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(Starsight history)
== History ==
=== The Fighter Program ===
Both Winzik and [[Cuna]] devised the fighter program to deal with the delvers. However, they had different methods of going about it. Winzik had his own secret agenda, wanting to control the delvers to threaten other planets with them to keep them in line, while Cuna wanted to more fully integrate "lesser" species into the Superiority.{{book ref|starsight|19}}
Winzik's plan failed after Spensa redirected the delver to Starsight, and eventually sent it back to the nowhere.{{book ref|starsight|44}} Trials were arranged for Winzik, with conflicting views in the Superioirty government about his actions. He still had some support, and he claimed that the humans had summoned the delver to Detritus, and that Morriumur was a hero. Many, including Cuna, didn't believe him.{{book ref|starsight|epilogue}}
=== Military Coup ===
|I have been warning about this threat for months, and have been disregarded. The humans should never have been allowed to fester. All these years, the high minister and the Department of Species Integration tied my hands, preventing me from doing what needed to be done.
|Winzik on a broadcast during his coup{{book ref|starsight|45}}
While Cuna was visiting Spensa in the hospital, Winzik staged a military coup on Starsight. He had his soldiers try and capture Cuna and Spensa, but Spensa managed to hide Cuna and escape the hospital. Winzik saw Spensa as a threat, and wanted her killed. After Brade blew up a Superiority transport on what was likely Winzik's orders, Winzik made it sound like Spensa had gone rogue, killing Minister Cuna and shooting at civilians. He used this as evidence to say that the humans really were the dangerous monsters he'd always said they were. He petitioned for a state of emergency to be declared, and for himself to be given the power to eliminate the humans.{{book ref|starsight|45}}
He presumably received those powers soon after, for after the humans were discovered to have [[Jorgen Weight|a second cytonic]], he sent a Superiority battleship with a planetary weapon to destroy Detritus.{{book ref|sf1|10}} The gambit failed however, after Detritus' Engineering Corps managed to get the shield up around the planet.{{book ref|sf1|11}} Winzik's coup had forced Cuna and several of their assistants to flee Starsight, hiding at the research outpost of [[Sunreach (station)|Sunreach]]{{book ref|Sf1|5}} Winzik sent a force of ships to besiege Cuna's position, but Cuna and their assistants were rescued by Skyward Flight.{{book ref|sf1|16}}
=== Other Schemes ===
Winzik soon became involved with the politics of [[ReDawn (planet)|ReDawn]]. He demanded that the [[UrDail]] hand over the humans he thought they were harboring. He suspected that they had been working directly with Spensa.{{book ref|sf2|2}} Winzik backed the Unity faction on ReDawn, and sent a Superiority shuttle with a cytonic inhibitor to help capture Alanik. In addition, his forces helped round up and capture pilots in the Independence faction.{{book ref|sf2|3}} Once the Independence leader, [[Rinakin]], was captured, Winzik used stolen holographic technology from M-Bot to replace him with an imposter, who publicly sided with the Superiority.{{book ref|sf2|20}}
Around the same time, Winzik initiated supposed peace talks with the National Assembly on Detritus. In return for a halt to hostilities, he wanted the humans to turn over their cytonics for "training". He also demanded that the humans turn over their [[taynix]].{{book ref|sf2|14}} During one of the peace talks, Winzik had [[Matthew Cobb|Admiral Cobb]] replaced by an imposter, again using the stolen holographic technology.{{book ref|sf2|22}}
Winzik's plans for ReDawn, the actions of Alanik and Skyward Flight breaking the Unity faction's and the Superiority's control on ReDawn.{{book ref|sf2|22}} Though his ploy on ReDawn failed, the National Assembly back on Detritus agreed to Winzik's terms, and brought Cuna and [[Becca Nightshade]] to a Superiority ship for a last peace talk. [[Jeshua Weight]], along with many other members of the National Assembly, came to the ship as well. Winzik had them locked into a room on the ship, and set a bomb on the ship to blow them up. Though Skyward Flight figured out Winzik's scheme and rescued Cuna, Cobb, and Gran-Gran, the captive members of the National Assembly were blown up by the bomb.{{book ref|sf2|23}}
When members of Skyward Flight went to [[Evershore (planet)|Evershore]] to meet with the [[kitsen]] and retrieve Gran-Gran and Cobb, Winzik sent a large force to attack Evershore in retribution. The ships attacked the cities directly, mainly the capital of [[Dreamspring], the attack including a [[lifebuster]]. However, his attack was foiled when Jorgen and [[Rodge McCaffery|Rig]] managed to hyperjump the entire planet of Detritus to Evershore to join the fight.{{book ref|sf3|20}}
|I am the noise that end that pain. I can round up every cytonic in the galaxy. I can make it so none of them ever bother you again. Never... corrupt you again.
|Winzik's promise to the delvers{{book ref|cytonic|i|1}}
Despite his previous failures, Winzik continued his plans to use the Delvers. He communicated with the delvers, speaking cytonically through Brade. He offered a deal with them, saying that if they helped him solidify his position of power, only attacking where he wanted, he would get rid of all the cytonics annoying them.{{book ref|cytonic|i|1}} Spensa cytonically eavesdropped on the first conversation with the delvers, and Winzik and Brade tricked her the next time. Brade and Spensa clashed, generating a lot of cytonic noise. Winzik used this to demonstrate his point further, and the delvers agreed to his proposition.{{book ref|cytonic|i|3}} Winzik first tested out the delvers by having one attack an unpopulated planet, in case he didn't have a full hold on them.{{book ref|cytonic|33}}
== Notes ==
