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== History ==
=== Scadrial ===
{{quote| My friend, annotated with locations as per your instructions.|Nazh{{map ref|Elendel}}}}
| Nazh{{map ref|Elendel}}
Nazh traveled to [[Scadrial]] sometime after the year {{date|341|FA}} and obtained a map of [[Elendel]] made by the [[Canton of Cartography]], which he then annotated with certain locations of the city and signed with a message, with the intention of delivering it to their friend.{{map ref|Elendel}}
His name and annotations can also be found on the new maps released in the trade paperback edition of the [[Mistborn trilogy]].
He is referencedmentioned in Bandsan of Mourning, being mentionedadvertisement in a[[The broadsheetNew advertisementAscendancy]] broadshet suggesting people hearing talking tools to report it to K and N (which is thought to reference [[Khrissalla|Khriss]] and Nazh).{{article ref|The New Ascendancy}}
Khriss and Nazh met with [[Kelsier]] in the middle of [[Lake Luthadel]]'s impression in the [[Cognitive Realm]].{{msh ref|3|2}}
He appeared, together with Khriss, in Mistborn: Secret History.
=== Roshar ===
| I had to spend hours watching the bridgemen to sketch their stupid forehead glyphs so you could have them, my friend.
| Nazh{{ref|name=wor-art}}
On [[Roshar]] in late {{date/sa|year=1173}}, he observed the freed [[bridgemen]] from [[Bridge Four]] to sketch the [[glyph]]s they had had tattooed on their forehead to indicate their freedom, as well as the insignia on their uniforms and the ''sas nahn'' and ''shash'' glyphs their [[Alethkar#Military|captain]], [[Kaladin]], had, for presumably the same person as the Elendel map.{{ref|name=wor-art}}