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Jorgen orders three DDF flights to prepare for combat, and prepares Wandering Leaf for departure. When everyone is ready, and Jorgen sends all the pilots to Alanik’s location. Another Superiority carrier arrives, and Wandering Leaf hyperjumps to Evershore. Jorgen commands all the flights, focusing on defending Dreamspring and the other kitsen cities. Alanik sends Juno back to Jorgen’s ship using her slug. Jorgen uses Wandering Leaf’s hyper weapon to destroy one of the carriers, along with several ships. Another carrier arrives, whose fighters include a cytonic with mindblades. An enemy Superiority ship with a planetary weapon arrives, and fires on Wandering Leaf’s shields. The shield breaks, leaving the platform exposed.
=== Chapter 15 ===
== Chapter 16 ==
== Chapter 17 ==
*[[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Alanik]]
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Juno]]
* [[Boomslug]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Fine]]
* [[Stoff]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Nedd flies in to save Jorgen and Juno, and Jorgen grabs the slugs he had brought. He and Juno hop into Nedd’s ship, and Nedd drops them off at Jorgen’s ship back on the beach. Though the planetary weapon managed to destroy Wandering Leaf, the cannon was destroyed by the platform’s autoturrets. As Jorgen tries to take off, the enemy cyrtonic shoots mindblades at him, tearing through his ship. Jorgen and the enemy cytonic both fire at the same time, and Jorgen’s kill his opponent. Though his radio still works, Jorgen’s ship is completely wrecked. Jorgen has Snuggles take him to Drape, who is with Rig back on Detritus. Jorgen gives him a report, and says they need to get more platforms over to Evershore. Rig shows Jorgen that there are tons of empty taynix boxes in the platform control room, but that they don’t know what many of them do, or have enough slugs to power them. Jorgen reaches out with his senses, sensing many slugs deep in the caverns. He implores with them to help, telling them that they are friends who will feed them and give them a home. Fine joins in with Jorgen, making a case for Jorgen and telling the other taynix how happy he is with the humans. Hundreds of taynix all appear in the corridor at once, of many different and new varieties. The hyperslugs had brought ones of the other varieties. Immmediately, Snuggles, Boomslug, and Fine started herding groups of slugs in front of boxes. A startled Rig says he isn’t really sure what to do, and Jorgen tells him to just do his best to figure it out.
=== Chapter 16 ===
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Alanik]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Juno]]
* [[Snuggles]]
* [[Corgi]]
* [[Rinakin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Arturo Mendez]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
As Rig and the other engineers try to get slugs into the right boxes, Alanik and Jorgen fill each other in. Jorgen manages to cytonically speak to Rig in his mind. Jorgen and Juno go back to Evershore using Snuggles. He reaches to Detritus with his senses, summoning the slugs of the pilots ready to fly into combat. The new flights of ships appear, aiding as more Superiority reinforcements engage. Rinakin also sends ships to support the kitsen, wanting to secure an alliance with them. Jorgen tells Juno he needs to inspect the portal in the kitsen library.
=== Chapter 17 ===
*[[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Alanik]]
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[T-Stall]]
* [[Catnip]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Sadie]]
* [[Juno]]
* [[Kauri]]
* [[Kel]]
* [[Winnow]]
* [[Gran-Gran]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
* [[Zing]]
* [[Cuna]]
* [[Winzik]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Jorgen uses Snuggles to get to the library faster, and inspects the portal closely. He becomes sure that Gran-Gran’s soul or spirit is trapped beyond the portal, along with Cobb and the old kitsen cytonics. Jorgen quests out with his cytonic senses, looking for Spensa, and gets a vague image of her. He communicates with Doomslug, who gives off a feeling of sadness and loneliness. Jorgen tries to figure out how to enter the nowhere without passing back out immediately, like he does with hyperjumps. Gran-Gran speaks with him cytonically, saying that she heard the voices and hyperjumped to them, only to become trapped with the kitsen cytonics. Jorgen discovers that the portal is locked on both sides, and Gran-Gran tells Jorgen that he is different than Spensa, but still in a good way. As Jorgen focuses on the portal, he gains a grasp of how to open it, and sends instructions to a kitsen on the other side, who helps him on their side. The portal unlocks, and an ancient kitsen hobbles through, followed by a dozen more kitsen. As more ktisen come through the portal, Cobb and Gran-Gran begin to awake, though Kel says that they won’t be in good enough shape to help in the fighting. Jorgen contacts Alanik, who reports a bomber ship, with what Jorgen knows is a lifebuster. Jorgen speaks into Arturo’s mind using his ability, and Arturo reports that the lifebuster ship is heading for Dreamspring. Going out onto the beach again, Jorgen gives orders for Alanik to try and get the lifebuster out and into the atmosphere. Jorgen also offers to let the kitsen senators escape to Detritus using the transport they’d intended for Cobb and Gran-Gran, and assigns a few members of Skyward Flight to oversee it. Kimmalyn shoots down the bomber, and Alanik snags the bomb with her light-lance. She takes it out of range and hyperjumps out of range as it explodes. More Superiority carriers arrive, and this time their pilots spread out to attack other kitsen cities. Jorgen sees that their goal is to make the kitsen pay a heavy price by inflicting a lot of collateral damage.
== Chapter 18 ==
== Chapter 19 ==
