stares at him incredulously. Toh is disturbed and excuses himself. Gavilar is actually glad because Dalinar just demonstrated that he could protect them. Navani walks in, so Dalinar orders more strong wine. She and Ialai join the king, and they discuss Toh and his wife, who is deemed to be dense, but honest. Toh is bargaining with Shardplate that he has stolen from his native land, [[Rira (country)|Rira]]. They discuss the possibility of Dalinar marrying Evi and gaining the Shardplate. A servant brings Dalinar a knife, but it's too small; Dalinar bends it cutting his steak. He spots Evi across the room and admires her blonde hair. Then he finally spots a good knife: in the hands of an assassin taking Gavilar's plates. Dalinar knocks the man down to the floor and stabs him repeatedly, killing him. Then he washes the blood off the knife with his wine and starts eating with it. He agrees to marry Evi to help forge an alliance. Gavilar is sure they'll accept after seeing Dalinar in action.
{{anchor|Chapter 20}}
=== Chapter 20: Cords to Bind ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|However, with a dangerous spice, you can be warned to taste lightly. I would that your lesson may not be as painful as my own.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Khen]]
* [[Sah]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Yixli]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Syl]]
=== Chapter 21: Set Up to Fall ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am no storyteller, to entertain you with whimsical yarns.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Turinad Sebarial]]
* [[Palona]]
* [[Gaz]]
* [[Almighty]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vathah]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Mraize]]
* [[Deeli]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cultivation]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hatham]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hatham]] (mentioned only)
* [[Marri]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thanadal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Lorador Vamah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sebarial]]
* [[Thanadal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vamah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gaz]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[Mraize]]
=== Chapter 22: The Darkness Within ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am no philosopher, to intrigue you with piercing questions.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Mraize]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 23: Storming Strange ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am no poet, to delight you with clever allusions.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* elderly waystop merchant
* [[Yixli]]
* [[Cadilar]]
* [[Syl]] (mentioned only)
* [[Khen]]
* [[Sah]]
* [[Hesh]]
* [[Yixli]]
* [[Lorador Vamah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cadilar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 24: Men of Blood and Sorrow ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I have no doubt that you are smarter than I am. I can only relate what happened, what I have done, and then let you draw conclusions.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Toh]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Adrotagia]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[Spark]]
* [[Mrall]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Teshav]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yanagawn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Stormfather]]
* [[GawxFen Rnamdi]] (mentioned only)
* [[FenIshar]] (mentioned only)
* the Most Ancient (mentioned only)
* [[Tezim]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 25: The Girl Who Looked Up ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I will confess my murders before you. Most painfully, I have killed someone who loved me dearly.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Re-Shephir]]
* [[Lunamor]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vathah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gaz]] (mentioned only)
* [[Palona]] (mentioned only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lopen]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
* strange black spren
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rock]]
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ur (character)|Ur]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]]
* [[Tearim]]
* [[Kalanor]]
* [[Rien]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Jezrien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kalak]] (mentioned only)
* [[Toh]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]]
* [[Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tearim]]
* [[Kalanor]]
* [[Loradar Vamah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rien]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gallam]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ruthar'sRelis sonRuthar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Talanor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Twenty-nine years ago''
Dalinar prepares for battle, in prayer with his betrothed, Evi. She encourages him to not kill in anger, to "be a man and not a beast." He leaves to fight in what should be a decisive battle for the kingdom. Gavilar notes that Sebarial hasn't shown up, ostensibly due to supply line problems, but Dalinar believes he's just waiting to join the winning side. A small number of Ryshadium gallop by, musicspren trailing behind. Gavilar tells Dalinar to kill [[Kalanor]], the shardbearerShardbearer Highprincehighprince, to finally quell all resistance to the kingdom. The battle begins, and Dalinar seeks out a section of Kholin troops doing poorly, then attacks. He gets so enthralled he doesn't realize how many he is killing. Kadash finally snaps him out of it, and Dalinar has realized that he's killed some of his own troops. His slaughter has drawn out Kalanor. Dalinar seeks him out, regretting that he can only kill one man instead of hundreds. He finds Kalanor on a Ryshadium. Dalinar fights him and the two end up on a high ledge. After trading blows, Kalanor stumbles back, losing his blade, holding on for dear life, begging mercy from Dalinar. He runs him through the face with his shardbladeShardblade, but feels oddly dissatisfied. The Thrill fills him with strength and arrogance -- all others are weak, and he deserves to rule. He dashes to Gavilar, intending to kill him, but realizes that he is about to murder his brother and stops. He gives up his newly acquired shardplateShardplate and blade to Gavilar for his heir. Dalinar vows to never be king.
{{anchor|Chapter 27}}
=== Chapter 27: Playing Pretend ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I will confess my heresy. I do not back down from the things I have said, regardless of what the ardents demand.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Amaram]]
* [[Dalinar]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Taravangian]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Sebarial]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Spark]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Kalami]]
* [[Voidspren]]? (Mentioned Only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[Ruthar]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[Gaz]]
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]]
* [[Shob]]
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Perel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Spark]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 28: Another Option ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|Finally, I will confess my humanity. I have been named a monster and do not deny those claims. I am the monster that I fear we all can become.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani]]
* [[Queen Fen]]
* [[Teshav]]
* [[IalaiNavani SadeasKholin]]
* [[Amaram]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Adrotagia]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Peet]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Yanagawn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hatham]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adrotagia]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nohadon]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar is frustrated that Azir has refused to open the Oathgate. Azir is planning to destroy their Oathgate. He asks Teshav to contact Queen Fen again. While the spanreed writes back, Dalinar experiments with Adhesion, climbing up to an apparent ventilation shaft on the wall near the ceiling. Queen Fen replies and refuses to enter into a treaty because she thinks that Dalinar, the Blackthorn, is not sincere. Dalinar wanders the halls. After an hour, Lyn finds him and tells him that Bridge Four wants him. They show him Oathbringer. Dalinar picks it up, hearing the scream of the dead spren. He asks the Stormfather if it can be healed, but he knows of no way to do it. He takes it to Ialai and puts init reverently on the floor. He sees Amaram there and reminds him that he will face judgment for killing defenseless men. Amaram calls him a hypocrite, as he has slaughtered thousands with his Shardblade. Dalinar has no response, and seeks solitude in his rooms. Taravangian is there, and they discuss the conundrum of sometimes having to punish the innocent in order to protect society at large. The Stormfather tells Dalinar that he is not a hypocrite, but Dalinar disagrees. He wants to know more about Nohadon, so he asks to see that vision again. The Stormfather offers to show Navani directly, and that gives Dalinar an idea: put Queen Fen into the vision with him.
{{anchor|Chapter 29}}
=== Chapter 29: No Backing Down ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|So sit back. Read, or listen, to someone who has passed between realms.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Gaz]]
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[AdolinGlurv]]
* [[TeftPattern]]
* [[Bridge Four]]
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Renarin]]
* [[Glys]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Re-Shephir]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Eth]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Lunamor]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Taravangian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Perel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dilid]] (mentioned only)
* [[Glys]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Palona]] (mentioned only)
* [[Halad]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dandos Heraldin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 30: Mother of Lies ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Listen to the words of a fool.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Bridge Four]]
* [[Renarin]]
* [[Re-Shephir]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Eth]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Shallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan comes to know the Unmade. It is fascinated by humans and drawn to violence. The spren begins to know Shallan and tries to bond towith her in replaceplace of Pattern. Shallan and Pattern hold tight to each other. She attacks, using Stormlight, but not sure what she is doing. Shallan realizes that the Unmade is afraid of being trapped again by a Lightweaver. She wavers because she knows the creature will find out her secrets, so she pretends to be committed. Re-Shephir flees, even more terrified. Shallan decides not to chase it, but orders guards to be posted just in case. Teft notes that that's a good idea since the pillar that Re-Shephir was surrounding is covered with thousands of huge cut gems.
{{anchor|Chapter 31}}
=== Chapter 31: Demands of the Storm ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|If they cannot make you less foolish, at least let them give you hope.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Syl]]
* [[Khen]]
* [[Sah]]
* [[VaiSylphrena]]
* [[Khen]]
* [[Elhokar]] (Mentioned Only)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Dalinar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Vai]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yixli]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tanavast]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Kaladin and the parshmen reach a city. He sees thousands of parshemenparshmen, but few are as prepared and well-outfitted as his band. Sah marvels that they have their own city now. Kaladin sees signs of fighting and wonders where the humans are. Syl reports that they are in the parshmen quarters and open pens and warns that another highstorm is coming. A parshmen scribe orders them to send Kaladin to the pens, but Khen reluctantly recommends that he be allowed to fight with them. The scribe refers them to a [[Fused]], a Parshendi-like creature with lots of carapace and red eyes. It heads over and Kaladin decides it's time to go. He grabs a bag of spheres from Khen and flies off, the highstorm rumbling in the distance. He asks Syl for directions to Urithiru, but she doesn't know the way. He heads east and spies the humans in open pens below. He drops down and tells them to take shelter. Two flying Fused suddenly attack. They have similar powers to him, but aren't as experienced and can't fly through a highstorm as well as Kaladin. He pleads with the Stormfather to divert the storm, but he won't stop. He goes back down and desperately tries to save as many people as possible, but it's not enough. He lashes out with Stormlight and creates a barrier made of windspren, diverting the storm. More people make it inside. One of the Fused is back, but Kaladin lets the storm carry him away as he Lashes himself upward. The Fused give chase but cannot keep up. Syl directs him to Urithiru.
{{anchor|Chapter 32}}
=== Chapter 32: Company ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|For I, of all people, have changed.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Palona]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Dalinar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Navani]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah]]
* [[SebarialRe-Shephir]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Re-ShephirNavani Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Puuli]] (Pointpoint of view)
*[[Sakin]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kelek]] (mentioned only)
*[[Au-lam]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hema-Dak]] (mentioned only)
*[[Drummer brothers]] (mentioned only)
*[[Stormfather|The Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ellista]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Bettam]]
* [[Urv]]
* [[Bendthel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Fiksin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Demid]]
* [[Ulim]]
* [[Eshonai]] (corpse)
* [[Timbre]]
* [[Fused|Ulim's leaders]] (mentioned)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Timbre|Comet-like spren]]
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 33: A Lecture ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
Dearest Cephandrius,
I received your communication, of course.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Dalinar]] (Mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned only)
* [[NavaniPalona]] (Mentionedmentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]](mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Re-Shephir]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan is still resting from her encounter with Re-Shephir. Her drawing has a more scholarly focus now that Jasnah is back. She's impatient to know how she survived, so she leaves her rooms to find her. She's finds out that she's down by the jewel-encrusted pillar, so Shallan descends into the pit, the feeling of wrongness gone. Jasnah speculates that it's an intricate fabrial, and explains to Shallan how they work, trapping a spren and stimulating it to make it work. She tells her to sketch the jewels, and Shallan has a hard time taking orders now, but complies. Jasnah compliments her on her accomplishments while she was away and wants to be filled in about the discovery of Urithiru. When Shallan asks how she survived, she simply answers that she is an Elsecaller. That doesn't mean anything to Shallan, so she explains that she has the ability to go to Shadesmar. Getting back is more difficult, which is why it took so long for her to return. She asks for more sketches of what has happened in her absence and admits that she was wrong about the usefulness of Shallan's drawing skill. Jasnah is frustrated at being so behind current events.
{{anchor|Chapter 34}}
=== Chapter 34: Resistance ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I noticed its arrival immediately, just as I noticed your many intrusions into my land.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[QueenStarfalls FenStoneward]]
* [[Starfalls Windrunner]]
* [[Taffa]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Seeli]]
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Harkaylain]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Heb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sadees]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar enters the vision. He asks the Stormfather to put Queen Fen in the role of [[Heb]], the father in the house attacked by the Midnight Essence. He comes as one of the Radiants, flying with the aid of a Windrunner. He asks him questions to try to figure out why Shardplate from this time is glowing, but he can't get a straight answer. They arrive at the town, and Dalinar is ordered to help the villagers while the Windrunners engage the creatures. He sneaks to the house and finds [[Taffa]]'s body. He makes his way back to the town and finds that Queen Fen has organized the townspeople to fight. She is incredulous that a tyrant such as Dalinar has been chosen to lead the Knights Radiant, if their return is even true. Dalinar argues that she has little option but to let him go to Thaylen City; she is more convinced by his passionate plea thenthan his "diplomatic" language over spanreed. Indeed, she didn't even trust it was him. Now that she has talked to him in person, Dalinar believes she will reconsider.
{{anchor|Chapter 35}}
=== Chapter 35: First into the Sky ===
[[File: Bridge Four Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|You think yourself so clever, but my eyes are not those of some petty noble, to be clouded by a false nose and some dirt on the cheeks.}}
* [[Sigzil]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[RockLunamor]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Vevidar]]
* [[Teft]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bisig]] (mentioned only)
* [[Punio]] (mentioned only)
* [[Drehy]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dru]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hobber]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hoid]] (mentioned only)
* [[Huio]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moash]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Hathan]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]]
* [[Shishi (Roshar)|Shishi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]]. (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tanalan]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 37: The Last Time We March ===
[[File: Bridge Four Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|You mustn't worry yourself about Rayse. It is a pity about Aona and Skai, but they were foolish -- violating our pact from the very beginning.}}
* [[RockLunamor]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Sigzil]]
* [[Peet]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Dabbid]]
* [[Huio]]
* [[Hobber]]
* [[Elhokar]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Syl]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Bisig]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Rlain]]
* [[Phendorana]]
* [[Tuaka]]
* [[Gift]]
* [[Cord]]
* [[Star]]
* [[Kuma'tiki]]
* [[Beautiful Song]]
* [[Skar]]Rock (Mentioned Onlyjunior)|Rock]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Teft]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teft]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Glys]] (mentioned only)
* [[Skar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moash]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kef'ha]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tifi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sinaku'a]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Lunamor (Rock) is cooking stew and surprised at how he finds the barren Shattered Plains beautiful. Kaladin is training crews on how to use Stormlight. He first has them swear the first oath, and Lunamor quietly recites it to himself as he cooks. He instructs Lopen, Sigzil, and Peet to start teaching. Dabbid takes over stirring. Lunamor goes to find Hobber and finds Kaladin kneeling beside him. He tenderly encourages Hobber to try breathing in Stormlight. Rock is skeptical he can do it, but Kaladin insists all of Bridge Four will, and maybe others. He cautions Kaladin that they are going to war and some may die. Several of the bridgemen are glowing; Lopen has stuck his face to the ground. Elhokar appears and asks Kaladin to come with him to Kholinar and reclaim their home. Kaladin agrees and is given twenty days to prepare the rest of the men. Renarin meanwhile comes straight from his daily duty at the Oathgate to be with Bridge Four. Rock invites him over to help cook and notes he can see all spren, but never Renarin's. Renarin wonders if he belongs to Bridge Four since he is not a Windrunner, but Rock insists that he does. He is conflicted over what is expected of him -- to be a warrior, or what he is good at, scholarly work. He feels the odd one out, but Rock points out [[Rlain]]; Renarin goes to sit by him. The men come over for a drink break. Skar is struggling at drawing in Stormlight, but he manages to teach Lunamor how to draw some in. Skar, instead of being jealous, is pleased, being a teacher at heart. Rock suddenly notices a large group of spren gathered to watch Bridge Four practicing. Sylphrena says they wouldn't talk to her because she sought out Kaladin and they hate to admit they were wrong. Rock makes an offering of Stormlight-infused spheres. The human-sized spren draws it in before flying away. Hobber breathes in a bit of Stormlight and calls the brigdemenbridgemen over. Kaladin tells them to give him all their spheres so his legs can heal. He tentatively stands up, and Lopen givegives him the ''two''-armed Bridge Four salute, which Hobber proudly returns. Rock looks to the west and sees a plume of smoke.
