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145 bytes added ,  2 years ago
→‎Post Catacendre: was written in present tense, fixed it
(→‎Pre Catacendre: Was written in present tense, fixed this section)
(→‎Post Catacendre: was written in present tense, fixed it)
=== Post Catacendre ===
SheMeLaan iswas the kandra who givesgave [[Waxillium Ladrian]] his earring; a hemalurgic spike to let Harmony communicate with him.{{wob ref|10004}}
MeLaan once again meetsmet Wax at [[Lady ZoBell's party]]. She introducesintroduced herself as Milan, a slight mispronunciation of her real name. After seeming to flirt with Wax, she walkswalked away.
After the party, she savessaved Wax from the [[Set]] agents who had ambushed him. She revealsrevealed that she iswas a kandra sent by [[Harmony]] to help him.{{book ref|mb5|11}}
Later, she meetsmet Wax, [[Wayne]], and [[Marasi]] at a tavern. She goeswent on to help them on their quest to defeat [[Bleeder]]. MeLaan impersonatesimpersonated one of Governor [[Replar Innate]]'s guards and savessaved Wax from Bleeder after the rogue kandra revealsrevealed herself. {{book ref|mb5|22}}
With Bleeder unmasked and on the run, MeLaan attemptsattempted to impersonate Governor Innate in her stead with the intent of placating the angry crowed. While the crowd believesbelieved the ruse, MeLaan's natural inclinations to mimicry movemoved her away from the speech that Marasi planed and she endsended up inflaming the crowd instead of calming the people down. Before a riot cancould break out [[Aradel]] intervenesintervened. He arrestsarrested MeLaan and gainsgained the support of the gathered citizenry by promising them justice.{{book ref|mb5|26}}
MeLaan did not know about the true identity of Bleeder and was told only afterward. However she firmly believed that Harmony had done the right thing in not informing Wax of the true identity of his antagonist. After the defeat of Bleeder she continuescontinued to impersonate Governor Innate, "hanging" herself in her cell so that she doesdid not have to falsely testify in a court of law.{{book ref|mb5|Epilogue}}
{{image|MeLaan Shuravf.jpg|side=right|width=250px|MeLaan dodging bullets during a gunfight}}
MeLaan agreesagreed to accompany Wax, Marasi, Wayne and [[Steris]] on their mission to [[New Seran]] in the hope of curing [[ReLuur]]'s insanity by restoring his spike.{{book ref|mb6|3}} Reluur was injured looking into myths about [[The Bands of Mourning]]. Wax couldn’t find MeLaan isduring the fight, and later found her topless with Wayne onin thea tripcompartment.{{book ref|mb6|9}}
When the group arrivesarrived in the city MeLaan shocksshocked several of them by turning into a man, indicating that she iswas comfortable as either sex.{{book ref|mb6|10}} MeLaan aidsaided Wax and Steris at [[Kelesina Shores]]'s ball, helping Wax escape from the scene after he iswas framed for Kelesina's murder.{{book ref|mb6|16}} After escaping, she travelstraveled with the party to the crashed [[Brunstell]], where she and Marasi findfound ReLuur's spike and liberateliberated [[Allik Neverfar]]. Together the three of them reconvenereconvened with Wax and Wayne and escape on one of the Brunstell's ships called [[Wilg]]. After Marasi iswas injured in the escape, MeLaan iswas able to graft a piece of Marasi's own flesh onto the wound to heal her.{{book ref|mb6|21}} After retrieving Steris, they gowent to the second site to retrieve the Bands of Mourning. MeLaan's invulnerability provesproved critical in reaching the temple where they arewere supposedly stored, as she iswas able to survive the damage of the many traps the [[Sovereign]] had left behind.{{book ref|mb6|23}} However she iswas immobilized by [[Sequence]] on reaching the temple and loseslosing her spikes, reverting to a [[mistwraith]].{{book ref|mb6|26}} After the battle for the Bands, MeLaan's spike iswas returned by Wayne and her selfsentience iswas restored.{{book ref|mb6|29}} The Bands arewere left in her keeping to keep them from being used for political purposes or conquest.{{book ref|mb6|31}}
== Notes ==
