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|profession={{cat tag|scholars|Scholar}} and [[Ardent]]
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Rushu''' is a scholar affiliated with the [[Kholin princedom]].{{book ref|sa2|4}}
|Navani, have you ever wondered why the [[Almighty]] gave beards to men, but not women? For that matter, why do we consider it feminine for a woman to have long hair? Should not more hair be a masculine trait? Many of them have quite a lot of it, you see.
|Rushu to [[Navani Kholin]]{{book ref|sa2|35}}
'''Rushu''' is an [[ardent]] that works as scholar affiliated with the [[Kholin princedom]].{{book ref|sa2|4}} Rushu is interested in the study of handwriting{{book ref|sa2|4}} and fabrials,{{book ref|sa2|35}} and does research that revolutionizes artifabrians' understanding of how Shardblades function.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
== History ==
=== Early Life ===
Rushu's early life is unknown, but she joined the ardentia at some point in her past to escape the advances of men, due to her extremely attractive appearance.{{book ref|sa2|35}} She became one of the Kholin scholars and worked often with Brightlady [[Navani Kholin]], who became fond of her and developed a high regard for Rushu's intelligence.
=== Research on the Shattered Plains ===
Rushu was summoned after the [[glyph]]s counting down to the arrival of the [[Everstorm]] were discovered for the first time.{{book ref|sa2|4}} Rushu observed that the glyphs were poorly drawn, asymmetrical and uneven, as well as vague in their meaning. She was charged by Navani to make a copy of those glyphs and not to speak of them to anyone. She is sent away by Navani so that she can speak to [[Highprince]] [[Dalinar Kholin]] privately.
Rushu was also present at Navani's test of the floating parapet made with the use of reverser [[fabrial]]s.{{book ref|sa2|35}} She is initially distracted, reading of [[Geranid]]'s experiments with [[spren#Flamespren|flamespren]], but soon focused on the project at hand. Rushu was excited that the parapet seemed to be working, but wished that she could have been on the platform itself to check the gemstones for cracks. Navani sent Rushu to inspect the gems with the other ardents, so that she can speak to her nephew Brightlord [[Adolin]] Kholin privately.
She is present after the glyphs indicating a countdown were discovered for the first time. She is charged by [[Navani Kholin]] to make a copy of those glyphs and not to speak of them to anyone.{{book ref|sa2|4}} Navani considers her brilliant.{{book ref|sa2|35}} She reads of [[Geranid]]'s experiments.
Rushu also later questioned why [[Shardblade]]s can be summoned or dismissed even if the gemstone on their hilt has gone dun.{{book ref|sa2|67}} She spent several weeks in contact with the ardents in [[Kharbranth]] via one of the [[Tashikk]]i relay stations to do some research in the [[Palanaeum]] on the subject. They reported to Rushu that they had found accounts that the Blades initially were not able to be summoned or dismissed until ornamental gemstones were added to their hilts. They also found stories of the hilts actually changing shape to accept the gemstones. This knowledge that Rushu provided was a breakthrough for artifabrians, helping them to realize that the only function of the gemstone was to aid in bonding the Blade, it was not part of a fabrial that made the sword supernaturally light and sharp.
She is a young female ardent with long eyelashes and button-like lips. She is somewhat oblivious, and joined the ardentia to escape the advances of men.{{book ref|sa2|35}} She is particularly skilled with handwritings.{{book ref|sa2|4}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
She is present at the first test of the floating archer platform.
Rushu is a very attractive young female ardent. Like many ardents, she keeps her head shaved.{{book ref|sa2|35}} Her face has delicate features, with long lush eyelashes and button-like lips.{{book ref|sa2|35}}{{book ref|sa2|4}}
Rushu is a brilliant scholar,{{book ref|sa2|35}} but occasionally somewhat oblivious to her surroundings.{{book ref|sa2|35}}{{book ref|sa2|4}} She does not notice hints or implied commands in others' words,{{book ref|sa2|35}} it often requires a direct command and multiple promptings to get her attention and make her realize what she is supposed to do.{{book ref|sa2|35}}{{book ref|sa2|4}} Rushu often gets distracted as well, reading scientific reports when she should be helping with an experiment.{{book ref|sa2|35}} She has trouble focusing, often wandering off on tangents and random thought experiments in conversation.{{book ref|sa2|35}} She joined the ardentia to escape the advances of men, but this did not work particularly well, as she still receives attention from many of the male ardents. She is particularly interested in the spren research{{book ref|sa2|35}} and the study of handwriting, among other things.{{book ref|sa2|4}} Rushu is also a courageous person that is willing to risk her safety for her studies, as evidenced by her desire to ride on the fabrial parapet as it ascended.{{book ref|sa2|35}}
She questions the presence of gemstones in [[Shardblade]]s, asking if they can be summoned or dismissed with stormlight-depleted gems. An ardent in [[Kharbranth]] finds some information which discusses how the gems were added for decorative purposes and then results in the blades being able to 'power' them with stormlight.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
== Notes ==
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{{complete|[[User:Windrunner|Windrunner]] ([[User talk:Windrunner|talk]]) 15:06, 28 June 2016 (MST)}}