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Following from his beliefs regarding passion and emotions, he believes a world without such things as not being worth living in.{{book ref|sa3|57}} He also believes himself the only Vessel to truly understand pain and emotion, and the only one to truly care about mankind. He attempts to comfort people through insuring them that he understands them and their feelings, and that he truly cares about them.{{book ref|sa3|109}}{{book ref|sa4|i|4}} He wants to take away the pain of sapient beings, to take away their guilt for their actions. To allow them to fully indulge in their emotions and passions without having to feel the weight of pain or guilt.{{book ref|sa3|118}}{{book ref|sa3|119}} He offers to take away the pain as one of his primary methods of getting people to turn to him, as he preys on their pain, guilt, and insecurities.{{cite}} Despite his claims to love mankind, he considers the lives of humans and singers of inherently lesser value than his own, and looks down upon them.{{book ref|sa4|112}} He does, however, see his singers as more valuable soldiers than mankind, and is willing to use the blood of mankind to preserve and strengthen them.{{book ref|sa4|i|6}}
He is a man deeply driven by hatred and contempt, despite his kindly facade.,{{book ref|sa3|57}}{{book ref|sa4|32}} and is prone to bouts of anger.{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{book ref|sa3|i|11}}{{book ref|sa4|112}}
While willing to compliment people for their accomplishments, such as complimenting [[Taravangian]] for the creation of the [[Diagram (literature) | Diagram]], he often tries to immediately upstage said accomplishments and make them into nothing; this is likely motivated by his own megalomania and belief in the inferiority of mortals.{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{book ref|sa4|i|6}}{{book ref|sa4|112}}