Kaladin flies off to investigate. Rock and Bridge Four grab their bridge and start marching. With Stormlight, the task is quite easy. They reach the caravan and see a dead Voidbringer, brought down by an Unkalaki arrow. A makeshift fortification of piled up furniture is nearby. A woman peeks out and Rock realizes it's his family.
=== Chapter 38: Broken People ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|Your skills are admirable, but you are merely a man. You had your chance to be more, and refused it.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Malad-son-Zent]]
* [[Teshav]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kalami]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cultivation]] (mentioned only)
* [[Talenel]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar enters the vision fighting with a spear among poorly equipped men. He charges forward toward a company of savage men, but his untrained allies fail to support him; his arm is cut off. Dalinar merely wraps it and continues fighting, thinking that it's "cheating" to heal with Stormlight. A Voidbringer joins the enemy. A Radiant (Stoneward) appears and creates handholds down the cliff so they can escape. The Stormfather says Dalinar may also learn this ability. Dalinar realizes that humans were fighting with the Voidbringers. The Stormfather then brings in Jasnah and Navani into the vision atthough Dalinar's request. They see a Radiant using a device to stimulate Regrowth and Navani rushes off to watch. Jasnah marvels that the civilization is more primitive than that of a previous vision. She worries about how Dalinar will react to being accused as a heretic. She tells him not to let others define who he is. They decide to split up and see as much of the vision as possible. Navani returns, dictating her observations to Teshav who is in the same room outside the vision. She hasn't figured out how the healing fabrial works. They run up a hill to see thousands of bodies and other terrible signs of the Desolation. Dalinar is startled to find that the boulder at the top of the hill was actually a slain creature made of stone. They continue on past the corpses to a place with nine Honorblades rammed into stone. They recognize theshares one that killed Gavilar, the Honorblade that Szeth carried. The Stormfather explains that the Voidbringers were given power by Odium, and when they were killed, they were simply reborn into the bodies of parshmen. Humans could never defeat them if they kept reincarnating, so Honor created the Oathpacttwo with five men and five women. After each Desolation they would return to Damnation to hold back the spiritsSurges of the dead until a HeraldStonewards, under torture, broke their oath. The Desolations came more often because it wouldis takenot a shorter time forthe one to break. In this "last" Desolation, when nine of them survived, they hoped that thehe only Herald to never break, Talenelat, would be enough. He lasted 4,500 years of torture until finally breakingsees. Dalinar realizes that thehumans "madman"were infighting Kholinar is really Talenelat, thoughwith the blade he had when he arrived at the Shattered Plains was not his HonorbladeVoidbringers. He asks the Stormfather if the breaking of the Oathpact caused the Recreance, but he refuses to reveal that deeper secret, assuming that it would cause Dalinar to break his oath as well.
The Stormfather then brings in Jasnah and Navani into the vision at Dalinar's request. They see a Radiant using a device to stimulate Regrowth and Navani rushes off to watch. Jasnah marvels that the civilization is more primitive than that of a previous vision. She worries about how Dalinar will react to being accused as a heretic. She tells him not to let others define who he is.
They decide to split up and see as much of the vision as possible. Navani returns, dictating her observations to Teshav who is in the same room outside the vision. She hasn't figured out how the healing fabrial works. They run up a hill to see thousands of bodies and other terrible signs of the Desolation. Dalinar is startled to find that the boulder at the top of the hill was actually a slain creature made of stone. They continue on past the corpses to a place with nine Honorblades rammed into stone. They recognize the one that killed Gavilar, the Honorblade that Szeth carried.
The Stormfather explains that the Voidbringers were given power by Odium, and when they were killed, they were simply reborn into the bodies of parshmen. Humans could never defeat them if they kept reincarnating, so Honor created the Oathpact with five men and five women. After each Desolation they would return to Damnation to hold back the spirits of the dead until a Herald, under torture, broke their oath. The Desolations came more often because it would take a shorter time for one to break. In this "last" Desolation, when nine of them survived, they hoped that the only Herald to never break, Talenelat, would be enough. 4500 years later, another desolation starts.
Dalinar realizes that the "madman" from Kholinar is really Talenelat, though the blade he had when he arrived at the Shattered Plains was not his Honorblade. He asks the Stormfather if the breaking of the Oathpact caused the Recreance, but he refuses to reveal that deeper secret, assuming that it would cause Dalinar to break his oath as well.
{{anchor|Chapter 39}}
=== Chapter 39: Notes ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|No good can come of two Shards settling in one location. It was agreed that we would not interfere with one another, and it disappoints me that so few of the Shards have kept to this original agreement.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Teshav Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Taravangian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Malata]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan attends a meeting with Dalinar, Jasnah, Navani, Kaladin, and Renarin in the tower basements. Shallan is again perturbed by Jasnah's treatment of her when the latter announces that Shallan will scribe notes for the meeting. They discuss the new information regarding the sacrifices of the Heralds and their role in keeping the Desolations and Fused at bay in the past. Kaladin and Jasnah swap insults regarding their opposing views on how to deal with the ordinary parshmen; Kaladin seeks to spare the innocent while Jasnah sees them as surplus vessels for the immortal Fused to inhabit. Dalinar agrees to attempt negotiations, much to Jasnah's chagrin. Jasnah shocks them all when she suggests they concentrate on finding the Heralds and killing them in order to reseal the Fused. Since spanreeds have become unreliable, Jasnah convinces Kaladin to at least use his windrunners to monitor the movement of Voidbringer troops. She glances at Shallan's notes and sees that she is drawing a picture of Kaladin, so she calls for a short break. She confronts Shallan's passive-aggressive rebelliousness (and reminding her she is betrothed to her cousin) and Shallan asserts that her wardship is complete. Jasnah offers Shallan high compliments and respect for what she has accomplished on her own, but states that she will remain her ward until she demonstrates minimum requirements for a scholar. Pattern indicates to Shallan that the room they are in has memories, prompting Shallan to tell Jasnah that there may be something in Shadesmar. Jasnah reviews Shallan's notes and commands her to write them out in long hand before submitting them to her brother and mother. She goes back to her room so she can change to Veil and notices a letter pinned to her coat.
Jasnah glances at Shallan's notes and notices a sketch of Kaladin, so she calls for a short break. She confronts Shallan's passive-aggressive rebelliousness (and reminding her she is betrothed to her cousin) and Shallan asserts that her wardship is complete. Jasnah offers Shallan high compliments and respect for what she has accomplished on her own, but states that she will remain her ward until she demonstrates minimum requirements for a scholar. Pattern indicates to Shallan that the room they are in has memories, prompting Shallan to tell Jasnah that there may be something in Shadesmar. Jasnah reviews Shallan's notes and commands her to write them out in long hand before submitting them to her brother and mother. She goes back to her room so she can change to Veil and notices a letter pinned to her coat.
{{anchor|Chapter 40}}
=== Chapter 40: Questions, Peeks, and Inferences ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|As for Uli Da, it was obvious from the outset that she was going to be a problem. Good riddance.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[Shob]]
* [[Glurv]]
* [[Zendid]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[MraizeGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nale]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hamaradin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan reads the letter. It tells of two groups "which presaged the return of the Voidbringers." The [[Sons of Honor]], led by Gavilar and Amaram, worked to bring about the Desolations in order to draw out the [[Herald]]s and restore power to the Vorin church. The [[Skybreaker]]s, an order of Radiants whose members had not broken their oaths, led by Nale, hunted down and killed anyone who had, or were about to form a bond to spenspren, because Nale thought that that would ''prevent'' the Voidbringers from coming back. HelarenHelaran was recruited by Nale, but was not accepted fully, so he may have taken it upon himself to kill Amaram to prove his worth. Or perhaps there was a potential Radiant in his army; if that was the case, it was not Kaladin, or he would have been killed while a slave. The letter abruptly ends. Shallan destroys the letter and goes out as Veil.
Veil enters the common room and finds Shallan's soldiers playing a game. She complains about Shallan a bit, then joins the game, betting some spheres. She wins, astounding the others with her skill. They ask Veil if Shallan will give them something else to do and advise her to tell Shallan that they aren't good men. Veil recognizes a laundry girl and grabs her: it's Ishnah. She claims to have been a spy for another Brightlady, so she has useful skills. Veil tells her she can prove herself if she trains her men well. Otherwise, she has to leave her alone. Ishnah agrees.
=== Chapter 41: On the Ground Looking Up ===
[[File: Bridge Four Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
Regardless, this is not your concern. You turned your back on divinity. If Rayse becomes an issue, he will be dealt with.
And so will you.}}
* [[Teft]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Phendorana|A spren]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[RockLunamor]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Teft wakes up in an alleyway after a night of indulging in [[firemoss]]. He stumbles to a well for water and contemplates suicide. He sees the reflection of a spren in the water and angrily tells it to find someone who cares. He wanders away from the well and realizes it's morning. He can't bring himself to return to the barracks. The spren appears again, but he just turns aside into the firemoss den from the night before, indulging in three more bowls. He no longer uses for euphoria -- just to be able to function. He wakes up with his head on the table in a puddle of drool. Kaladin and Rock have found him. Kaladin asks him where his coat is, and Teft admits that he has sold it.
They carry him back to the barracks and give him some stew. He apologizes and promises to let them help him. He knows he won't have any moss for a few days and is ashamed that that is his most pressing concern.
=== Chapter 42: Consequences ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
Cephandrius, bearer of the First Gem,
You must know better than to approach us by relying upon presumption of past relationship.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Yanagawn]]
* [[Jezrien]]
* [[Lift]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sadees]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 43: Spearman ===
[[File: Moash Chapters.svg|105px|center]]
{{epigraph|You have spoken to one who cannot respond. We, instead, will take your communication to us -- though we know not how you located us upon this world.}}
* [[Moash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Graves]]
* [[Febrth]]
* [[FiaGraves]]
* [[Fused]]
* [[Leshwi]]
* [[Fia]]
* [[Kaladin]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Lunamor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lopen]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Moash sits by a fire eating some stew that doesn't compare at all to Rock's. [[Graves]] and [[Febrth]] are arguing about what direction they should be heading. Graves tells Moash to get rid of the patch on his coat, so he cuts it off, but he doesn't throw it away. He wonders what Bridge Four is doing. He imagines Kaladin telling them what he had done. His regret and shame lead to thoughts of suicide. The camp is suddenly attacked by four Fused, and they quickly kill his companions. Moash manages to avoid the initial attack and squares off with a Fused that moves like ana EdgedancerWindrunner. He dismisses his Shardblade and instead fights using his training from Kaladin. He manages to kill one, later revealed to be Leshwi, and faces off with the other three. They are so impressed with him that they give him the chance to join them and live. He summons his Shardblade again and breaks the bond. He is carried off.
{{anchor|Chapter 44}}
=== Chapter 44: The Bright Side ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|We are indeed intrigued, for we thought it well hidden. Insignificant among our many realms.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Gaz]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[JasnahNavani Kholin]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Teshav]]
* [[May Aladar]]
* [[Adrotagia]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[NavaniJanala Lustow]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[JanalaInadara]]
* [[DalinarKalami]]
* [[Elthebar]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dandos Heraldin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Galid]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 45: A Revelation ===
[[File: Moash Chapters.svg|105px|center]]
As the waves of the sea must continue to surge, so must our will continue resolute.
* [[Moash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Guff]]
* [[Paladar]]
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Graves]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bru]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jam (caravaneer)|Jam]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Moash is dropped off in [[Revolar]] by the Fused. He's forced into a pen with other humans, some obviously refugees of the Everstorm. He wanders about, earning hostile looks because of his threatening size. Only Bridge Four had ever accepted him as he was. Parshmen are organizing work details. They ask for "volunteers" for various jobs, but the human slaves don't eat if they don't work. Moash sees some caravaneers -- his old profession -- and asks for [[Guff]]. He finds him and asks for work. Guff realizes that Moash was trained as a soldier, so he brings him to [[Paladar]], regent of Highprince [[Vamah]]. He asks Moash if anyone is coming to save him, and Moash is stunned that the same hierarchy exists even though they are all slaves. He just stands there, unable to answer, and Paladar orders GaffGuff beaten for bringing him. Moash goes to volunteer for hard labor.
{{anchor|Chapter 46}}
=== Chapter 46: When the Dream Dies ===
[[File: Bridge Four Chapters.svg|105px|center]]
{{epigraph|Did you expect anything else from us? We need not suffer the interference of another. Rayse is contained, and we care not for his prison.}}
* [[Skar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Rock]]
* [[Sigzil]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[LopenLunamor]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Bisig]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Ristina]]
* [[Rlain]]
* [[Colot]]
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Dabbid]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ristina]]
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Eth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hobber]] (mentioned only)
* [[Huio]] (mentioned only)
* [[Punio]] (mentioned only)
* [[Koen]] (mentioned only)
* [[Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moash]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 47: So Much Is Lost ===
[[File: Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Indeed, we admire his initiative. Perhaps if you had approached the correct one of us with your plea, it would have found favorable audience.}}
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Ivory]]
* [[ShallanTalenel]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Kalak]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vedel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jezrien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ishar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Wit]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 48: Rhythm of Work ===
[[File: Moash Chapters.svg|105px|center]]
{{epigraph|But we stand in the sea, pleased with our domains. Leave us alone.}}
* [[Moash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[FusedKaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Havar]]
* [[Bashin]]
* [[Havar]]
* [[Makh]]
* [[Toh]]
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Ishal]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]]
* [[AdolinTanalan]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sadees]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jezrien]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 50: Shash Thirty-seven ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
We also instruct that you should not return to [[Obrodai]]. We have claimed that world, and a new avatar of our being is beginning to manifest there.
She is young yet, and -- as a precaution -- she has been instilled with an intense and overpowering dislike of you.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Stormfather]]
* [[Jasalai]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Rushu]]
* [[Queen Fen]] (Mentioned Only)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Jasalai]]
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Falilar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Fen Rnamdi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Insah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 51: Full Circle ===
[[File: Moash Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
This is all we will say at this time. If you wish more, seek these waters in person and overcome the tests we have created.
Only in this will you earn our respect.}}
* [[Moash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
* [[Sah]]
* [[FusedHelt]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
* [[ElhokarPattern]]
* [[Kaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Mraize]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Ishnah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
Shallan reads another letter from Mraize. He tells her that Ishnah was an assistant to real spies, but not a threat and may continue to work for Shallan. While she waits for a meeting with Elhokar she examines the illusion she has placed on her pouch that makes it appearsappear violet, but is actually white. The illusion is being sustained by the Stormlight of a sphere in the pouch, rather than by Stormlight from inside her. She ponders new applications of this ability. Shallan then meets with Elhokar. She tells him she's going to fly with Kaladin to Thaylen City. Then, in private, she offers the king her and her spies' company on the mission to Kholinar. Elhokar at first hesitates, not wanting to take two Radiants away from Dalinar. She convinces him that she's is not Dalinar's subject and neither is he; he can do what he wishes. He accepts.
Shallan tucks the formal request to help into her safepouch next to Mraize's letter. She tries to convince herself that she's not just running away from Jasnah. Pattern is humming, and Shallan hums with him.
