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== Acquiring and Donning ==
As the knowledge of creating Shardplate has only resurfaced with the return of the Knights Radiant, a limited number of suits exist. The only way to acquire a set of “dead” Shardplate aside from swearing Radiant oaths is from another person. This can be done through battlefield combat, by dueling,{{book ref|sa2|5}} by borrowing it from the owner or by inheritance.{{book ref|sa1|12}} It is common for Shardbearers to loan their Plate to others. Even the King's own Shardplate can be borrowed at a heavy price.{{book ref|sa1|58}}
Because of its weight, Shardplate cannot be donned without assistance. The Shardbearer often has a team of armorers to assist with putting the armor on.{{book ref|sa2|14}} The armor must be applied from the ground up, starting with the sabatons, or the wearer would be unable to support its weight.{{book ref|sa1|26}} Regular clothing, boots, and additional padding are worn underneath the Plate. When applied, each individual piece of Shardplate tightens to fit itself to the contours of the wearer.{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa2|14}}