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m (→‎Roshar: Clarify timing of events; I also don't think it's clear that Nightblood was only able to kill Rayse because of the tension between Vessel and Shard--it's certainly possible, but there's a generalized WoB about the Vessel being in danger and I think it's better to not assume that Vessels who are better-adapted to their Shard are safe :))
(→‎Roshar: added Nightblood's damage to Ishar's Honorblade)
Szeth chooses to leave Nightblood a distance away when interacting with his [[Highspren]].{{book ref|sa4|i|7}}
During their campaign to free [[Emul]], Nightblood accompanies Szeth, Dalinar, and several Windrunners to parley with [[Ishar]]. Crazed, Ishar attempts to form a [[Connection]] with Dalinar to steal his bond to the [[Stormfather]]. Inside of Dalinar's [[perpendicularity]], Szeth uses Nightblood to sever this Connection, thereby saving Dalinar. While Szeth duels [[Ishar]], Nightblood manages to chip off a piece of Ishar's [[Honorblade]], shocking Ishar and causing him to flee.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
Nightblood later accompanies Szeth when the Skybreaker invades [[Taravangian]]'s prison and murders him with a normal knife. Just before Taravangian dies, [[Odium]] arrives to question him, but Taravangian grabs the cognitive manifestation of Nightblood and uses it to attack the Shard. Taravangian then died, but, before he could pass into the [[Beyond]], Nightblood killed Odium's Vessel, [[Rayse]], but was sated by the Investiture required to do so and left the [[Shard]] itself intact, which allowed Taravangian to Ascend as the new Vessel of Odium.{{book ref|sa4|113}}