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NavaniTeleb]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ialai Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Eighteen and a half years ago''
Dalinar returns to his camp exhausted. He has spent the last four years on campaign, first crushing the Herdazians and now fighting the Vedens at Alethkar's western border. Kadash enters and reports on the battle. Dalinar thinks on battlefield tactics and logistics and senses the Thrill still within him. He realizes that he is glad the fighting has gone on for so long so he can continue feeling the Thrill. As he finally drifts off to sleep, he hearsis woken by Evi's voice. She has been living in Kholinar for the past few years. At first he's angry that she's therehere, but she wants to be like the other Alethi wives and accompany her husband. She chides him for not visiting her more often; Renarin hasn't even met his father yet. Her healing touch calms him, and he goes to see his sons. Adolin is thrilled to see his father again and weit seeis clear how much Adolin already looks up to Dalinar. Renarin is a toddler and merely looks at his father and plays with blades of grass. The Thrill finally leaves Dalinar. He promises Evi that they will discuss her role there later, and she leads him to a bed in her wagon to sleep.
=== Chapter 53: Such a Twisted Cut ===
[[File: Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
Your letter is most intriguing, even revelatory.}}
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Ivory]]
* [[Jochi]]
* [[Ethid]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[RenarinNanKhet]] (mentioned only)
* [[NanKhetNatata Ved]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NanHar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Re-Shephir]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nale]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yanagawn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Axies]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lift]] (mentioned only)
* [[Wit]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Jasnah ponders her recent readings about the history of Jah Keved. She is disturbed by the account of an ancient king slaughtering his entire family and court after many assassination attempts. She peeks into the library, now full of scholars. The hallway in which the Unmade had fled had been discovered to lead to an alternate exit into the mountains. Renarin is there, watching the scholars in his Bridge Four uniform. Jasnah worries about rebellion within the family, like the story about the king who ruled for only three months. She sees her spanreed light up, and she speaks to some fellow colleagues, inJochi and Ethid, via Tashikk. They report that they suspect that the Herald Nale has been seen. They relate the tale of Lift and Nale in the palace. Jasnah notices Navani talking to Shallan and goes over to them. Renarin looks strange. Suddenly, Amaram shows up in the doorway. He asks Jasnah to speak in private, but she declines, taking the opportunity to insult him. He was apparently Gavilar's choice for Jasnah's husband, and he tries to "rekindle" the relationship, which Jasnah insists never existed. She further insults him and his mother, implying she was a whore, and he starts to summon his blade. She smiles and dares him to continue, showing Stormlight leaking from her hand. He storms off and Shallan giddily congratulates her on being so clever. She then asks for permission to leave, saying that Elhokar needs her in case they have to sneak into the city. Jasnah wants to speak to Elhokar about that, then she suddenly notices that Renarin has opened a drawer with a strange gemstone inside. Shallan notices that it seems to buzz with a musical language. Renarin pushes Stormlight into the wall and hundreds of drawers open. The contents of the [[Urithiru_gem_archive|library]] have been preserved in the gems.
{{anchor|Chapter 54}}
=== Chapter 54: An Ancient Singer's Name ===
[[File: Moash Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
I would have thought, before attaining my current station, that a deity could not be surprised.
Obviously, this is not true. I can be surprised. I can perhaps even be naive, I think.}}
* [[Moash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Khen]]
* [[Sah]]
* [[Fused]]
* [[Leshwi]]
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vai]] (mentioned only)
* [[Da]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Moash works on the ladders for the siege. Sah and Khen are resentful at their treatment, but don't know what to do about it. Their own gods have set them up to die in the first assault. Moash is also frustrated at their plight, knowing what it's like to be sent in to absorb arrows, and walks off into the town, demanding to talk to someone in charge. One of the flying Fused approaches and says he can talk to [[Leshwi|Lady Leshwi]]. It tows him up to the sky and leaves him hanging there. He floats over to Leshwi, and she asks him how he got his name, because "Moash" is a Parshendi name of old. She says that she is one of the "sane" Fused, so is the one in charge. He was spared because he showed such passion in fighting her (she was the one he had killed during his capture) and in helping the lesser Singers. He admits that he doesn't deserve the Shards that were taken from him, and also opines that the humans don't deserve to rule. He only wants vengeance.
Later, he wanders the streets, set free by Leshwi. He ponders on the Fused, being reborn for thousands of years and never giving up. He goes back to the lumberyard and finds his forlorn crew. He offers to teach them the spear.
=== Chapter 55: Alone Together ===
[[File: Bridge Four Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am the least equipped, of all, to aid you in this endeavor. I am finding that the powers I hold are in such conflict that the most simple of actions can be difficult.}}
* [[Rlain]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[YakeTeft]]
* [[Yake]]
* [[Eth]]
* [[RockLunamor]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[LeytenGift]]
* [[LopenCord]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Sigzil]]
* [[Natam]]
* [[Huio]]
* [[Torfin]]
* [[TeftDabbid]] (mentioned only)
* [[RenarinPeet]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DabbidLyn]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[LynColot]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Eshonai]] (mentioned only)
* [[Varanis]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thude]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 56: Always with You ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am also made uncertain by your subterfuge. Why have you not made yourself known to me before this? How is it you can hide? Who are you truly, and how do you know so much about Adonalsium?}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Yanagawn]]
* The [[OdiumStormfather]]
* [[LiftHonor]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Odium]]
* [[Masha-daughter-Shaliv]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dovcanti]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lift]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 57: Passion ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|If you would speak to me further, I request open honesty. Return to my lands, approach my servants, and I will see what I can do for your quest.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Odium]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Lift]]
* [[Honor]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Cultivation]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[StormfatherElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Nale]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaza]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Vazrmeb]]
* [[Droz]]
* the cook from [[Aimia]]
* [[Taravangian]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dukar]]
* [[Adrotagia]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[Mrall]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Golombi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Taravangian knows he is brilliant today and impatiently works the math problems. Only one problem eludes him; he is not quite at the level as the day he created the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]]. He orders that his rooms be cleared of furniture and people and orders some background music. Adrotagia brings him a copy of the Diagram, and he settles down with the transcribed copy. He starts cutting it to pieces; the Diagram in this form might be misleading them, so he decides he needs to separate it back into its parts to see it in new ways. He connects different parts of the text and gains new insights. He notices a slip of paper under the door -- the measurements of the field outside his window he had ordered earlier. He opens the door and orders gum paste so he can start putting paper up on the wall. He fears that Adrotagia suspects that he pretended to be less intelligent, and he is right. She confronts him on the problem he skipped -- a ruse to allow him to make decisions. He deflects the conversation by sharing his calculations on how much food Urithiru could produce, based on the size of the field outside. They must have been able to grow food inside. She insists that he follow his own rules, and he impatiently agrees to make no more policy decisions for the day and kicks her out of the room. He tries to figure out a contingency for the failed assassination of Dalinar. He reads again the words the surgeon uttered at his birth. He had feared that since the cord was around his neck that he would have diminished capacity, which while not true, had become his reputation. After working for hours, a maid brings in food, and Adrotagia and Mrall check up on him. He has changed the Diagram such that it now directs them to support Dalinar then topple him, taking his place. They can use Malata's spren as a spy to find his weaknesses. Taravangian concludes that they cannot defeat Odium. He has been given the capacity to "save whatever they can."
{{Anchor|Interlude 6}}
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Ulim]]
* [[Melu]]
* [[Demid]]
* [[Aharat]]
* [[Mrun]]
* [[Altoki]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[Hariel]]
* [[Timbre]]
* [[Eshonai]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 58: Burdens ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|As a Stoneward, I spent my entire life looking to sacrifice myself. I secretly worry that is the cowardly way. The easy way out.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Rial]]
* [[Shallan]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Queen Fen]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Adrotagia]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[Elhokar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[AdolinRial]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Jasnah]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Odium]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Spark]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Relis Ruthar]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 59: Bondsmith ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|If this is to be permanent, then I wish to leave record of my husband and children. Wzmal, as good a man as any woman could dream of loving. Kmakra and Molinar, the true gemstones of my life.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Queen Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Kdralk]]
* [[Rial]]
* [[Renarin]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[ShalashTeshav]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Talenel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teleb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yanagawn]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 60: Winds and Oaths ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I worry about my fellow Truthwatchers.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[SigzilSzeth]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Sigzil]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lunamor]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Kaladin flies above the highstorm with Elhokar's team. Shallan uses Stormlight to keep warm, but the others are bundled up. Skar and Drehy are flying below the team in case anyone falls. They pass the [[Windrunner River]], so Kaladin knows they are close to Kholinar. He gives the team half lashings so they can slow down and talk. Kaladin drops down below the clouds to scout the city. He seesees Alethi flags but senses something wrong about the palace complex. He reports back to Elhokar that the city is intact, so he wants to go directly in. Kaladin advises caution due to the troubling feeling he and Syl have, and Adolin backs him up. They decide to sneak in instead using disguises courtesy of Shallan.
{{anchor|Chapter 61}}
=== Chapter 61: Nightmare Made Manifest ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|We can record any secret we wish, and leave it here? How do we know that they'll be discovered? Well, I don't care. Record that then.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[FusedVathah]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Azure]]Red (Mentioned OnlyRoshar)|Red]]
* [[GazIshnah]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Yokska]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aesudan Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavinor Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tarah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Azure]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gaz]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 62: Research ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115pxX|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I wish to submit my formal protest at the idea of abandoning the tower. This is an extreme step, taken brashly.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Yokska]]
* [[ElhokarAdolin Kholin]]
* [[PatternElhokar Kholin]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[JasnahPai]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Aesudan Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AzureJasnah Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Azure]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Shallan tries to draw out some painspren by punching herself, but she can't bring herself to do it hard enough. The others are sitting in the showroom, [[Yokska]] updating the king on the erratic behavior of his wife. Shallan spies some scissors and stabs herself, bringing the painspren. They are twisted, monster-like, and green instead of orange. Elhokar blames his wife's behavior on the "dark spren" that came after the Everstorm. Shallan continues to sketch as she listens. She draws a hungerspren she'd seen earlier, but it had looked normal. The tailor tells them that the queen had ordered the execution of the parshmen, but the order was blocked by important lighteyes in the city. They were eventually exiled outside the city by the Wall Guard. Meanwhile, Shallan tries to think of something really embarrassing, and she unbuttons her safehand sleeve. During a pause in the conversation, she trips and sprawls out on the floor, showing her legs ANDand exposed safehand!. Shamespren appear, also altered from their normal form. She scurries off to draw them. Yokska continues: a new highmarshal of the Wall Guard arrived and restored order, but they mostly just guard the wall, leaving the [[Cult of Moments]] to rule the city. Use of any type of fabrial attracts screaming yellow spren, which draw some Fused who then confiscate the fabrial. Kaladin presses her for more information, but Shallan perceives that she is overwhelmed, so she is dismissed to rest. Elhokar is determined to stay and do something to save the city and his family. They decide to stay and at least scout out the city. Elhokar will send a message to his wife at the palace via Shallan, disguised as a message girl. Kaladin is to accompany her in case of emergency. Shallan goes to her room to change into Veil. Since she obviously wasn't with them, Shallan is forced to reveal the truth to themher guards.
{{anchor|Chapter 63}}
=== Chapter 63: Within the Mirror ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115pxX|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I returned to the tower to find squabbling children, instead of proud knights. That's why I hate this place. I'm going to go chart the hidden undersea caverns of Aimia; find my maps in Akinah.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[AesudanLyn]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Colot]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aesudan Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 64: Binder of Gods ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|The disagreements between the Skybreakers and the Windrunners have grown to tragic levels. I plead with any who hear this to recognize you are not so different as you think.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[RockLunamor]]
* [[Queen FenSigzil]]
* [[NavaniFen Rnamdi]]
* [[JasnahNavani Kholin]]
* [[Rust Elthal]]
* [[Lift]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Serugiadis]]
* [[Sadeas]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Amaram]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Ivory]]
* [[Jezerezeh]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[IsharSzeth]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Jezrien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kalak]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ishar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cultivation]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lift]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 65: Verdict ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|Now that we abandon the tower, can I finally admit that I hate this place? Too many rules.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Noura]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Lift]]
* [[EviJasnah Kholin]]
* [[Ivory]]
* [[Queen Fen]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[JasnahYanagawn]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[TezimFen Rnamdi]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[SunmakerSadees]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NightwatcherTaravangian]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Aqqu]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kasimarlix]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ishar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Snoxil]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ashno]] (mentioned only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Teleb]]
* [[Renarin]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[TelebGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[GavilarRenarin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Tanalan]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* The [[HerdazNightwatcher]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Toh]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Nightwatcher]] (Mentioned Only)
=== Chapter 67: Mishim ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|This generation has had only one Bondsmith, and some blame the divisions among us upon this fact. The true problem is far deeper. I believe that Honor himself is changing.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Wit]]
* [[AesudanYokska]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[JasnahAesudan Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[YokskaGavinor Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[VelalantAzure]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Velalant]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaves Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tsa]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 68: Aim for the Sun ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|My research into the cognitive reflections of spren at the tower has been deeply illustrative. Some thought that the Sibling had withdrawn from men by intent -- but I find counter to that theory.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Wit]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[ElhokarTorol Sadeas]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ashertmarn|Heart of the Revel]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ashertmarn]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
He leads her to an inn and they are admitted to a private dining area. Wit compliments Shallan on her disguise. She probes him for information on who he is, suspecting that he's a Herald. He claims to be much older than theythem. Shallan looks into his eyes and sees eons of time passing. He has made a vow to be "there" when he is needed. They banter, and it comes out that Sadeas has been murdered. Wit is disappointed that he wasn't around for that. He does know that he needs to be in the city, but doesn't know why. The innkeeper brings some food, and Shallan eats while Wit seems distracted. She tells him that she wants to be like him, to be able to change the world. He cautions her to be careful with power and to be wary of anyone who claims to see the future. She asks him about the cult on the Oathgate platform. The Unmade known as the [[Ashertmarn|Heart of the Revel]] is there, and every night the members feast. If she can obtain non-soulcast food, she may be able to join the party. Wit makes an abrupt exit, and she asks Pattern if he knows who Wit is, and he says that he feels like one of them.
{{anchor|Chapter 69}}
=== Chapter 69: Free Meal, No Strings ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|The wilting of plants and the general cooling of the air is disagreeable, yes, but some of the tower's functions remain in place. The increased pressure, for example, persists.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Elhokar]]
* [[Yokska]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Sah]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Dalinar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Noromin]]
* [[Zahel]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[AzureSah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Meleran Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teshav Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pattern]] (mentioned only)
* [[Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Azure]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 70: Highmarshal Azure ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Something is happening to the Sibling. I agree this is true, but the division among the Knights Radiant is not to blame. Our perceived worthiness is a separate issue.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Noromin]]
* [[Beard]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[AdolinDalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DrehyMeridas Amaram]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[SkarLyn]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AmaramJasnah Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[SahShallan Davar]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Khen]] (mentioned only)
* [[Drehy]] (mentioned only)
* [[Skar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Teleb]]
* [[Tanalan]]
* [[Horinar]]
* [[Sadeas]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[GavilarAdolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AdolinTorol Sadeas]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tanalan's father]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Eleven years ago''
Dalinar marches toward the Rift from the west while Sadeas's forces march in from the east. He rides behind Evi's wagon, where she continually burns incense and glyphs. He regrets their earlier exchange and decides to join her. She begs him to try to avoid bloodshed. She sees a great man, but he becomes a bloodthirsty monster in battle with a terrible empty look in his eyes (i.e. when he's taken with the Thrill). The carriage stops and he receives Teleb's report. A caravan was observed leaving the city, but they did not engage it. He commands the troops to form up and goes alone toward the city wall. Tanalan eventually comes out to talk to him. Dalinar tries to convince him to surrender, or at least try to reduce bloodshed by having a duel decide the battle. Tanalan declines, knowing he'd probably lose, but does propose the idea that they can pretend that they were allies in secret so that disloyal highprinces could be rooted out (because they would join Tanalan's supposed rebellion). He says that Sadeas was the one in the caravan. Dalinar rides back, and Teleb reports that someone with Shardplate is in the caravan. Dalinar decides that he can't risk sending conventional troops against someone with shards, so he must go with them. He telltells Evi to send a message to Gavilar, that the Rift may be taken without bloodshed, and to trust no one.
