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|The actual outlet of the power is not chosen by the practitioner, but instead is hardwritten into their Spiritwebspiritweb.
|[[Khriss]]{{book ref|mb4mb7|part=ars}}
The '''Spiritwebspiritweb''' is the network of [[Connection]]s and [[Investiture]] which make up the soul of a creature, place, or object. Residing in the [[Spiritual Realm]], Spiritwebs lack any tangible shape or size, with their borders defined by their [[Identity]]. Contained within a Spiritwebspiritweb are various pieces, including '''Spiritual DNA''', the '''Spiritual Aspect''', and one’s '''Spiritual Ideal'''.{{wob ref|3923}}
== Mechanics ==
=== Spiritual DNA ===
A person’s Spiritwebspiritweb, closely related to Spiritual DNA,{{wob ref|115}} makes up their presence in the Spiritual Realm. Measuring and quantifying a Spiritwebspiritweb is possible, if difficult, to do.{{wob ref|13361}} Spiritual DNA can be passed from parent to child like regular DNA,{{wob ref|5514}} yet does not function exactly the same as identical twins can have different Spiritual DNA.{{wob ref|3037}}{{wob ref|7761}} Some ways of utilizing Investiture are written into Spiritual DNA. Spiritwebs can be manufactured, though the process of how is unknown.{{wob ref|15234}}
=== Damaging and Healing ===
A person's Spiritwebspiritweb can be damaged either through physical or emotional trauma. This creates "cracks" in the soul. It is easier for Shards to [[Invest]] in people who are damaged in this way, as Investiture can enter the soul through these "cracks". This is why [[Allomancer]]s need to undergo [[Snapping]] in order to awaken their powers, and is implied to be the reason why [[Surgebinder]]s tend to have psychological problems.{{wob ref|5469}} Spiritwebs can be damaged with weapons like hemalurgic spikes and Shardblades. Those wounds can then be healed with a graft of Investiture. The healing process does leave a permanent wound on a person’sperson's Spiritwebspiritweb.{{wob ref|126}} Investing an object or person for a long period of time will warp and change their Spiritwebspiritweb.{{wob ref|2690}} In humans, this process leads to [[Savant]]ism.{{wob ref|7267}}
==== Healing the Physical ====
== Interactions ==
All forms of Investiture which one can use are related to the Spiritwebspiritweb. Some manifestations of Investiture are built into a person's Spiritual DNA, such as [[Allomancy]] and [[Feruchemy]]. Other abilities, such as [[Hemalurgy]] and [[Surgebinding]], involve manipulating Spiritual DNA. A few types of Investiture even work by manipulating or overwriting the Spiritwebspiritweb directly, such as [[Forgery]].
=== The Dor ===
==== Forgery ====
[[Forgery]] works by overlaying an object’s or person’s history and Spiritwebspiritweb with an alternative one.{{cite}}
=== Awakening ===
=== The Metallic Arts ===
==== Allomancy ====
Multiple forms of Allomancy relate to the Spiritwebspiritweb. Allomantic [[zinc]] and [[brass]] will work only on creatures with a sufficient level of sapience and work better on creatures whose Spiritwebspiritweb has been damaged, as with Hemalurgic constructs.{{cite}} The ability to use Allomancy is passed down via Spiritual DNA.
==== Feruchemy ====
Several of the Feruchemical Attributes are deeply connected to the Spiritwebspiritweb, especially the Spiritual metals such as [[aluminum]] and [[duralumin]], which allow for Identity and Connection, respectively, to be stored. Similarly to Allomancy, the ability to use Feruchemy is passed down through Spiritual DNA.
==== Hemalurgy ====
In Hemalurgy, portions of the Spiritwebspiritweb seem to be ripped off of one person and grafted onto another person's Spiritwebspiritweb.{{wob ref|5969}} This causes lasting damage to the Spiritwebspiritweb of the creature in which a Hemalurgic Spike is placed.{{wob ref|4961}}
=== Surgebinding ===
==== Nahel Bond ====
A [[Surgebinder]]'s [[Nahel bond]] with a [[spren]] works in a similar way, a spren becoming spiritually attached to a certain point on a person's Spiritwebspiritweb, merging together as the [[Surgebinder]] progresses in their [[Immortal Words|Oaths]].{{cite}}
==== Soulcasting ====
Although it does not directly alter the Spiritwebspiritweb, [[Soulcasting]] can alter a Spiritwebspiritweb if the Cognitive aspect stays altered for long enough.{{cite}}
==== Regrowth ====
[[Regrowth]] allows for healing both the Physical form of a living thing and its Spiritwebspiritweb, as does a sufficient amount of Stormlight. This likely functions by restoring one’s physical form to the state of their Spiritual Ideal.{{cite}} Regrowth can even go so far as to reattach the soul of one recently deceased, as seen with [[Szeth]].{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{book ref|sa3|90}}
=== Shardblades ===
A [[Shardblade]] can be stolen with Hemalurgy,{{wob ref|1153}}{{wob ref|4548}} because it is Connected to a person's Spiritwebspiritweb. When a Shardblade cuts through living matter, its edge fuzzes, leaving the physical body uninjured, whilst cutting the being's Spiritwebspiritweb.{{book ref|sa1|13}}
== Notes ==