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(Venli relationship + few other small changes)
She is one of the singer leaders during the [[Siege of Kholinar]]. In her view that is because she is one of the few fused who are still sane.{{book ref|sa3|54}} Moash thinks her place in the chain of command is closer to that of a field captain than a [[highprince]].{{book ref|sa3|121}} A Fused of high enough station that the leaders defer to her but not high enough that she is required to stay out of fights.{{book ref|sa4|5}} Leshwi chooses her station carefully.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
Passion is an important virtue to Leshwi.{{book ref|sa3|54}} This likely is related to the fact that Odium believes 'Passion' to be his intent.{{wob ref|9507}} Leshwi requires those who serve her to have Passion and will not hire those who don'tdo not demonstrate it. {{book ref|sa4|11}}
== Abilities and Attributes==
After the events in Urithiru and the fighting between the singers and the humans, Kaladin offers Leshwi aid and a place to stay in Narak, but she declines.{{book ref|sa4|114}}
=== Venli ===
Venli serves as the Voice of Lady Leshwi,
expressing Leshwi's desires to others. Initially Leshwi treats Venli with coldness due to her position as a servant. However after her Voice's actions in Urithiru, spying on Raboniel and helping Leshwi protect Kaladin's family, Leshwi begins to warm to her. When Venli reveals she has bonded a Radiant Spren Leshwi is overjoyed.
== Notes ==
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