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(Added portfolio of religions)
{{for|Final Ascension|more information}}
After Vin took the shard Preservation and attacked Ruin, both she and [[Ati]], the vessel of Ruin, were killed. Sazed took control of both Ruin and Preservation and ascended. The event later came to be known as the [[Final Ascension]] on Scadrial. He used the power of his shards along with knowledge from his metalminds to remake Scadrial as it had been before the Final Empire. He came to be known by the name '''[[Harmony]]'''.{{book ref|mb4}} His [[Sazed's rings|Feruchemical rings]] survived his ascension, as relics.{{wob ref|5951}}
=== Portfolio of Religions ===
Sazed's focus as a keeper was religions,specifically religions from before Rashek ascended. He collected over 500 of these religions, although we only know a few. He made a habit of preaching various religions to people, regarding himself as a preacher of all, while he himself belonged to no one religion. He stopped this practice following Tindwyl's death. The following is a list of the known religions Sazed knew of, and utilized during his ascension.{{book ref|mb3|82}}
*The [[Jaism]], who preached discord, and ended most every sentence with saying "Praise the Ja"{{book ref|mb1|10}}
*The [[Bennet]], who studied mapmaking. Sazed once preached this religion to Kelsier.{{book ref|mb1|29}}
*The [[Trelagism]], who worshiped the sky. stars, which they called the Thousand Eyes of their god, [[Trell]].{{book ref|mb1|9}}
*The [[Cazzi]], who worshiped death and studied the human body. Sazed once offered one of their prayers over the dead bodies of Vin's former crew.{{book ref|mb1|11}}
*The [[Dadradah]], who believed worshiping art brought them closer to god. This was the last religion Sazed taught, to [[Clubs]].{{book ref|mb2|50}}
*The [[Larsta]], who worshiped the beauty of nature. Kelsier's wife [[Mare]] was a member of this religion. He also uses this religion to marry Vin and Elend.{{book ref|mb2|48}}
*The [[Astalsi]], Who believe each person has a certain amount of luck attributed to them. Sazed preached this religion to Vin{{book ref|mb1|29}}
*[[Duis]] is a god known to watch over weary travelers.{{book ref|mb2|19}}
*[[HaDah]] is a religion that worships an agricultural god.{{book ref|mb2|4}}
*The [[Steel Ministry]] is the religion of the Lord Ruler. {{book ref|mb1|23}}
*The [[Valla]] were notable for surviving the Lord Ruler's persecution of other religions, surviving after their leaders were killed.{{book ref|mb1|29}}
== Hero of Ages Prophecy ==