{{anchor|Chapter 72}}
=== Chapter 72: Rockfall ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
The Edgedancers are too busy relocating the tower's servants and farmers to send a representative to record their thoughts in these gemstones.
I'll do it for them, then. They are the ones who will be most displaced by this decision. The Radiants will be taken in by nations, but what of all these people now without homes?}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Vathah]]
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]]
* [[Nananav]]
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Nananav]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Grund]]
* [[Wit]] (mentioned only)
* [[Muri]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jom]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 73: Telling Which Stories ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am worried about the tower's protections failing. If we are not safe from the Unmade here, then where?}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Ved (Stormlight)|Ved]]
* [[Beard]]
* [[VedAdolin Kholin]]
* [[NoroDrehy]]
* [[AdolinVaceslv]]
* [[Alaward]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Noromin]]
* [[Fused]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Hid]]
* [[Velalant]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[AzureDalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Azure]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Velalant]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lunamor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Deedanor]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Kaladin is on patrol along the inside of the wall. He's been assigned to Noro's squad. The men chat amiably; Kaladin has been easily accepted into the group by the others. They see some noble dressed in a ridiculous outfit and make jokes about him. It turns out to be Adolin, who gives a subtle signal to Kaladin to stay with the guard. As they talk, Kaladin learns that even among lighteyes there are distinct castes. Those of the lower dahns call those of the higher dahns "middlers" and do not associate with them. They eventually meet up with some other squads to guard Velalant's food wagon. The starving refugees get increasingly hostile, but fortunately Velalant's guards show up and push back the crowds. Noro's squad is assigned to the wall in half an hour, and Kaladin and [[Beard]] climb to the station. Kaladin asks him how they are getting food. The only clue is that Azure had them attack a monastery that has a soulcaster, but they don't know why the screamers don't give it away. They reach the top of the wall, and Kaladin notices that the portion near the palace is lightly patrolled. Beard says that they hear whispers to join the palace guard when they go near there; Azure has told them to not listen, and they won't get sucked in. As the rest of the squad arrives, alarm drums sound. Kaladin starts giving orders, then feels stupid because he's not in command. They form a pike block and see the Fused engaging other troops some distance away. Some men start to break out of formation to go help, and Kaladin has to hold his tongue until Noro finally says something. The assault is very brief and never gets to them. Kaladin apologizes to Noro, but Noro doesn't seem to mind.
{{anchor|Chapter 74}}
=== Chapter 74: Swiftspren ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Today, I leaped from the tower for the last time. I felt the wind dance around me as I fell all the way along the eastern side, past the tower, and to the foothills below. I'm going to miss that.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Grund]]
* [[Muri]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[ElhokarSja-anat]]
* [[VathahDrehy]] (Mentioned only)
* [[IshnahSkar]] (Mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Jasnah]] (Mentioned only)
* [[Ishnah]]
* [[Ma]] (mentioned only)
* [[Seland]] (mentioned only)
* [[Muri]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vathah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Wit]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaladin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Veil makes her usual rounds, giving food to Grund and Muri. She is gaining a reputation as a "Swiftspren," a spren robbing the rich and giving the food to the poor. She enhances this reputation by sending Ishnah and Vathah, wearing illusions, to look like Veil. She notices a Cult of Moments procession and joins them, creating an illusion shaped like the one she saw on the Winds''Wind's Pleasure''. She gets caught up in the chanting but is jarred by a voice in her mind saying "Shallan, I'm not your enemy." She breaks free and, continuing under the illusion of a spren, tells the cultists to stop worshiping spren and go home. Shaken, she realizes that she wants to be a hero too much and it stops her from being logical like Jasnah. She hears genuine laughter and goes toward it, finding Wit leading people in song. She heads back to the tailor's shop.
She struggles to return as Shallan because Veil wants to go flirt with Kaladin. She finds Elhokar sipping wine in the kitchen. He recognizes the pattern on her dress and idly asks about it. He confides that he also desires to be a hero. Shallan sketches an image of what Elhokar could be, noble and regal, which nearly brings him to tears. As she goes upstairs, Ishnah hands her a note securing her access to a feast at the palace.
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Torol Sadeas]]
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Kalami]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Teleb]]
* [[TanalanSadees]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[SunmakerTanalan]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
Dalinar leads a group of archers to ambush the Caravan carrying the traitor. He spots men in Sadeas's uniforms and charges down the canyon towards the caravan. Right into a trap. A landslide wipes out his troops and nearly shatters his shardplate. He crawls from the rubble, the Thrill engulfing him. The eyes of the soldiers surrounding him seem to glow with the Thrill, and they attack.
The battle consumes Dalinar, and when he regains his senses, he's smashing the head of a man repeatedly, surrounded by corpses. Badly wounded and plate heavily damaged, he trudges back to his camp. The men there are astounded at his return, having received the message that all were dead. Dalinar realizes it was all a trap from the start. The scouts who relayed that a caravan left were traitors. Sadeas and Dalinar don't want to besiege the city,; they want all the inhabitants to be punished, - men, women, and children. Evi tries to pacify himDalinar, but Dalinarhe orders the soulcaster to make as much oil as possible. He intends to burn the entire town for their broken oaths.
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Torol Sadeas]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Teleb]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Tanalan]]
* [[Evi Kholin]]
* [[Kalami]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Perethom]] (mentioned only)
:''Eleven years ago''
Dalinar can't sleep, being consumed with the Thrill. He hardly even feels pain, or anything else besides a burning deep down. Messengers emerge from the city bearing a flag of truce. He orders that they be shot by the archers. Sadeas and Dalinar keep back messengers from the king so they can go forward with their plan and give Gavilar plausible deniability. Sadeas assures Dalinar that he does not want to be king and questions why Dalinar thought he had betrayed him. Dalinar admits that he once wanted to rule but realized that the man needed for this atrocity and the man to rule could not be the same person. They attack at night and secure a foothold on the wall. Dalinar orders the city to be burned. Teleb tries to convince him that innocents would die, but Sadeas retorts that this would eventually save lives in the future because there would be no more rebellion. Oil is dumped on the already flammable city and set ablaze. He leads Kadash to a saferoom on the outside of the city where he assumes Tanalan is hiding and sets it ablaze with barrels of oil. Walking away from the screaming within, he spots Tanalan trying to reach the palace instead. He pleads to Dalinar to let him save his family, but Dalinar (still bothered by the screams earlier in the saferoom) admits he is an animal and he will not be so foolish as to allow survivors again. As the palace collapses, Tanalan's family dead, Dalinar decides it is enough and allows the remaining people to flee. As he moves to execute Tanalan, he comments that at least Tanalan didn't hide in that hole but he had set afire the people who were there. Tanalan laughs. The messengers that Dalinar killed at the start of the day were to tell him they had imprisoned his wife in the safehouse, which was now a prison since everyone knew about it. Dalinar strangles him to death in a fury. Kadash vomits at the realization of what they've done. Dalinar orders soldiers back to the hole, but the heat is too much. They are forced back, and Dalinar goes limp.
Evi's burned corpse is brought back to camp. She had drugged her guard and sneaked away in the night, leading people to suspect that she was a traitor. He swears the scribes to secrecy and instead has them hide her burned body. They lie that she was assassinated in the night and the city was burned as retribution. As Dalinar leaves, he hears the screams of the innocent the night before and thinks he even hears Evi.
{{anchor|Chapter 77}}
=== Chapter 77: Stormshelter ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Something must be done about the remnants of Odium's forces. The parsh, as they are now called, continue their war with zeal, even without their masters from Damnation.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Vathah]]
* [[ElhokarMeleran Khal]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AzureElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Sja-anatAzure]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AshertmarnSzeth]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Hessi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sja-anat]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ashertmarn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Wit]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gaz]] (mentioned only)
* [[Drehy]] (mentioned only)
* [[Skar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lunamor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ishnah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]] (mentioned only)
Kaladin rushes to a stormshelter for rich folk before the Everstorm hits. He meets with Shallan and Adolin to share information. Adolin shares that Elhokar is doing better than expected at convincing lighteyes to join him. Kaladin states that he thinks Captain Azure might have an honorblade. They definitely have a soulcaster and seized emerald stones in the city. Judging the state of Kaladin's issued sword, Adolin is impressed by her. Shallan has found information on the Unmade and believes there are two in theythe city: Sja-anat, the Taker of Secrets, and Ashertmarn, the Heart of Revel. The former corrupting spren and the latter leadsleading people to indulge in excess. Shallan plans to infiltrate the palace that night. They all realize their dire situation as the city's fall is inevitable without the Oathgate open. Kaladin notices an odd cremling with a strange tan pattern on its back, suggestive of the Sleepless.
Shallan and Adolin leave the wine house and walk through the streets arm in arm. Adolin complains that he hasn't seen any of her sketches for a while, so she hands him one of her sketchbooks. He is impressed with her drawings of the various refugees. He studies a sketch of himself in his new suit, and Shallan takes the book back, knowing that the next drawing is of Kaladin. They part ways so she can steal some food as payment to the cult. Shallan changes into Veil and meets Vathah to go over the details of their food heist. The barkeep bursts into their room to try to figure out what they're up to, and Vathah unconsciously disguises himself with Stormlight. After the barkeep is dismissed, and he realizes what he has done and what he might be, he is brought to the verge of tears.
=== Chapter 78: The Revel ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|A coalition has been formed among scholar Radiants. Our goal is to deny the enemy their supply of Voidlight; this will prevent their continuing transformations, and give us an edge in combat.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[KharatVathah]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Beard]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Ved (Stormlight)|Ved]]
* [[Vathah]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[SylLhan]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Noromin]]
* [[Beard]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Ashertmarn]]
* [[Ved]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Sja-anat]]
* [[Noro]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Iyatil]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
* [[Wit]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sigzil]] (mentioned only)
* [[Re-Shephir]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 79: Echoes of Thunder ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Our revelation is fueled by the theory that the Unmade can perhaps be captured like ordinary spren. It would require a special prison. And Melishi.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Azure]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Deedanor]]
* [[Vardinar]]
* [[Noromin]]
* [[Beard]]
* [[NoroVed (Stormlight)|Ved]]
* [[VardinarVaceslv]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[VedElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[FusedDalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
=== Chapter 80: Oblivious ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Ba-Ado-Mishram has somehow Connected with the parsh people, as Odium once did. She provides Voidlight and facilitates forms of power. Our strike team is going to imprison her.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Grund]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Muri]]
* [[Vathah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Ishnah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Tai]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Veil goes to distribute the remaining food to Grund and the others, too shaken from the experience at the Oathgate to go back to the shop. She givegives some bread to Grund, who is acting odd. He takes a bite of the bread and tries to bluff her into staying. She promises to come back with more food and leaves him, walking through the market disguised as a guard. She circles back to Grund and hears thugs beating him. She scares them off but not before one of them bashes Grund in the head. She tries to tend to his wounds, but as she does, he reveals that he actually hates her because the "Grips" gang forced him to wait around for food and would just steal it from him. All of those who she thought she was helping hate her. Grund dies, and she rushes to Muri, who is escaping the area because the Grips are mad about something. She curses Shallan and leaves with her children. Shallan crumples to the floor in anguish.
{{anchor|Chapter 81}}
=== Chapter 81: Ithi and Her Sister ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|We are uncertain the effect this will have on the parsh. At the very least, it should deny them forms of power. Melishi is confident, but Naze-daughter-Kuzodo warns of unintended side effects.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Azure]]
* [[Beard]]
* [[Hadinar]]
* [[Ithi]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[IthiNoromin]]'s sister (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NoroDalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
=== Chapter 82: The Girl Who Stood Up ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Surely this will bring -- at long last -- the end to war that the Heralds promised us.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Wit]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan's mother]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tyn]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pattern]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kabsal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yalb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Grund]] (mentioned only)
* [[Muri]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Vathah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yokska]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 83: Crimson to Break ===
[[File: Adolin Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|As the duly appointed keepers of the perfect gems, we of the Elsecallers have taken the burden of protecting the ruby nicknamed Honor's Drop. Let it be recorded.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[ElhokarShallan Davar]]
* [[Shallan]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Yokska]]
* [[Shaday]]
* [[Sidin]]
* [[SkarDod]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Drehy]]
* [[PatternRe-Shephir]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Aesudan Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Urimil]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kaves Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 84: The One You Can Save ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|The enemy makes another push toward Feverstone Keep. I wish we knew what it was that had them so interested in that area. Could they be intent on capturing Rall Elorim?}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
* [[Elhokar]]
* [[SylElhokar Kholin]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Beard]]
* [[NoroNoromin]]
* [[Ved (Stormlight)|Ved]]
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
* [[AdolinAlaward]]
* [[AesudanVaceslv]]
* [[GavinorAshertmarn]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Aesudan Kholin]]
* [[Gavinor Kholin]]
* [[Yelig-nar]]
* [[Wit]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Sja-anat]]
* [[Sah]]
* [[Jali]]
* [[Moash]]
* [[PatternGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[VedOdium]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AlawardMeridas Amaram]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Vaceslv]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Fused]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Yelig-nar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Ashertmarn]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Odium]] (Mentioned Only)
The queen acts normally at first and says that Gavinor is off playing with friends. Syl tells Kaladin where he really is, in the room, and he heads that way. Elhokar tries to get the queen to come away with him from the evil influence in the palace, but she just calls him a fool. Meanwhile, Kaladin finds Gav huddling in a corner being attacked by strange red spren. He summons Syl and stabs one of them, seemingly killing it. Syl is amazedconfused that they may have killed a spren. The queen boasts of her "Radiants" in the palace and that she has bonded with ancient spren, something Gavilar hadn't discovered. Her eyes start glowing red. Elhokar gathers up his son and they flee the queen. She calls for her soldiers to attack.
Kaladin glows fiercely to try to hold back the queen's troops. It halts them momentarily, but they go forward again. Kaladin rushes down the steps and hears Parshendi singing. One of them is Sah, his friend.
=== Chapter 85: Grieve Later ===
[[File: Adolin Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Don't tell anyone. I can't say it. I must whisper. I foresaw this.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Skar]]
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
* [[Drehy]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Sja-anat]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Sja-anat]]
* [[Skar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[DrehyOdium]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Elhokar]] (Mentioned Only)
{{anchor|Chapter 86}}
=== Chapter 86: TheThat Others May Stand ===
[[File: Kholin_Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|My spren claims that recording this will be good for me, so here I go. Everyone says I will swear the Fourth Ideal soon, and in so doing, earn my armor. I simply don't think that I can. Am I not supposed to want to help people?}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[TeshavAladar]]
* [[General Khal]]
* [[Amaram]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Teshav Khal]]
* [[Aladar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[May Aladar]]
* [[Roion]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar waits for news from KholinKholinar while he tries to deal with the returned memories. It's been four hours since the last communication, and the platform is packed with soldiers ready to join the fight. After even more waiting, word finally comes via spanreed: the city has fallen.
{{anchor|Chapter 87}}
=== Chapter 87: This Place ===
[[File: Adolin Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Good night, dear Urithiru. Good night, sweet Sibling. Good night, Radiants.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Azure]]
;Plot Summary
The Oathgate control building shakes violently as it activates. Adolin falls onto a hard surface and rolls off into a sea of glass beads. Azure pulls him back up onto the platform. He notices that the sky is different, being-- pitch-black with long, strange clouds stretching towards a small and distant sun, -- and that they are surrounded by an ocean of beads. There are two large spren nearby, one black-colored and one red. Pattern remarks that it is a bad situation, startling Adolin, causing him to run into Sylphrena. He also notices [[Mayalaran|another spren]] with scratched out eyes next to her. Azure says that she hates this place.
