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m (added some trivia)
Returned appear how they subconsciously think they should look at the time of their Return. A Returned can, with the correct training, learn to change their appearance.{{annotation ref|Warbreaker|chapter=22-2}} The old gods look old and the heroic gods look strong, as examples.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} However, common traits include being larger than normal humans, just under 7 feet in height, and giving off a color-altering aura of the 5th Heightening.
A Returned is able to suppress their divine Breath, altering their appearance to look like a normal human, loosing the Fifth Heightening in the process.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} However, a normal-looking Returned still has increasedtraits strengthcommonly andassociated speedwith Returned, immunitysuch toas disease,increased strength and agelessnessspeed.{{annotation ref|Warbreaker|chapter=22-2}}
== Religion ==