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They can do even more extreme modifications than the [[Siah Aimian]]s, because their body is made up of many cremling-like creatures called '''hordelings''' that they breed to perform whatever function that they need. These hordelings can separate from the main body to act as remote agents and can also be used as backup minds to store memories.{{book ref|edgedancer|18}} At least one Dysian Amian may have fought in the [[Aharietiam]], as [[Dalinar Kholin]] notices a heap of burned corpses of some variety of strange cremlings.{{cite}} For which side they may have fought, or if this part of the vision depicts the remains of a Sleepless, is, however, unknown at this time.
[[Hoid]] delivers a monologue to a hordeling while waiting for [[Jasnah]] to Elsecall after her time in [[Shadesmar]].{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}{{qawob ref|date=2016-12-06|1182|40|Brandon on Amians1523}} In Kholinar, Kaladin notices a strange cremling on the table, during a storm; it is very possible for it to have been a remote agent of the Dysians.{{book ref|sa3|77}} [[Lift]] met a Sleepless named [[Arclo]] in [[Yeddaw]] on the evening of the [[Everstorm]]'s arrival.{{book ref|sa2.5|18}} A Sleepless posing as a cook traveled with an expedition to [[Aimia]], where she poisoned the entire crew prior to landfall before killing [[Kaza]] in person. The Sleepless appear to be guarding Aimia or [[Akinah]] and certain secrets contained there.{{book ref|sa3|i|4}}
The Sleepless are immortal.{{cite}}