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'''Rayse''' is the original and current Vessel of the [[Shard]] [[Odium]].{{qa ref|700|7|Was Bavadin a Shard?|date=May 31st, 2011}} He used to be a human before taking the Shard, but is no longer one.{{wob ref|date=2017-3-21|4709|Kraków signing}}
By his own admission, the author of [[The Letter]] (presumably [[Hoid]]) holds a grudge against him and describes him as "among the most loathsome, crafty, and dangerous individuals I have ever met" and as a massive threat to the well-being of the entire [[cosmere]].{{article ref|The Letter}} If this is true, Rayse's original personality is a close match to the [[Intent]]intent of his Shard.
Rayse seeks to become the most powerful being in the cosmere{{wob ref|date=2011-11-5|5489|Alloy of Law 17th Shard Q&A}}, which he plans to achieve by Splintering the other Shards. In pursuit of this goal, he has [[Splinter]]ed [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]], [[Ambition]], and [[Honor]]. [[Harmony]], who holds more raw power than Odium, terrifies Rayse.{{wob ref|date=2014-03-04|4437|Words of Radiance Los Angeles Signing}}