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m (→‎Roshar: Clarify timing of events; I also don't think it's clear that Nightblood was only able to kill Rayse because of the tension between Vessel and Shard--it's certainly possible, but there's a generalized WoB about the Vessel being in danger and I think it's better to not assume that Vessels who are better-adapted to their Shard are safe :))
During the [[War of Reckoning]] and the [[True Desolation]], Vasher remains on Roshar and has been there for quite some time.{{wob ref|6267}} Vivenna subsequently appears on Roshar under the identity of [[Azure]], searching for Vasher and Nightblood.{{wob ref|1892}} As Azure, Vivenna carries a sword of unknown origin that shares some similar characteristics with Nightblood.{{book ref|sa3|108}}{{wob ref|10477}} [[Borea]], an [[honorspren]] in [[Shadesmar]], wants to know more about the sword; she recalls Nightblood passing through several years ago and agrees to trade information with Vivenna.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
Szeth chooses to leave Nightblood a distance away when interacting with his [[Highspren]].{{book ref|sa4|i|7}}
During their campaign to free [[Emul]], Nightblood accompanies Szeth, Dalinar, and several Windrunners to parley with [[Ishar]]. Crazed, Ishar attempts to form a [[Connection]] with Dalinar to steal his bond to the [[Stormfather]]. Inside of Dalinar's [[perpendicularity]], Szeth uses Nightblood to sever this Connection, thereby saving Dalinar.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
Nightblood later accompanies Szeth when the Skybreaker invades [[Taravangian]]'s prison and murders him with a normal knife. InJust thebefore Taravangian dies, [[Cognitive RealmOdium]], duringarrives theto timequestion betweenhim, deathbut andTaravangian enteringgrabs the [[Beyond]],cognitive Taravangianmanifestation isof confrontedNightblood byand [[Odium]],uses whoit isto inattack athe vulnerableShard. stateTaravangian duethen todied, abut, conflictbefore ofhe interestcould betweenpass into the [[RayseBeyond]]—the, vessel—andNightblood Odium—thekilled Shard.Odium's TaravangianVessel, reaches[[Rayse]], thebut cognitivewas manifestationsated ofby Nightbloodthe andInvestiture uses itrequired to destroydo Rayse,so freeingand the power ofleft the [[Shard]] toitself beintact, takenwhich up byallowed Taravangian, whoto AscendsAscend toas the new Vessel of Odium.{{book ref|sa4|113}}
== Cosmere Significance ==