== Interludes ==
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Rine]]
* [[EshonaiOdium]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Ulim]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[FusedEshonai]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Odium]] (Mentioned Only)
;Plot Summary
Venli tells a biased account of the [[War of Reckoning]] to a group of gathered singers, portraying the listeners as a heroic group that fought against the humans who sought to enslave them for years and Venli as a brave leader who discovered the secrets of stormform. She finishes her story by telling about the listeners sacrificing themselves for the singers' freedom and encouraging them to fight for Odium. When her speech is over, a femalenfemale singer in scholarform brings her a cup of water, and expresses doubt at what they were told to do. Venli expresses frustration at how far behind the singers are. She returns to the town's mansion, where she is staying, and Rine derides her for being arrogant. Venli laments that the singers are so far behind, still stuck in Alethi customs. She suggests using human slaves to help speed up the work, but Rine tells her that they must kill all the humans to prevent them from manifesting Surgebinding. Venli returns to her room to pack and frees the spren from her pouch. It zips around and looks at various things in the room, pulsing to the rhythm of Curiosity. Venli realizes that she is attuning to the old rhythms, not the new ones of power, and tells the spren to go away. It pulses to Resolve and stays.
{{Anchor|Interlude 8}}
* [[Mem]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shalash]]
* [[Mraize]]
* [[Talenelat]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shalash|Pom]]
* [[Iyatil]] (mentioned only)
* [[Condwish]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
[[Mem]] expertly launders some clothes for her employer, Mraize. She has to work particularly hard on an odd stain of something plus blood. She finishes her work and goes to check on her beautiful washgirl, [[Shalash|Pom]]. She marvels that no one has married her yet. They gather the wash and go to Mraize's residence, entering through the front door. Mem admires Mraize's collection of artifacts and paintings. "Pom" starts destroying one of the paintings of the Heralds with a knife. Mraize returns and offers Pom a drink, calling her "Ancient One." She starts to leave, but stops when Mraize claims to know where Talenelat is. He gives Mem a bonus for getting the [[aether]] stain out and dismisses her, advising her to find a new washgirl.
{{Anchor|Interlude 9}}
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Rine]]
* [[Eshonai]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[FusedGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Sheler]] (Pointpoint of view)
* A [[Dieno|Herdazian general]]
* [[Jerono]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Timbre]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[Ulim]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Rine]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[FusedEshonai]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[EshonaiDemid]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[AdolinGavilar Kholin]]
* [[AhuAdolin Kholin]]
* [[GavilarJezrien]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[RenarinEvi Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[EviRenarin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Tenathar]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Dai-gonarthis]] (mentioned only)
* [[Re-Shephir]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moelach]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Eight years ago''
Dalinar attends a meeting with Gavilar and the heirs of the highprinces, acting as intimidation. He is still struggling with the events that occurred at the Rift three years ago. Since then, Gavilar (and Sadeas) have used the burning of the Rift as leverage to convince others to follow Gavilar's lead, with the implication that he can't control the Blackthorn and needs them to give him safer options by cooperating. Gavilar suggests that they light a fire in the hearth for warmth, which is a signal to Dalinar that he can leave since he can't stand the sight and sound of fire. He leaves the room, looking for alcohol to drive out the screaming he hears. As he walks down a corridor, he smells the incense Renarin is burning, reminding him of Evi. As he searches for wine in various places in the palace, Dalinar encounters Adolin with a group of soldiers, wearing a specifically tailored uniform. Adolin proudly tells him about setting up a bout with [[Tenathar]] and getting closer to winning a Shardblade. Dalinar scolds him for being too familiar with him while in uniform, but Adolin is not insulted; he merely tries harder and responds with a formal invitation to watch the duel. Adolin runs off, and Dalinar eventually must resort to the [[Beggars' Porch]] where he meets up with [[Ahu]], a crazy beggar who always seems to have something to drink. As they drink, Ahu (who is actually Jezrien) says strange things relating to various Desolations and being tortured. Afterwards, Dalinar drunkenly stumbles back to the wrong room and overhears a discussion between Gavilar, Elhokar, and Adolin about Dalinar's drinking. They're aware of all his attempts to find booze that evening and his visit to the Beggars' Porch. Their conversation brings memories of Evi back, so he stumbles off to his room and collapses on a couch.
{{anchor|Chapter 89}}
=== Chapter 89: Damnation ===
[[File: Adolin Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|My research into the Unmade has convinced me that these things were not simply "spirits of the void" or "nine shadows who moved in the night." They were each a specific kind of spren, endowed with vast powers.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
* [[Syl]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
* [[Azure]]
* [[Drehy]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Skar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Maya|Adolin Shardblade Spren]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[SkarJasnah Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DrehyVathah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Red (Roshar)|Red]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ishnah]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sja-anat]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavinor Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 90: Reborn ===
[[File: Szeth's Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I have done my best to separate fact from fiction, but the two blend like mixing paint when the Voidbringers are involved. Each of the Unmade has a dozen names, and the powers ascribed to them range from the fanciful to the terrifying.}}
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Nightblood|Sword-nimi]]
* [[Ki]]
* [[VasherNale]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NinVasher]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
;Plot Summary
Szeth is talking with sword-nimi at the [[Skybreaker]] fortress at the [[Purelake]]. It encourages Szeth to draw it more often, but Szeth has been warned only to draw in extreme emergencyemergencies and with lots of Stormlight on hand. He plans to finish his training and go back to ShinoverShinovar to administer justice. Ki tells Szeth and five other hopefuls that they are deemed worthy to speak the First Ideal of the [[Immortal Words]]. Instead of belting the words out like the others, Szeth whispers the First Ideal to the voices of the dead that he hears to assure them that they will receive justice for their murders. Ki then explains to them the procedure of becoming a full Skybreaker. They will undergo several tests and speak more ideals when a highspren is ready to bond to them. Before being carried through the air, Szeth asks Ki if he should be treated the same as the other new Skybreakers. She explains to him that only Nin, who is absent at that moment, is able to make such a judgement, and Szeth is content with this answer.
{{anchor|Chapter 91}}
=== Chapter 91: Why He Froze ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I should point out that although many personalities and motives are ascribed to them, I'm convinced that the Unmade were still spren. As such, they were as much manifestations of concepts or divine forces as they were individuals.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Tukks]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[PatternMeridas Amaram]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[StormfatherTien]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[TienPattern]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* The [[AmaramStormfather]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moash]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Kaladin remembers back to when he iswas in Amaram's army. He's being disciplined for freezing up during training. He chisels away at crem stuck on the bunker floor. Sergeant Tukks comes in to discuss it. He thinks that Kaladin was afraid of getting hurt, but Kaladin claims he was afraid of hurting someone else. Tukks suggests that he focus on his squadmates; they are like family, and he should worry about fighting for them. Kaladin isn't entirely truthful though -- he's actually worried about being an effective killer.
Back to the present, Kaladin broods while the others sleep. Syl comes over and sits next to him, resting her head on his arm. He asks her if she can get a message to Dalinar in the physical realm, but she doesn't think she can because her bond is to him, and he's in Shadesmar. Syl is very concerned about his mood and clings to him with both arms. The others start to awake.
=== Chapter 92: Water Warm as Blood ===
[[File: Szeth's Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|The most important point I wish to make is that the Unmade are still among us. I realize this will be contentious, as much of the lore surrounding them is intertwined with theology. However, it is clear to me that some of their effects are common in the world -- and we simply treat them as we would the manifestations of other spren.}}
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Ki]]
* [[Nightblood|sword-nimi]]
* [[Kwati]]
* [[NinNale]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[VivennaKaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[ShasharaVivenna]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[VasherShashara]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Vasher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shalash]] (mentioned only)
* [[Winnow]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 93: Kata ===
[[File: Adolin Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Taxil mentions Yelig-nar, named Blightwind, in an oft-cited quote. Though Jasnah Kholin has famously called its accuracy into question, I believe it.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Shallan]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Maya|Adolin's Spren]]
* [[DalinarTorol Sadeas]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Zahel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cultivation]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Evi Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
=== Chapter 95: Inescapable Void ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Yelig-nar had great powers, perhaps the powers of all Surges compounded in one. He could transform any Voidbringer into an extremely dangerous enemy. Curiously, three legends I found mention swallowing a gemstone to engage this process.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Maya|Adolin's Spren]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[StormfatherDalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DalinarElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* The [[ElhokarStormfather]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
;Plot Summary
Kaladin marches as quickly as possible; the spren still pursue. Pattern tells the humans to quell their emotions. Angerspren follow, and everyone claims to not be angry except for Kaladin. He feels like they are abandoning Kholinar, even though he knows it's not rational to try to go back. He keeps the anger more as an antidote to the darkness, the depression he feels when he fails. He tries to forget by examining the landscape as they walk. While doing so, he notices mostly black fernlike plants. The angerspren retreat.
They camp and walk for a couple of days. As they walk, Kaladin asks Syl where she lived. She lived in a grand city ruled by Honorsprenhonorspren. She tells of another man she had bonded to. He was killed in a battle before the Recreance, so she survived, but she was broken. Her father found her and forbade her to leave the city again. She left anyway because she heard Kaladin calling to her. Suddenly she sees a light in the distance from a lighthouse.
{{anchor|Chapter 96}}
=== Chapter 96: Pieces of a Fabrial ===
[[File: Navani Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Yelig-nar is said to consume souls, but I can't find a specific explanation. I'm uncertain this lore is correct.}}
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Yanagawn]]
* [[RenarinVexil]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Turinad Sebarial]]
* [[Palona]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Queen FenMraize]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Adrotagia]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[Au-nak]]
* [[SebarialLift]]
* [[VexilLunamor]]
* [[Noura]]
* [[Yezier]] Princess
* [[Jasnah]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[PalonaElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[LiftAdolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AdrotagiaTeft]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AmaramJezrien]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AdolinIshar]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[ElhokarMeridas Amaram]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Ashno]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 97: Riino ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Of the Unmade, Sja-anat was most feared by the Radiants. They spoke extensively of her ability to corrupt spren, though only "lesser" spren -- whatever that means.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (point of view)
* [[Nalma]]
* [[Riino]]
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[SylAdolin Kholin]]
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Riino]]
* [[Sja-anat]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Wit]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[DalinarWit]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Maya|Adolin's SprenHonor]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
Kaladin remembers back to when he was hiding in the underbrush with some other runaway slaves. They were safe for the moment, but the hunters were closing in, so they had to move. As they begin to walk, Nalma is caught in a steel trap and screams with pain. The hunters are alerted and they kill the scattering slaves. Kaladin stays with Nalma and vainly tries to treat her wounds. She dies, and the hunters arrive, sparing Kaladin so he can spread the word to other slaves that escaping is futile.
Kaladin uses his experience in scouting to sneak up on the lighthouse. He settles down to watch it for a bit, and anticipationspren crawl up from the beads and start waving their tongues like banners. Kaladin tries to kick them away, but they won't budge, so he merely continues forward. He peakspeeks through a window and sees an old Shin man, reading by spherelight. He somehow senses Kaladin and calls out. Kaladin is forced to reveal himself.
The corrupted spren lands on Shallan's arm, and she hears the voice of Sja-anat. She warns herShallan that Odium has minions on this side that will hunt them. She lied to him and said that they were far away from the transfer point, but she fears that Odium doesn't trust her anymore. The spren flies off.
Kaladin sees swirling colors and racing clouds. He sees a vision of Dalinar in grave danger, surrounded by nine figures. Kaladin asks where he is, and he sees a vision of a city by the ocean. The vision fades. The fortune teller is amazed that he saw something and figures out that he is a Surgebinder.
Adolin and Shallan bargain with Riino for rations. They get some canned food and dig in. A ship will be coming soon that will take them to Celebrant, a city near the location of Rathalas in the Physical Realm. Kaladin asks Shallan for paper, and he draws the city he had seen in the vision. They all agree that's it's Thaylen City. Kaladin wants to go to the Oathgate there and somehow use it to get there. Azure says the only way back is through the perpendicularity. A ship arrives.
=== Chapter 98: Loopholes ===
[[File: Szeth's Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|Lore suggested leaving a city if the spren there start acting strangely. Curiously, Sja-anat was often regarded as an individual, when others -- like Moelach or Ashertmarn -- were seen as forces.}}
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Warren]]
* [[Nightblood|Sword-nimi]]
* [[Joret]]
* [[Cali]]
* [[Zedzil]]
* [[Fari]]
* [[Ty]]
* [[Ki]]
* [[NinNale]]
* [[Vasher]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[VaraTreledees]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 99: Reachers ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Nergaoul was known for driving forces into a battle rage, lending them great ferocity. Curiously, he did this to '''both''' sides of a conflict, Voidbringer and human. This seems common of the less self-aware spren.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Ico|Captain Ico]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[AdolinAzure]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[AzureElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[ElhokarMoash]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[MoashDrehy]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Skar]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DrehyAdolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DalinarTarah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[LaralNavani Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[TarahBavamar]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Pattern]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Laral Roshone]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Lightspren, known as Reachers, crew the ship captained by [[Ico]]. He unpacks a crate with a device that will provide water for the humans. Ico places the soul of ice from a high altitude that never melts, and the steel contraption gathers the condensation. After a half hour, there is enough for Kaladin to try a cup of water. He goes over to Syl, who is wearing a lightweaving so she won't be recognized as an Honorsprenhonorspren. She encourages him to go talk to Shallan. He goes over and looks through her sketchbook, noticing some strange drawings with childish technique. They discuss the mandra pulling the ship and the spren that may help the various gargantuan creatures survive on Roshar. Shallan estimates that they have two days before they get to Celebrant.
{{anchor|Chapter 100}}
=== Chapter 100: An Old Friend ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am convinced that Nergaoul is still active on Roshar. The accounts of the Alethi "Thrill" of battle align too well with ancient records -- including the visions of red mist and dying creatures.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani]]
* [[Curates]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Geved]]
* [[Kaladin]] (Mentioned only)
* [[Rial]]
* [[Adolin]] (Mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* Veterans
* The [[EviNightwatcher]] (Mentionedmentioned only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sadees]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nalanar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 101: Deadeye ===
[[File: Adolin Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Moelach is very similar to Nergaoul, though instead of inspiring battle rage, he supposedly granted visions of the future. In this lore and theology align. Seeing the future originates with the Unmade, and is from the enemy.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Ico|Captain Ico]]
* [[Mayalaran|Adolin'sShallan sprenDavar]]
* Captain Ico's father
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[SylMayalaran]]
* [[ShallanIco's father]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Dalinar]] (Mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned only)
* [[Cultivation]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 102: Celebrant ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Moelach was said to grant visions of the future at different times -- but most commonly at the transition point between realms. When a soul was nearing the Tranquiline Halls.}}
* [[Shallan DavarKaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[KaladinShallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Ico]]
* [[FusedKyril]]
* [[NenefraCultivation]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moash]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nenefra]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
The stall merchant, a Reacher, tells him that the painting was from the Court of Gods and that it is rare for one to escape being burned at the Court. It is a painting designed for those with divinity to see, and everyone who looks at it sees something different. Kaladin sees the nine unmade and knows that he must reach Dalinar. He hears a disturbance behind him and sees Adolin rushing up.
Multiple spren appear to recognize Syl, who is disguised by both Shallan's lightweaving and clothing that Adolin bought at the market. Syl admits to Kaladin that she has been trying to hide her identity because there is a bounty on her capture/return to the Honorsprenhonorspren capital, which she escaped when she came to the physical realm. Kaladin pulls her away from the crowd, then sees smoke up ahead.
