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'''Shardblades''' were magical weapons ofthat unknowncould originbe whichfound wereon used[[Roshar]]. byPeople thewho possessed a Shardblade were called [[Knights RadiantShardbearer]]. onThey were generally associated with [[RosharShardplate]], it's armor-complement.
== Description ==
After the [[Recreance]] there were an estimated twenty Shardblades held by [[Alethkar]], another twenty for [[Jah Keved]], and approximately another forty spread out among the rest of the world.
There were at least three types of Shardblades{{ref|17s|2383|107}}. Out of those, two types have been identified.
Shardblades of the first type are about six feet long and a handspan wide and have only one edge. Those are the more common Shardblades.
The second type-Blades are also long, but thin and edged on both sides. They are smalles than the others. A Blade of that type was carried by [[Szeth]].{{ref|b|wok|c|prologue}}
Often, the Shardblade is somehow ornamented along the blade.
Shardblades were much longer than than an average blade (a notable exception being [[Szeth]]'s Shardblade).
They were unbreakable and could cut through any non-living material with ease. When a Shardblade encountered living flesh, it severed the creature's soul rather than its body; however, once the creature was killed, the remains interacted with the blade like any other non-living material.
== Magical abilities ==
Those that owned Shardblades were known as [[Shardbearer]]s
Shardblades could cut easily through anything inanimate, like stone or steel.{{ref|b|wok|c|prologue}} In contrast to this, it cuts through flesh without leaving a mark or spilling blood. However, when passing through the spine of a human, his eyes smoke and burn, blacken and shrivel up in their head.{{ref|b|wok|c|prologue}} It was said to sever the soul itself. However, once a creature was killed, the remains interacted with the Shardblade like any other non-living material. Also, when the Shardblade cut through a limb rather than the spine of a creature, the limb went dead beyond the point of healing.
The weapon could only be blocked by another Shardblade, by Shardplate or by [[Half-Shard]]s.
== Theories ==
* Shardblades are created by the [[Almighty]]
When needed, the Shardblade could be summoned from an unknown place to appear in the hand of it's Shardbearer. The process of summoning would take exactly ten heartbeats{{ref|b|wok|c|prologue}}. When summoned it formed as if condensing from mist, water beading along the metal length.
* Shardblades are related to the [[Honorblade]]s held by the [[Herald]]s.
When the Blade was dropped, it disappeared unless it was willed to stay, which was a protection from being taken by the enemy during battle.{{ref|b|wok|c|13}}
When the Shardbearer died, the weapon appeared next to the dead Shardbearer.{{ref|b|wok|c|prologue}} When taken up by someone different, the Shardblade bonds with the person picking it up.
When the Knights Radiant abandoned their Shardblades, the Blades continued to glow for some time.{{ref|b|wok|c|52}}
== TheoriesHistory ==
The origin of Shardblades was unknown. It was known that they the Knigths Radiant possessed Shardblades. Legend said that the Shardblades were "gifts of their god, granted to allow them to fight horrors of rock and flame".{{ref|b|wok|c|prologue}}
At the [[Recreance]] the Shardblades were abandoned by the Knights Radiant along with their Shardplate.{{ref|b|wok|c|52}}. Soldiers who were present picked them up. At that moment, least 200 Shardblades existed.
Later the Shardblades became objects of power and immense value. Wars were fought for them and a kingdoms power rose and fell with the number of Shardblades possessed.
AfterWhen the [[RecreanceWar of Reckoning]] was fought, there were an estimated twenty Shardblades held by [[Alethkar]], another twenty for [[Jah Keved]], and approximately another forty spread out among the rest of the world. Those forty include five Blades held by [[Thaylenah]], some by [[Selay]] and one held by [[Herdaz]].{{ref|b|wok|c|23}} Some Shardblades were held by the Parshendi.{{ref|b|wok|c|18}}
[[Kharbranth]]{{ref|b|wok|c|29}} and the [[Unkalaki]]{{ref|b|wok|c|23}} did not have a Shardblade.
== Known Shardbearers ==
* [[Adolin Kholin]]
* [[Amaram]]
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] - Oathbringer - until he traded it to Sadeas
* [[Elhokar Kholin]] - Sunraiser
* [[Eshonai]]{{clarify|The Parshendi Shardbearer featured in Brandon Sanderson's reading of Stormlight 2}}
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] - until his death
* [[Sadeas]] - Oathbringer
* [[Shallan]]
* The former king of Jah Keved and two of his guards
== Cosmere Background ==
Shardblades were Invested objects.{{ref|?|593|10|Who would win in a fight between Szeth and Marsh?}}
It has been theorized that they are stored in the spiritual realm, when not used. Also it seems to produce its effect in the spiritual realm, killing the soul of people and not the body.
A Shardblade bonds with it's Bearer. This seems to indicate a connection with [[Honor]]. It has been theorized that have been created by the [[Almighty]] who himself is theorized to be [[Honor]]. They also seem to have a connection with [[Honorblade]]s carried by the [[Herald]]s.
== Notes ==