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==== Organization and Hierarchy ====
The listener army is divided into multiple divisions, each one hundred and twenty-eight in number. These divisions have their own name, and may sometimes be made up of of different forms entirely. An example of this is the Storm Division, a division made up entirely of Stormforms.{{book ref|Sa2|i|11}} Some of these divisions may join into a single army called a warband.{{book ref|Sa4|86}} During wartime the listeners also have many warpair scouts, usually from a single division, roaming around, searching for any sign of their enemies. Near the end of the War of Reckoning the entire army was around seventeen thousand listeners, or roughly one hundred and thirty-three divisions, strong.{{book ref|Sa2|i|11}}
The listener military is commanded by a general, also called a warleader, who is also the warform representative in the Council of Five. During the War of Reckoning [[Eshonai]] served as general.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} Beneath the general are a number of lieutenants. It is likely that these lieutenants control a division each.{{book ref|Sa2|i|11}}