The Fused heads toward the registrar's office, and Shallan hurriedly putputs disguises on all of them and tells them to look frightened. The Fused arrives and ignores them, instead yelling at the poor spren that he should have told him that there were humans there. He tells her to put out the fire and leaves. The spren realizes they are Radiants and rejoices, agreeing to help them.
Kaladin senses trouble and pulls the others with him into a tent. A Fused flies past. They head to the docks and run into Shallan's group, still disguised as the crew from the Reacher ship. With no other available options, Syl reveals herself to a white ship with gold accents -- the ship of Honorsprenhonorspren that are sailing to Lasting Integrity, the honorspren capital. They recognize her and allow her and the others to board. Syl is restrained and cautions Kaladin against interfering. A Fused appears to see them boarding but flies away in the opposite direction.
=== Chapter 103: Hypocrite ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|Many cultures speak of the so-called Death Rattles that sometimes overtake people as they die. Tradition ascribes them to the Almighty, but I find too many to be seemingly prophetic. This will be my most contentious assertion I am sure, but I think these are the effects of Moelach persisting in our current times. Proof is easy to provide: the effect is regionalized, and tends to move across Roshar. This is the roving of the Unmade.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Stormfather]] (Mentioned only)
* [[Nohadon]]
* The [[TaravangianStormfather]] (Mentionedmentioned only)
* [[GavilarNavani Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned only)
* [[Lani]] (mentioned only)
* [[Taravangian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar wakes up on a stone floor where there is light streaming in from a balcony. He recognizes the room and realizes he is in the vision where he met Nohadon, believing there must be a highstorm outside while he sleeps. He is surprised since the Stormfather, following Dalinar's encounter with Odium, had agreed the visions were now dangerous. Once again, the vision is not playing out like it did before. Instead of joining a young, morose Nohadon on the balcony overlooking the Desolation, he finds an aged Nohadon sitting in another room at a desk writing what he assumes is the Way of Kings, but the king cheerfully tells him that it is a shopping list and invites Dalinar to go shopping. A large shadow passes in front of the sun outside. Dalinar accompanies Nohadon to the market, contemplating how the old man reminds him of Taravangian. The enormous shadow again appears again, followed by heavy footfalls that shake the ground, but Nohadon is busy haggling with a merchant and doesn't seem to notice. The shadow passes away while Nohadon tells Dalinar stories and philosophizes about the nature of principles. Frustrated and desperate for counsel, Dalinar laments that he and his allies can't seem to make any progress and that he's half-tempted to force them into it. The shadow and sound return, and Dalinar sees it's a giant stone creature with an angular face and red eye sockets (a [[Thunderclast]]). Nohadon touches the giant stone creature and it stills; he wonders aloud what it represents. Dalinar tells him it represents pain, tears, and burdens. He calls himself a hypocrite. Nohadon states that a hypocrite is "nothing more than a man who is in the process of changing." Dalinar realizes this is something that he himself once said. The city is suddenly overcome with more stone creatures as a seemingly-unaware Nohadon continues to philosophize, noting that although Dalinar has said the oaths, he doesn't understand the journey and what is required. The vision ends with Nohadon telling Dalinar that he has forgotten an essential part of the journey –- "the most important step a man can take."
Dalinar wakes up in Urithiru next to a mostly-empty bottle of wine. There was no storm, and he is uncertain what happened. Suddenly something blooms inside of him; not a new memory but a sudden crisp recollection –- the night of Gavilar's funeral.
=== Chapter 104: Strength ===
[[File: Navani Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Ashertmarn, the Heart of the Revel, is the final of the three great mindless Unmade. His gift to men is not prophecy or battle focus, but a lust for indulgence. Indeed, the great debauchery recorded from the court of Bayala in 480 -- which led to dynastic collapse -- might be attributable to the influence of Ashertmarn.}}
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[JasnahTurinad Sebarial]]
* [[Sebarial]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[Hatham]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Hobber]]
* [[RenarinJasnah Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Gavilar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[ElhokarGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AdolinDalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DalinarElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[IalaiAdolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AmaramIalai Sadeas]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[ThanadalMeridas Amaram]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[KaladinThanadal]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[TeftHuio]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[HuioKaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Teft]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lift]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]]
* [[Jevena]]
* [[ElhokarNavani Kholin]]
* [[SadeasJasnah Kholin]]
* [[AdolinElhokar Kholin]]
* [[JasnahAesudan Kholin]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Navani]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Gavilar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]]
* [[Evi]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]]
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Six years ago''
Dalinar attends Gavilar's funeral in the royal catacombs of Kholinar. He is pained by the sight of his brother's body lying dead on a slab. [[Jevena]], a wizened ardent, preaches about how Gavilar was a good ruler who will fight on in the Tranquiline Halls. He asks Jevena what will happen after the Tranquiline Halls are retaken, hoping for peace and rest, but she instead comfortingly tells him that he will get another fight. The [[ketek]]s are read, and Dalinar realizes that one of them is Navani's. He spots her with her arm around Elhokar and trying to comfort Jasnah, who stalks off into the palace. A Soulcaster comes and turns Gavilar's body into stone, and Dalinar forces himself to watch. Elhokar swears vengeance on the Parshendi and asks the highprinces to join in his vow. Sadeas is the first to pledge. Dalinar heads back into the palace; Adolin catches up to him, concerned. Dalinar tells Adolin to pledge support for their house and runs into the palace. He fumbles with his keys, trying to enter his chambers to get some wine. He hears a feminine voice speaking, and is attracted by the words. He follows the sound and finds Jasnah reading from ''The Way of Kings''. Dalinar asks her to read to him, and she reads the entire text over the next several hours. When they are done, they cry a bit and embrace before going their separate ways. Dalinar talks to Adolin, apologizing for being a poor father to him and Renarin, then tells him that he will travel to the Shattered Plains by water. He plans to cause a delay, during which he can follow Evi's advice to seek the Old Magic.
{{anchor|Chapter 106}}
=== Chapter 106: Law Is Light ===
[[File: Szeth's Chapters.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|I find Ba-Ado-Mishram to be the most interesting of the Unmade. She is said to have been keen of mind, a highprincess among enemy forces, their '''commander''' during some of the Desolations. I do not know how this relates to the ancient god of the enemy, named Odium.}}
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[NinNale]]
* [[Nightblood|sword-nimiKi]]
* [[Nightblood]]
* [[Ki]] (Mentioned Only
* [[Ishar]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Szeth flies southward with the Skybreakers and Nin for three days, stopping several times to recover hidden stockpiles that had been left alone for centuries. They reach Marat on their fourth day. Nin dismisses Ki and the others but keeps Szeth with him. They fly to another small town and enter the ruins of a courthouse. Nin admits to Szeth that he has failed in preventing the next Desolation. Ishar had warned him that Surgebinders of other orders might upset the balance and cause another Desolation. Nin looks at his hand; ana simple but elegant honorblade appears. NightboodNightblood tries to get Szeth to draw him, commenting that he thinks Nin might be evil, but Szeth refuses. Nin desires to be merciful, but feels it is too chaotic. The purpose of the law is to bring order and prevent sentimentality from interfering with the judgement process. He tells Szeth that he will have to swear his Third Ideal soon, but what he actually swears is up to him. Szeth points out that Nin's tendency to selectively hunt Surgebinders while ignoring other lawbreakers is biased. Nin does not deny it. He holds out his other hand, and a shardbladeShardblade appears. He tells Szeth that he is a Skybreaker of the Fifth Ideal, probably the only herald to join his own order's Radiants. He tells Szeth that he must know what happened on the day known as Aharietiam.
{{anchor|Chapter 107}}
=== Chapter 107: The First Step ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|There is very little information about Ba-Ado-Mishram in more modern times. I can only assume she, unlike many of them, returned to Damnation or was destroyed in Aharietiam.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Taravangian]] (point of view)
* [[Stormfather]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Taravangian]] (Point of view)
* [[Aladar]]
* [[Queen FenMintez]]
* [[NavaniIalai Sadeas]]
* [[Ruthar]]
* [[Hatham]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Urian]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Ialai]]
* [[Kdralk]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Mrall]]
* [[Adrotagia]]
* [[Maben]]
* [[Malata]]
* [[GravesGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* The [[SebarialNightwatcher]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[HathamNohadon]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[RutharAdolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[MintezElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[GavilarKaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NohadonYanagawn]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Lift]] (mentioned only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Moelach]] (mentioned only)
* [[Joshor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Graves]] (mentioned only)
* [[Spark]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Battar]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar wakes up and bathes, ready to come out of seclusion, at least for now. He meets Taravangian on the way to the latest meeting. He has been excluded, but Dalinar brings him along. As they walk, Dalinar asks if there has been any news, but Taravangian reports that there has been none. The Stormfather says he sensed Kaladin in the last highstorm, but he still can't find them. They arrive at the meeting, run by Aladar, and Dalinar asks to be updated. Fen doesn't allow his disappearance to be dismissed so easily, and Dalinar apologizes for hiding away. They discuss tactics for defending Jah Keved. The plan looks good, but Dalinar feels like they are missing something. He realizes that the enemy wants to gain another Oathgate, in a place hardest hit by the everstormEverstorm: Thaylen City. They have Alethi troops already there (Sadeas's army helping in the clean-up), and they plan to send more. Fen's son points out that they need a navy to fight the stolen ships or they will just move on to another target. They scrape together more ships from Kharbranth and Azir. Dalinar leaves the meeting and seeks out Kadash. He apologizes to him for Rathalas and offers to turn the ardentia over to Taravangian. Kadash wants to remain part of the Alethi so he can help them through these trying times. He asks Dalinar to issue a statement asking his people to continue supporting and seeking out the ardents even though he has lost his faith. Dalinar asks the Stormfather who the leader (other than Odium) of the enemy is. He responds that he doesn't really know, but that he is watching someone in particular. Dalinar plans on bringing her into a vision in the next highstorm.
=== Chapter 108: Honor's Path ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Chemoarish, the Dustmother, has some of the most varied lore surrounding her. The wealth of it makes sorting lies from truths extremely difficult. I do believe she is '''not''' the Nightwatcher, contrary to what some stories claim.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (point of view)
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Notum|Captain Notum]]
* [[Borea]]
* [[Adolin KholinIco]] (Point ofmentioned viewonly)
* [[SylSylphrena]] (mentioned only)
* [[PatternWit]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[DalinarCultivation]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[SadeasDalinar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[HonorNightblood]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[FusedZahel]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Stormfather]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
After spending a week locked up, Shallan and Kaladin are now on deck trying to figure out where they're headed. Kaladin is insistent that they get to Thaylen City somehow. Shallan briefly turns into Veil and suggests instigating a mutiny. Kaladin asks her to find a bead that would let them jump overboard and get to shore like before. She asks the captain if she can get some beads to practice with, and he agrees as long as she doesn't manifest anything. He expresses regret that the Radiants have returned.
Shallan spends the days on the ship studying various beads. Veil occasionally takes over, almost randomly. She sees the first mate returning Azure's shardbladeShardblade. Azure intends to trade information once they reach their destination; the honorspren may have information on her bounty: a sword that bleeds black smoke and the man who brought it here. Kaladin calls her a traitor, but she points out that she has no obligation toward them, and besides, her quest is also very important. Shallan retreats back to her bucket. Adolin comes over and hugs her as she talks about her struggles. He confesses to her that he killed Sadeas.
Kaladin has walked up to the forbidden deck and is looking through a spyglass. The captain comes and asks him to not upset his crew. Kaladin again demands the release of Syl. The captain explains that she is too young to have a bond and he could just kill him to break it. Kaladin asks him if that is honorable, and the captain doesn't answer, ashamed. But he still won't release Syl. Kaladin moves off and contemplates the ideals that he has sworn, wondering how difficult the fourth one will be. Lights begin to appear around him, causing quite a stir amongst the crew, who gasp and scurry away. Syl speaks in his mind -- he is close to finding the fourth ideal. The captain comes over, amazed at the windspren around Kaladin. They're almost always in the Physical Realm and he has never seen them before. Kaladin once again appeals to him; he is a Windrunner sworn to protect, and the Bondsmith who leads them is in danger. The captain is astonished that there is a bondsmithBondsmith at all and replies that he will consider helping them.
=== Chapter 109: Neshua Kadal ===
[[File: Venli Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|Re-Shephir, the Midnight Mother, is another Unmade who appears to have been destroyed at Aharietiam.}}
* [[VenliDalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[DalinarVenli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Creer]]
* [[Khal]]
* [[Nohadon]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[OdiumTimbre]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[Queen Fen]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[TimbreRenarin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Elthebar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teshav Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Fen Rnamdi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Karm]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rine]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar awaits the next highstorm, minutes away. Navani is nervous for him, -- this beingis thehis first visit to the visions since Odium appeared to him in one. But-- but Dalinar needs to know his enemy. The highstorm arrives and he enters the vision with Nohadon as a younger man. A parshendi woman is there, in the place of the king's counselor. The Stormfather warns that Odium is aware of what is going on and is coming. Dalinar asks him to resist so he can talk with Venli.
=== Chapter 110: A Million Stars ===
[[File: Shallan Flashback Chapters Inverted.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|The Midnight Mother created monsters of shadow and oil, dark imitations of creatures she saw or consumed. Their description matches no spren I can find in modern literature.}}
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Notum|Captain Notum]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Kaladin]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Azure]]
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Maya|Adolin's SprenZahel]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Zahel]] (Mentioned Only)
=== Chapter 111: Eila Stele ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|It will not take a careful reader to ascertain I have listed only eight of the Unmade here. Lore is confident there were nine, an unholy number, asymmetrical and often associated with the enemy.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Huio]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Kdralk]]
* The [[JasnahStormfather]]
* [[Renarin]]
* [[Navani]]
* [[Stormfather]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Noura]]
* [[Yanagawn]]
* [[QueenGeneral FenKhal]]
* [[Teshav Khal]]
* [[Halam Khal]]
* [[Ialai Sadeas]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teshav]]
* [[NouraKaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[KaladinCultivation]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* The [[LiftNightwatcher]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[CultivationHonor]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NightwatcherOdium]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[HonorTalenel]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[OdiumZetah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
Dalinar washes up and talks with the Stormfather. He reveals that Cultivation is still alive and in hiding, and that's why Odium didn't splinter him in the last vision, for fear of exposing himself to her. He mentions another god-spren -- a "third sibling" who is slumbering -- but refuses to say more. He heads to the meeting and runs into Navani and "Vargo" (Taravangian) on the way, acting strangely. They go to the meeting.
The meeting is going very well with everyone encouraged about the defenses. Renarin starts to look uncomfortable and excuses himself from the room. Dalinar feels something wrong. The Stormfather says a storm is coming. All the spanreeds in the room light up; there are reports of an early everstormEverstorm arriving in Shinovar. They decide to break, but the Stormfather says there's more coming. He goes over to Navani and Jasnah, who have received a translation of the [[Eila Stele]] which tells of events before the first Desolation. It reveals that ''humans'' were the Voidbringers, arriving in Roshar and conquering the parshmen. This would eventually cause the Recreance. Taravangian has apparently received the same news and expresses concern that the Radiants' powers are too dangerous. Fen has received word about Elhokar swearing to Dalinar as highking, and Noura has learned that Dalinar is holding back information on his visions that included visits from Odium. The whole room erupts in arguments, and Dalinar realizes that he has been outflanked diplomatically. The coalition is falling apart.
