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The stormfather is an incredibly powerful [[spren]] who likely had existed so long as there were [[highstorm]]s.It appears he can hold onto memories perfectly or at least better than other [[spren]], as he was aware of what had been done to the rest of the [[spren]] by their human counterparts.{{book ref|sa2|32}}
The stormfather is first seen directly when [[Kaladin]] is strung up to face his judgment by order of [[Torol Sadeas]].[[Kaladin]] glimpses him as a large face, as vast as the entire sky before him but later questions whether he had just been delirious from the onslaught of the [[highstorm]].{{book ref|sa1|2134}}
He is shown again directly the second time that [[Kaladin]] dreams of being the [[highstorm]] as it passes overhead.Here [[Kaladin]] recognises the dream sequence and begins dreaming lucidly, allowing him to turn around and speak to the Stormfather directly.He accuses [[Kaladin]] of being a traitor who will hurt and kill [[Syl]].He mentions that he believes humans cannot be trusted, and then gives [[Kaladin]] a warning and an apology before he wakes up.{{book ref|sa2|32}}
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