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On [[Lumar]] silver renders [[aether spores]] and materials inert ,{{book ref|tress|1}} upon coming into contact with silver, spores turn a dull grey and die, losing their reactivity with water.{{book ref|tress|10}} A silver knife can also sever a [[Luhel bond]].{{book ref|tress|31}}
Due to the aether-resistant properties of silver, ships on Lumar are partially coated in it on the deck and railings.{{book ref|tress|8}} They are also used in spore cannonballs in order to more accurately control when they release their spores and water.{{book ref|tress|41}} Ships also have silver-edged axes on board, which crewmates can use to break away Verdant vines holding the ship in place.{{book ref|tress|48}}
Some spores, such as Roseite, better resist the effects of silver.{{book ref|tress|26}}
== Trivia ==