{{anchor|Chapter 112}}
=== Chapter 112: For the Living ===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I am certain there are nine Unmade. There are many legends and names that I could have misinterpreted, conflating two Unmade into one. In the next section, I will discuss my theories on this.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Tarah]]
* [[AdolinGol]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Syl]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Pattern]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Tien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sylphrena]] (mentioned only)
=== Chapter 113: The Thing Men Do Best ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
{{epigraph|If I'm correct and my research true, then the question remains. Who is the ninth Unmade? Is it truly Dai-Gonarthis? If so, could their actions have actually caused the complete destruction of Aimia?}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Sigzil]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Yanagawn]]
* [[Noura]]
* [[Queen Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Kaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Honor]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Odium]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Rine]]
* [[FusedOdium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Venli tells her story to Thaylen parshmen. She speaks more of emotions and Passion to them, as instructed. She turns and leaves at the end of her speech, as she is no longer allowed to stay and answer questions about the listeners. Venli wonders if it is because Odium and the Fused are afraid of her people's history, despite their use of it as propaganda. As she walks back to her cave, Venli encounters an insane Fused who grabs her and flies them over to the ships in the harbor. She is dumped onto one of hundreds of ships waiting in harbor, where Rine is waiting for her. He informs her that she is to accompany them as they sail for an assault. Venli is surprised that they are leaving so soon, expressing reservations on needing to fight. Rine tells her that the Everstorm will arrive soon, and that it is the singers' war they are fighting -- that the Fused are merely there to help give them their home back. After that is accomplished, they can finally sleep.
{{Anchor|Interlude 13}}
* [[Rysn]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Vstim]]
* [[Wmlak]]
* [[Tlik]]
* [[Fladm]]
* [[Fen]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hmalka]] (mentioned only)
Rysn prepares for an audit of the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]], where she now works. Her pet [[Larkin]], Chiri-Chiri, wants to feed off of her diamond mark, but Rysn needs it for light. A porter knocks, admitting Vstim, who has accepted an appointment as Queen Fen's minister of trade. Chiri-Chiri is suspicious of him, so he pulls out a ruby that she can feed on. She sucks in the Stormlight and nestles in the pot of Shin grass. Vstim has heard from her boss that she is unhappy. He offers her the captain's cord to ''[[Wandersail (1174 ship)|The Wandersail]]'', an expensive and majestic frigate. She hesitates at accepting such a grand gift, and he urges her to at least just consider it for now. He reveals that he is doing this audit personally. He has always wanted to visit the vault.
Rysn enters her combination to the first door, then they pass two more doors that are opened by guards, one of whom is unfamiliar to her. Rysn is taken through to an alcove that Fladm is waiting in, and she's transferred to a palanquin that Tlik and another guard carry her in, to her embarrassment. Chiri-Chiri follows her in tointo the main vault. The vault is full of gemstones, but it is dark; they are traded on ledgers, backed by the confidence that the reserve is safe and intact. Rysn gives Vstim a key, and he unlocks Vault Thirteen, the queen's own vault. This closet-sized vault is full of light, much of it coming from a giant ruby, the [[King's Drop]]. VsitmVstim covers it with a cloth to reduce the glare, and the audit begins. Suddenly, the unfamiliar guard stabs Tlik and grabs the ruby, wounding Vstim and locking him in vault 13. Other guards attack, but the thief is able to heal. As more guards arrive to the fight, Rysn grabs the King's Drop, ties it to her leg, and pulls herself down the corridor. Chiri-Chiri feeds from the ruby. Rysn reaches Fladm's corpse and yells for help, taking his crossbow. Chiri-Chiri harrasses the thief, feeding from his [[Voidlight]]. The traitor is revealed to be one of the [[Fused]] that can lightweave. Rysn shoots him in the chin right as he looms over her. His Voidlight gone, he drops to the floor and is still.
{{anchor|Interlude 14}}
* [[Teft]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[LopenMalata]]
* [[Lunamor]]
* [[Bisig]]
* [[Eth]]
* [[Peet]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[Huio]]
* [[Lyn]]
* [[BisigLaran]]
* [[MalataKaladin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[RockRenarin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Eth]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Huio]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Laran]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Felt]]
* The [[Nightwatcher]]
* [[Cultivation]]
* [[Malli]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nightwatcher]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cultivation]]
* [[EviElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[GavilarEvi Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Odium]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
:''Five and a half years ago''
Dalinar awakes in the cabin of a stormwagon, not remembering what happened earlier due to his heavy drinking. Felt informs him that the caravan they were traveling with will be departing early, despite the rain. Dalinar tells Felt to pay the caravan master extra to buy his silence. The men continue traveling on their own. Along the way, Felt gives some advice for visiting the Nightwatcher, telling him to go in alone after sunset and warning him that the curse could be bad. They arrive at the Valley in an otherwise barren landscape, but here, plant life almost frantically grows. Felt tells Dalinar that there are paths through the thick foliage if he looks hard enough. After the sun sets, Dalinar decides to go in a day early and pushes his way into the forest. As he trudges forward, Dalinar begins to doubt himself, but then hears noises, the sound of people pleading for their lives and weeping. Dalinar summons his Shardblade, Oathbringer, and starts slashing at the undergrowth, trying to clear a path for himself. Suddenly, he sees himself smiling and killing parshmen in the Unclaimed Hills, then strangling Elhokar and taking the throne for himself, followed by conquering other kingdoms and building an empire over half the continent. Then he sees a thousand villages being burned like the Rift for resisting. Dalinar realizes that this could be his future. Just then, the Nightwatcher shows up, asking him what he wants for his boon. Dalinar asks for forgiveness, but the Nightwatcher does not understand the concept very well and becomes agitated, offering things like material possessions, including [[Nightblood]], and enhanced skills. She is interrupted by a [[Cultivation|strange woman]] who appears in the grove, who she addresses as "Mother." She speaks with Dalinar, and he realizes that she is Cultivation. Cultivation offers him a "pruning" to let him grow by blocking his memories of Evi. Dalinar accepts the offer and has those memories removed. The next morning, he crawls out of the woods, feeling very tired. Dalinar realizes that he is now unable to remember anything about his wife, including her name, other than the fact that he had a wife who was assassinated. He orders his men to prepare to travel to the Shattered Plains for the war and asks for the sailors to get a copy of ''The Way of Kings'' while in port.
{{anchor|Chapter 115}}
=== Chapter 115: The Wrong Passion ===
[[File: Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|145px|center]]
{{epigraph|They came from another world, using powers that we have been forbidden to touch. Dangerous powers, of spren and Surges. They destroyed their lands and have come to us begging.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Teft]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[AdolinGeneral Khal]]
* [[SylAdolin Kholin]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Ivory]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Glys]]
* [[Timbre]]
* [[Fused]]
* [[Queen Fen]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[Turash]]
* [[Nergaoul]]
* [[Azure]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[AmaramOdium]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Khal]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[EthKmakl]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[RockYushah]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Bisig]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[LopenHonor]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[SigzilCultivation]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Azure]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lunamor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Bisig]] (mentioned only)
* [[Eth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lopen]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sigzil]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar watches the Everstorm approach and then settle over the city. The enemy ships sail in with the storm and arrive uncontested, his armada having fled the storm. Amaram's troops flood into the space between the walls and the water while reinforcements are called from Urithiru. Dalinar wonders why Cultivation allowed his memories to return. What is the step he must now take? He picks up his copy of Way of Kings and heads out into the city.
Jasnah watches troops head to the oathgate, but she knows Thaylen City is lost. There is something else she must do first. She finds Renarin in a temple, kneeling alone. With him is a spren, its form different than the spren of a Truthwatcher. She summons her shardbladeShardblade.
Venli watches as the souls of the thunderclasts meld into the ground. She sees, in the Cognitive Realm, another force off shoreoffshore. The Fused bow to Odium, so Venli quickly follows suit. [[Turash]], the sane Fused that Venli had been interpreting for, expresses doubt to Odium about their army, but Odium replies that they have only come to watch. The red power enters the Physical Realm and she feels the Thrill.
=== Chapter 116: Alone ===
[[File: Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|145px|center]]
{{epigraph|We took them in, as commanded by the gods. What else could we do? They were a people forlorn, without a home. Our pity destroyed us. For their betrayal extended even to our gods: to spren, stone, and wind.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Yanagawn]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* The [[SylStormfather]]
* [[FusedRysn]]
* [[StormfatherVstim]]
* [[Glys]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Ivory]]
* [[RenarinAdolin Kholin]]
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Yelig-nar]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[Rysn]]
* [[Vstim]]
* [[Noura]]
* [[Dalksi]]
* [[Unoqua]]
* [[Dalksi]]
* [[Vono]]
* [[LiftNale]]
* [[Nightblood]]
* [[Spren#Oathgate_Spren|Oathgate Spren]]
* [[NinFen Rnamdi]]
* [[Nightblood|sword-nimiKmakl]]
* [[Queen FenNergaoul]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Kmakl]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Maya|Adolin's SprenGaz]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AmaramAzure]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NergaoulLift]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar feels the ground shaking, realizing that there is probably a second thunderclast now. He sees civilians running and panicking, heading towards the Oathgate. Dalinar continues running toward the wall, holding ''The Way of Kings'' close. Suddenly, he feels the Thrill, but he resists the temptation to embrace it. He is hit by a falling boulder from the thunderclast destroying a building nearby. Dalinar uses stormlight to heal himself. The thunderclast is furiously attacking the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve. He is confused by this odd behavior and asks the Stormfather about it, but he doesn't know why either. Two Fused, leadled by a yellow spren, glide (with what appears to be the Voidbinding equivalent of the Surge of Abrasion) over to a palanquin and steal something from the occupant. Dalinar tries to give chase, but is unable to catch up to the Fused. He then runs over to help Rysn and Vstim and Rysn tells him that the stolen object was a ruby, the King's Drop. Dalinar is baffled at why they'd want a gemstone. He prepares to ask for more details when he notices that the figures with glowing red eyes on the battlefield are not parshmen, but Sadeas troops.
=== Chapter 117: Champion with Nine Shadows ===
[[File: Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|145px|center]]
{{epigraph|Beware the otherworlders. The traitors. Those with tongues of sweetness, but with minds that lust for blood. Do not take them in. Do not give them succor. Well were they named Voidbringers, for they brought the void. The empty pit that sucks in emotion. A new god. Their god.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Lift]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[AshShalash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[LiftNergaoul]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[FusedVenli]]
* [[Yelig-nar]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Wyndle]]
* [[Maya|Adolin's SprenNale]]
* [[NinNightblood]]
* [[SylSylphrena]]
* [[Nightblood|sword-nimiFen Rnamdi]]
* [[AshKmakl]]
* [[Glys]]
* [[Talenel]]
* [[Queen Fen]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[KmaklMeridas Amaram]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[ZahelYushah]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[AmaramKai-garnis]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[MraizeNotum]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[TalnZahel]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Jakamav]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
Adolin and Pattern continue their charade, blending in with the illusions. One of the Fused cuts her hand with a knife and sprays the blood toward them. The blood passes through the illusions but hits Adolin. Now they know who is real, and the Fused attack Adolin, disarming him of his harpoon. He draws his only weapon left, his knife, and tries to apply his training with Zahel -- knife vs. spear. He successfully dodges the attack, but the Fused can fly, negating his skill. He runs Adolin through with his lance. He draws a sword to finish him off, andbut hisAdolin's deadeye savagely attacks the Fused. HeAdolin struggles over toward Shallan, bleeding heavily.
=== Chapter 118: The Weight of It All ===
[[File: Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|145px|center]]
{{epigraph|These Voidbringers know no songs. They cannot hear Roshar, and where they go, they bring silence. They look soft, with no shell, but they are hard. They have but one heart, and it cannot ever live.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[AshShalash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Lift]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Renarin KholinTeft]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[VenliRenarin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[TeftVenli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Odium]]
* [[Nightblood]]
* [[Ivory]]
* [[TalnTalenel]]
* [[Queen FenWyndle]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* [[TimbreFen Rnamdi]]
* [[Nergaoul]]
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Turash]]
* [[Meridas Amaram]]
* [[Tien]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[EviAbaray]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Sylphrena]]
* [[Teleb]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[GavilarEvi Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[ElhokarTeleb]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kalak]] (mentioned only)
* [[Malop]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jaks]] (mentioned only)
* [[Beld]] (mentioned only)
* [[Pedin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rod (Roshar)|Rod]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mart]] (mentioned only)
* [[Goshel]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nalma]] (mentioned only)
* [[Cultivation]] (mentioned only)
* [[Dallet]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Tien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nale]] (mentioned only)
* [[Timbre]] (mentioned only)
* [[Yelig-nar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aesudan Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Glys]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar seems to literally relive the moment he sets Rathalas afire, hearing Evi's screams and crying. Odium banishes the Stormfather, leaving Dalinar utterly alone. Odium pleads with Dalinar to give him his pain. Dalinar realizes he has been a fraud.
Kaladin cannot sayssay the next Words and collapses, weeping. Syl embraces him.
Jasnah raises her shardbladeShardblade to strike, and Renarin looks at her, nodding. She dismisses her blade and embraces her cousin. Ivory agrees with Jasnah's decision even though it doesn't make sense to him. Renarin realizes that since the vision about Jasnah didn't come true, other visions are not predestined either, like his vision about Dalinar.
Dalinar rejects Odium's offer to take his pain. He needs to take the ''next'' step, the most important step a man can take: the ''next one''.
{{anchor|Chapter 119}}
=== Chapter 119: Unity ===
[[File: Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|145px|center]]
As I began my journey, I was challenged to defend why I insisted on traveling alone. They called it irresponsible. An avoidance of duty and obligation.
Those who said this made an enormous mistake of assumption.}}
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[AshShalash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Teft]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[RenarinNavani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani KholinLift]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Lift]] (Point of view)
* [[Odium]]
* [[FusedMeridas Amaram]]
* The [[AmaramStormfather]]
* [[StormfatherJasnah Kholin]]
* [[JasnahSylphrena]]
* [[SylVenli]]
* [[TalnEvi Kholin]]
* [[Shallan Davar]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Talenel]]
* [[Ivory]]
* [[Glys]]
* [[Queen Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Wyndle]]
* [[Szeth]]
* [[Nightblood]]
* [[Elhokar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Yelig-nar]]
* [[Nergaoul]]
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
Dalinar reaches his left hand into the Cognitive Realm and his right into the Spiritual Realm as his enemies stumble backward -- all but Venli, who asks what he is in a whisper. He hears Evi's voice; she forgives him. The pain of his role in her death begins to fade. Dalinar turns his head to Venli and states "I am unity." He combinesslams thehis Realmshand together, combining the three Realms.
Taln asks Ash how long it has been since the last Desolation. He's overjoyed to hear that it's been four thousand years. Humans have a chance this time because they were able to advance. He goes to meet "himDalinar, feeling that he is waiting for them though he does not know who Dalinar is," pulling Ash along.
Jasnah and Renarin reach the possessed troops. She uses soulcasting and her shardbladeShardblade to sweep them away. Renarin feels a surge of Stormlight and sees the column of light, stretching into the clouds.
Navani isleans overcomeover the top of the city, laughing with joy as gloryspren stream around her, as they are flying towards Dalinar. All of the gemstones scattered on the ground light up, taking in the Stormlight from Dalinar.
Odium orders his minions to attack Dalinar. Amaram steps up, and Dalinar tries to persuade him to follow his lead. But Amaram cannot forgive himself, and he attacks with Oathbringer. Kaladin parries with a shard-spearShardspear and emerges from the column. Shallan and Adolin follow.
Dalinar realizes that Elhokar has not emerged from the column with the others, and knows that this means Elhokar has been killed. The power fades, the gloryspren disperse, and Dalinar is left feeling exhausted. The Stormfather is unsure what has happened. Dalinar says they have a [[Connection]] different from what was possible when Honor was alive. The Knights Radiant gather around Dalinar. The Stormfather recognizes Taln and Ash as they arrive. Kaladin asks for orders. They are still impossibly outnumbered by Amaram's troops, who are recovering their composure and are still consumed with the Thrill. He orders Renarin to secure the Oathgate, Shallan to conjure up an army, Jasnah to defend the hole in the wall, and Kaladin to engage Amaram. He reiterates his previous order to Lift and Szeth. He walks toward the water for his own task.
