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He strongly believes that Odium is the Shard of Passion, not hatred.{{book ref|sa4|31}}{{cite}} He sees passion and emotions as a very important aspect of the lives of men, seeing them as what defines a person.{{book ref|sa3|57}} He sees beauty in passion, and greatly respects those that led their passions consume them unrestrained. He even encourages this, inspiring them to give in to all of their strongest emotions. He also respects straightforwardness in one's emotions.{{book ref|sa3|57}}{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa4|i|6}} His respect for such things is enough that he would willingly barter with people he considers passionate enough, despite his megalomania.{{book ref|sa3|122}} He even respects the Knights Radiant for their honesty and willingness to do what they thought was best, despite their resistance against him.{{book ref|sa3|57}}
He is willing to grant people liberty from a master if it means that they would come to serve him, like when he granted mind and freedom to slaveform singers, so that they could assist him and his Fused in their fight to claim Roshar and free him from the system.{{cite}} He, however, is not a kind master to these peoples, using them as vessels to be possessed by his Fused.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}} He also strictly punishes disobedience in any form, and as mentioned previously, is angered by his orders or actions being questioned by those he deems inferior.{{book ref|sa4|i|2}}
Following from his beliefs regarding passion and emotions, he believes a world without such things as not being worth living in.{{book ref|sa3|57}} He also believes himself the only Vessel to truly understand pain and emotion, and the only one to truly care about mankind.{{book ref|sa3|109}}
He fears losing himself by taking up other Shards and thus becoming warped by them. Due to this, he attempted to Splinter Shards rather than absorbing them into himself.{{wob ref|4130}}{{wob ref|5489}}
He is a traitorous individual, as he is willing to double-cross those that he works with, such as [[Autonomy]], if it means achieving his goals.{{wob ref|15137}} He holds to his oaths, however, as he is incapable of breaking them.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
== Abilities ==
