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|name=Lestibournes (Spook)Jedal
|homeland=Eastern Dominance
|books=[[Mistborn trilogy]][[Category:Mistborn]]
'''Jedal''', aka '''Spook''' orand '''Lestibournes''' was a member of [[Kelsier'sskaa crew]]misting on [[Scadrial]].
He was a [[tin]]eye, and alsowas [[Clubs]]' nephew.{{cite}}
During his stay at [[]], he became an [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] savant, burning tin all the time, to spy on [[]] and [[]].{{cite}}
He was corrupted by [[Ruin]] and hashad visions of [[Kelsier]] which lead him to be called '''Survivor of the Flames'''.{{cite}}
He eventually realised this and pullspulled the spikespikes out of himself, and out of [[]].{{cite}}
He leads the survivors into the ''new world'' created by [[Sazed]] and is given the full powers of a [[Allomancy#Mistborn|mistborn]].<ref>[[{{b|hoa}}|THoA Epilogue]]</ref>
== Other ==
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