{{anchor|Chapter 120}}
=== Chapter 120: The Spear That Would Not Break ===
[[File: Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|145px|center]]
{{epigraph|If the journey itself is indeed the most important piece, rather than the destination itself, then I traveled not to avoid duty -- but to seek it.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Renarin Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[SylNergaoul]]
* [[LiftSylphrena]]
* [[Nightblood|sword-nimiMeridas Amaram]]
* [[Amaram]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Mayalaran]]
* [[Lift]]
* [[Nightblood]]
* [[Yelig-nar]]
* [[Kdralk]]
* [[Ivory]]
* [[FusedNale]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Queen Fen Rnamdi]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* [[Maya]]
* [[Timbre]]
* [[Hrdalm]]
* [[Tshadr]]
* [[Glys]]
* [[Teshav Khal]]
* [[Kadash]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[Lopen]]
* [[RockLunamor]]
* [[Lyn]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nergaoul]]
* [[KhalVasher]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[VasherTien]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[KalanorAesudan Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[SadeasKalanor]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NinYalb]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[ElhokarGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[OdiumElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[EviEstnatil]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly,)
* [[TaravangianTshadr]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[YalbOdium]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Evi Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* The [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gaval]] (mentioned only)
* [[Skar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Drehy]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[General Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Turinad Sebarial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Aladar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kara]] (mentioned only)
* [[Malata]] (mentioned only)
* [[Taravangian]] (mentioned only)
* [[Coreb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hab]] (mentioned only)
* [[Hamadin]] (mentioned only)
Adolin feels the part of his soft new flesh that was once his wound. He reflects on the feeling of being fragile, and being drawn through the Perpendicularity created by Dalinar. Shallan checks on Adolin's wound, and he tells her to go and save the city and to "be radiant." Shallan leaves Adolin, draws Pattern as a Shardblade and Lightweaves an army. Without a specific task, Adolin goes into the city to find Jasnah standing amidst a previous battlefield. Adolin summons his Shardblade, and after it doesn't scream in his hands, apologizes and thanks it, then rushes to join a nearby battle.
Szeth and Lift come up with a plan to get the Ruby back, while Nightblood reflects on both Lift's morality and compares Szeth to hisits former masters, including Vasher.
Shallan pulls forth her army of drawings (including ones she had lost, such as Yalb), still holding Pattern as a Shardblade. She Lightweaves her brothers, her mother and father, and the illusions start to falter until she feels someone grab her left hand; Veil. She is startled, and then feels someone take her other hand; Radiant in her glowing shard plateShardplate. Shallan commands her illusions to attack.
Adolin leads a small group of troops through the city after some enemy troops who are converging on Jasnah's position. He is interrupted by several red-eyed soldiers falling through the air, seemingly thrown. He peakspeeks around the corner to see Jasnah standing alone, surrounded by a fading, glowing silhouette of smoke geometric shapes that had been outlining her. With Jasnah not needing help, Adolin and his group rush to the aid of Thaylen soldiers fighting a larger group of enemies. Adolin attacks the rear of the enemy formation with his Shardblade, killing all of them. A voice from the crowd, Kdralk the son of Queen Fen from Thaylenah, asks for Adolin's help as his mother and father are trapped behind the wall.
Szeth and Lift approach the Parshmen army. Lift slips into the Parshmen ship, the Parshmen not aggressive. Szeth notes Nin in the sky above the battle. A fusedFused streaks out of the ship, carrying the large ruby, escaping Lift. Szeth chases the Fused through the battlefield of illusions, and eventually catches up to and crashes into them. Both eventually crash into the ground, where Szeth scoops up the ruby, and draws the attention of three more Fused.
Jasnah lingers between realms, and Soulcasts air into steps to the top of the wall to meet Navani and Queen Fen. She notices that Shallan is nearly out of Stormlight from cratingcreating her illusory army, and tells Navani that they need to rally a defense. Jasnah defends the group from two Fused nonchalantly, setting one on fire and bisecting the other. Jasnah commands that they must hold the wall by conventional means until Urithiru sends reinforcements.
Dalinar reflects on the Thrill and the points in his life that it had affected him, but he embraces what he was, rejects the Thrill, and thanks it for the strength it had lent him.
Adolin is greeted by the Thaylen Shardbearer, Hrdalm. Hrdalm is overtaken by two Fused, and Adolin manages to throw his Shardblade Maya at one, finishing it off while Hrdalm bats the other away. Adolin manages to slice off a finger of the Thunderclast, but is knocked back by a slap, his Shardblade dropping and disappearing. Adolin frantically moves to escape the Thunderclast, counting out heartbeats for his Shardblade. As he reaches the seventh count, he consciously calls to Maya, and she appears in his hand three seconds early. After Adolin is knocked down by the Thunderclast, Renarin appears carrying his Shardblade. Adolin notices the Thunderclast steps back, seemingly afraid of Renarin. Renarin uses Stormlight to heal Adolin, while commanding Adolin to retreat before charging the Thunderclast. Renarin is crushed by the Thunderclast, but heals and slices off the beastsbeast's hand. Adolin reluctantly lends Maya to Hrdalm, and then goes to help hold the streets.
Szeth chases down a Fused carrying the Ruby. The Fused uses the power of Abrasion, and Szeth feigns ignorance of it until he's in a position to lash the Fused into the sky, and catchcatches the Ruby in his pouch. Szeth manages to trick the Fused into thinking they stole the pouch with the Ruby in it, but instead the Ruby was handed to Lift, who hid in an illusion of a rock. Together, Lift and Szeth go to Dalinar, but Szeth trustsentrusts the Ruby to Lift as he can't bring himself to approach the red mist. Lift enters the red mist alone.
Renarin makes his way to the Oathgate, where he observes a dozen Fused hovering above it. Renarin greets survivors (including Brightness Teshav) who inform him about Urithiru. Renarin replenishes his Stormlight and goes to open the portal, shocked that no one told him to stop. Renarin and Glys as a Shardblade confront Fused at the gate, when he is suddenly struck with one of his fits, showing him a vision, leaving him smiling. Just then, the Oathgate erupts with light, and a Kholin Alethi division marches forth, led by a bearded man holding a large, silver shard spearShardspear, bathed in white;: Teft.
Lopen offers Kaladin Stormlight infused spheres, healing his wounds. Lopen points out a weeping Dalinar, who is holding the large Ruby that inis now the prison to the Unmade [[Nergaoul]], flanked by Lift. Dalinar informs Kaladin that "it's over."
{{anchor|Chapter 121}}
=== Chapter 121: Ideals ===
[[File: Moash Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|It becomes the responsibility of every man, upon realizing he lacks the truth, to seek it out.}}
* [[Moash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Venli]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Szeth]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Lopen]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[AshShalash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Fused]]
* [[Leshwi]]
* [[Hnanan]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[AdolinFen Rnamdi]]
* [[Devmrh]]
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Lunamor]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Timbre]]
* [[Vldgen]]
* [[Nightblood|sword-nimi]]
* [[NinNale]]
* [[TeshavSylphrena]]
* [[Renarin]]
* [[Syl]]
* [[Teft]]
* [[RockLyn]]
* [[Laran]]
* [[Taravangian]]
* [[Jezrien]]
* [[Rua]]
* [[TalnPeet]]
* [[Leyten]]
* [[Elhokar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[OdiumDru]] (Mentioned Only)
* The [[Stormfather]]
* [[Gavilar]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[Talenel]]
* [[Eshonai]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[IsharElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[TaravangianOdium]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Battar|Battah'ElinGavilar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[LynRenarin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[MidiusEshonai]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Teshav Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Beard]] (mentioned only)
* [[Battar|Battah'Elin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lift]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ishar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adonalsium]] (mentioned only)
* [[Midius]] (mentioned only)
Shallan is in better spirits after drinking some of Teshav's tea as she meets up with Adolin at the command post atop the city. Kaladin lands on a nearby rooftop, surveying the city, and Shallan glances at him,. Adolin sees this and says he'll step back and let Kaladin have Shallan. Shallan goes on a long tangent about how she doesn't love Kaladin but that Adolin is the one for her, after which they passionately kiss, and Shallan commits to Adolin that none of her alternate personalities will take control and go after Kaladin.
Lopen makes banter and jokes with Rua, teaching him a rude gesture in the process, he then attends to some wounded soldiers, one of whom asks him how one becomes a Radiant. Lopen tells him the easy part is swearing the First Ideal: "Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before pancakes.," but that the hard part is swearing the Second Ideal, which he swears, not expecting the Stormfather to accept it. He and Rua make the rude gesture at the Stormfather, as Lopen is angry the Stormfather hadn't accepted his oath in the heat of battle.
Ash drags Taln through Thaylen City, trying to reach the Oathgate and make it to Azir, where they will be more inconspicuous. Something inside Ash rips as Moash kills Jezrien, her father. Jasnah, nearby, notices, and looks at a drawing she has of Ash and Taln from Hoid as Ash falls unconscious for the first time in thousands of years.
{{anchor|Chapter 122}}
=== Chapter 122: A Debt Repaid ===
[[File: Kholin Crest.svg|125px|center]]
Yes, I began my journey alone, and I ended it alone.
But that does not mean that I walked alone.}}
* [[Kaladin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Taravangian]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Palona]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Moash]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Skar]]
* [[Drehy]]
* [[SylSkar]]
* [[AdrotagiaSylphrena]]
* [[Gavinor Kholin]]
* [[Dukar]]
* [[Mrall]]
* [[Adrotagia]]
* [[Maben]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[Adolin]]
* [[Teshav]]
* [[Aladar]]
* [[Hatham]]
* [[SzethAdolin Kholin]]
* [[SebarialTeshav Khal]]
* [[Turinad Sebarial]]
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Khen]]
* [[Nam]]
* [[Pal]]
* [[Leshwi]]
* [[Navani]]
* [[Pattern]]
* [[Balat]]
* [[Wikim]]
* [[Jushu]]
* [[Navani Kholin]]
* [[Gavinor]] (Mentioned Only)
* [[GravesElhokar Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[NightwatcherGvori]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[RenarinKaravaniga]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[JasnahRuli]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[MraizeGraves]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* The [[Sja-anatNightwatcher]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[RialRenarin Kholin]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[TeftHonor]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* The [[KadashStormfather]] (Mentionedmentioned Onlyonly)
* [[Szeth]] (mentioned only)
* [[Torol Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Halam Khal]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jezrien]] (mentioned only)
* [[Noura]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lift]] (mentioned only)
* [[Fen Rnamdi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ka]] (mentioned only)
* [[Ialai Sadeas]] (mentioned only)
* [[Mraize]] (mentioned only)
* [[Eylita]] (mentioned only)
* [[Sja-anat]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rial]] (mentioned only)
* [[Teft]] (mentioned only)
* [[Kadash]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lunamor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Meridas Amaram]] (mentioned only)
Kaladin flies overhead Alethkar, until he sees a very small fire giving off a bit of smoke next to a tarp painted with the symbol of Bridge Four. He lands, and two cloaked figures take off their hoods: Drehy and Skar. They reveal a couple of people they saved from the fighting in Kholinar, as well as Elhokar's son, Gavinor, heir to the Alethi throne. They also reveal that they have both sworn the Second Ideal of the Windrunners.
Taravangian finishes his daysday's puzzles, revealing he hisis stupid on this day, as his assistants, Mrall, Adrotagia, and Dukar, debate over the recent accuracy of the Diagram. A voice constantly asks Taravangian to open a window, which he does, and Odium enters the room. Odium sarcastically compliments the Diagram before showing Taravangian the absolute eternity within his plans. Taravangian strikesattempts ato dealbargain with Odium for the protection of everyone Taravangian rules, but Odium has seen through his plans to rule all Roshar to include all humanity under the protection. Taravangian instead strikes the best deal Odium will agree to: his service, in exchange for the protection of everyone born in Kharbranth and their spouses.
Shallan, Dalinar, and many of Dalinar's generals as well as a few members of the coalition gather in a room in Urithiru. Shallan uses her Lightweaving to make a map of Roshar at Dalinar's request, changing the colors of various countries to depict which ones are members of the coalition, members of Azir's coalition, lands controlled by Odium, and lands that hadn't committed to either side, such as Shinovar and Tukar. The generals argue over what course of action to pursue, and Shallan raises the question of why the humans don't just retreat to Shinovar, the land they were given, to which Dalinar answers that Odium will overrun them even if they give the Parshendi what they deserve. Dalinar and Adolin then argue over who should become the next King of Alethkar, with Dalinar not wanting Gavinor, as he's too young, but Adolin doesn't want himself to be king, so he reveals to Dalinar his murder of Torol Sadeas and his breaking of the Codes of War.
* [[WitHoid]] (Pointpoint of view)
* [[Kheni]]
* [[Cob (Stormlight)|Cob]]
* [[Vatwha]]
* [[FusedDesign|A spren]]
* [[Rayse]] (mentioned only)
Wit stands in line behind a big man, speaking about how all great art is hated, since people have varying tastes, but that if something is not hated, then it cannot be great art. He starts insulting the man in front of him in Alethi, but then realizes that he can only speak Thaylen. Unwilling to repeat himself, Wit simply cuts the man in line, causing him to get punched in the jaw and lose a tooth. He thanks the man before walking away into an alley, letting himself take in the sights and sounds of the miserable people nearby. Wit then makes his way to a courtyard near the palace, where he talks to a woman named Kheni sitting by an empty cradle, continuing his speech on the values of art, asking how many people need to enjoy a work to make the hate worthwhile, before turning the conversation towards his appearance. He then picks up some rags from an old spren costume and ties them with a cord from his pocket, before making his way to a group of destroyed buildings. Wit goes to one that he detects life in, and a little girl sticks her head out. Wit speaks with her, and she tells him that she can't leave her mother (who is likely dead). He fashions a small doll from the scraps he is holding, and [[Awakening|Awakens]] it, having it walk down the street away from the building. This finally makes the girl come out, and she chases after the doll. He carries the girl to Kheni and her husband Cob, replying to his earlier question about the number of people needed to enjoy a work of art with that it only takes one person, then telling them that someone needs to take care of the girl, since he himself needs to leave the city.
Wit leaves and heads towards the palace, acting like a crazy beggar. He passes Vatwha, a Fused sentry who he once danced with thousands of years before, but she doesn't notice him. He approaches a section of the fallen palace that the Fused and singers are working particularly hard at clearing the rubble in, wondering if anyone else found it strange that they focused so much on that section. Wit encounters a pair of common singers, and bows several times and tries to sell them trinkets from his pocket, continuing his act. The guards try to shove him away, but Wit pretends to panic and runs deeper into the worksite. He gets shouted at to leave, and continues faking fright, then purposely trips himself against a wall that is still standing. He addresses an unseen entity, telling them that they don't have a lot of options, that he believes he is in the city to find the entity, and promises to give them juicy truths if they come out. A moving pattern slips out of the cracks and onto his hand, which he hides in his rags. The singer guards catch up to him and toss him into the gardens. After they leave, Wit addresses the frightened-seeming Cryptic on his hand with "Life before death, little one".
| United, new beginnings sing: "Defying truth, love. Truth defy!" Sing beginnings, new unity.
| [[Ketek]] written by [[Jasnah Kholin]] on the occasion of her ward [[Shallan Davar]]'s wedding celebration.
See [[Ars_Arcanum#The Stormlight Archive]].
== Notes ==
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[[Category: Stormlight Archive|+23]]