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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor''', shortened to '''Lunamor''' or simply '''Rock''', is an [[Unkalaki]] on [[Roshar]]. He is now a third son of his parents, as such he is a craftsman according to Unkalaki culture, however was born a fourth, and has recieved combat training.{{book ref|woksa1|49}} He calls himself Rock because he doesn't believe others can pronounce his real name which is actually a poem about a very special rock his father discovered the day before Rock's birth.{{book ref|woksa1|27}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Rock is a large man. He is nearly seven feet tall with thick limbs and a powerful torso. He has tan skin and deep red hair.{{book ref|twoksa1|14}}
When he can shave, he leaves long, red-blond sideburns, but shaves his chin and lip.{{book ref|twoksa1|40}}
He is quick to laugh. He is a jovial man, generally liked by people around him. He is extremely respectful to spren, to [[Syl]]'s delight and [[Kaladin]]'s annoyance.{{book ref|twoksa1|23}}
<gallery caption="Images of Rock">
He traveled to the [[Shattered Plains]] with his ''[[nuatoma]]'' in the hopes of gaining [[Shardplate]] and [[Shardblade]] for his people. His ''nuatoma'' challenged [[Torol Sadeas]] to a duel because he believed it would be easier to first gain the Shardplate, then try for a Shardblade. After Sadeas won and killed his ''nuatoma'', Rock and his entourage became servants to Sadeas.
Sadeas used Rock as a cook. Rock prepared one meal for him in which he put [[chull]] dung in the soup and the bread, used it as a garnish on the pork steak, and made a chutney out of it for the buttered garams because he was angry about his ''nuatoma'''s death. He was then sent to the [[bridge crew]]s{{book ref|woksa1|23}} and became a member of [[Bridge Four]].
=== Bridge Four ===
Rock joined the bridge crews in early 1173 and spent several months there before [[Kaladin]] was appointed his new bridgeleader.{{book ref|sa3|37}} The next morning when Kaladin claimed that Bridge Four would never lose another man, Rock laughed at Kaladin and refused to practice carrying the bridge.{{book ref|sa1|14}} Rock bet the other bridgemen a few chips that Kaladin was carrying a lightweight board to practice and was surprised when he was proved wrong. Later that day on a bridge run, Kaladin takes Rock's place at the deathpoint of the bridge during the final approach.{{book ref|sa1|17}} Rock is surprised by Kaladin's decision, but accepts. After the bridge has been placed, Rock takes shelter behind a rock formation. When Kaladin struggles to save an injured [[Dabbid]], Rock follows and carries the man back to shelter himself. He and Teft go out again to save a badly wounded [[Leyten]] as well. After Kaladin has treated them, Rock warns Kaladin that injured bridgemen who cannot walk must be left behind and that Gaz will not allow them to save Leyten and Dabbid.
Later he offers some of his food to feed the wounded and helps Kaladin gather the antiseptic called [[knobweed|knobweed sap]].{{book ref|woksa1|23}} They sell some of the knobweed sap they gather, and with the money they gain they buy supplies so Rock can cook for [[Bridge Four]]. After this most of the bridgemen start training with Kaladin.{{book ref|woksa1|27}}
While Kaladin is recovering from being strung in a [[highstorm]], Rock is made the bridgeleader of Bridge Four. However they just start calling Rock squadleader, and Kaladin captain. To thank him for his cooking, Bridge Four buys him a razor, to which Rock actually grows teary-eyed. He is very grateful for it{{book ref|woksa1|40}} and he starts shaving the beards of all members of the Bridge Four.{{book ref|woksa1|43}}
=== Post-Narak ===
== Attributes and Abilities ==
He can see [[spren]], or ''mafah’liki'' in the Unkalaki tongue, even when they do not want to appear to him. Horneaters call people with this ability ''alaii’iku''. It is implied there are other people like him. Rock says that [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity|the waters of life]] are involved with him having this ability.{{book ref|worsa2|46}}
He is quite proficient in archery, though he refuses to fight because being a soldier is not considered an esteemed profession in Unkalaki culture.{{book ref|twoksa1|49}}
Rock is also incredibly strong even considering his large and powerful frame, as he was able to use a Shardbow with proficiency on what must have been his first try. These bows are described as having draw weights so huge that only men in Shardplate could use them.
<!--== Relationships ==-->
== Quotes ==
{{quote|Airsick lowlanders.|Rock}}
|Airsick lowlanders.
{{quote|We take to the skies, Stormblessed.|Rock{{book ref |Oathbringer|37}}}}
|Rock{{book ref|sa3|37}}
{{quote|Rlain, is okay to throw things at Eth.|Rock to [[Rlain]]{{book ref |Oathbringer|55}}}}
|Rock to [[Rlain]]{{book ref |sa3|55}}
== Notes ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
