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143 bytes added ,  3 years ago
→‎Functioning: updated line about deadeye resurrection
m (Raysium capitalization)
(→‎Functioning: updated line about deadeye resurrection)
Spren do not need to sleep,{{book ref|sa1|14}} but they can die.{{wob ref|96}} Spren with a Nahel Bond can die if their bonded [[Surgebinder]] breaks their Oaths to an untenable degree. However, there are stages to spren death, and it's not necessarily one-way. If the Radiant who broke their Oaths is not yet at the point where they would acquire a [[Shardblade]], the spren simply seems to disappear.{{book ref|sa2|69}} Such a spren can be brought back to life if the Radiant returns to abiding by the Oaths, and re-swears them. It's possible that swearing the next level of the Ideals is a necessary part of the process.{{book ref|sa2|84}}
By contrast, a spren that has been killed after their Radiant acquires a [[Shardblade]] leaves behind a dead Shardblade, and while in Shadesmar, they take the form of a [[deadeye]].{{book ref|sa2|87}}{{book ref|sa3|101}} A deadeye is a zombie-like figure with scratched-out eyes, constantly striving to mindlessly reach the location of its Blade.{{book ref|sa3|101}} WhetherDeadeye itspren can be broughtat backleast topartially liferevived.{{book isref|sa4|94}} uncertain[[Mayalaran]], although[[Adolin]]'s itdeadeye hasshardblade, neverregains happenedconsciousness beforeduring Adolin's trial by witness in [[Lasting Integrity]] while under extreme emotional stress.{{book ref|sa3sa4|2894}}
Similar to a [[Cognitive Shadow]], a spren can be permanently killed by the use of a [[raysium]] dagger embedded with a gem of anti-Stormlight.{{book ref|sa4|104}} Through unknown methods, a spren can have their cognitive form pulled into the physical realm, where the new body will spontaneously form organs and muscles, but the spren will die within minutes. The [[Stormfather]] calls this act an abomination, and claims that it should not be possible. Cryptics and Ashspren cannot be brought over properly, because the process of creating bodies for them results in a physical form that collapses upon itself immediately. [[Ishar]] speculates that their physiology does not conform to the natural laws of the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
